With the recent addition of more displays, statuettes and Sunspire trial, there are now not enough slots to place all Collectible Furnishings at Notable houses.
I'm reporting this since more dungeons are coming (so more trophies), more trials are coming (so more busts), more statuettes monthly and also more displays from achievements in next Elsweyr DLC, and we already reached the max amount of collectibles we can place at homes.
I know, no need to display them all, right? Then why creating/releasing them if we can't place/display them?
Personally, I like to display them all and a lot of players have created museums specifically to show this type of stuff.
One option would be to have statuettes, displays and coffers count as regular furniture, not collectibles, or directly increase slots limit.
Current amount of slots is 110, while there are now 116 Collectible Furnishings in the game:
• 47 Undaunted Busts
- 36 Dungeons
- 8 Trials
- 3 Arenas
• 47 Undaunted Trophies
- 36 Dungeons
- 8 Trials
- 3 Arenas
• 8 Statuettes
- Azura, Moon and Star
- Clavicus Vile, Masque
- Hircine, the Huntsman
- Malacath, Orc-Father
- Molag Bal, the Brutal
- Sheogorath, the Mad
- Suthay, Nimble Bishop
- Vivec, Warrior-Poet
• 8 Storage
- 4 Coffers
- 4 Chests
• 6 Displays
- Augur of the Obscure
- Fan of False-Face
- Replica of the Xinchei-Konu
- Replica Rithana-di-Renada
- Revolving Celestiodrome
- Vvardenfell Scale Model
• 116 Collectible Furnishings
Edited by Dragonnord on June 18, 2019 5:03PM SERVER: NA | PLATFORM: PC | OS: Windows 10 | CLIENT: Steam | ESO PLUS: Yes