If you give it an execute you bump up every magicka class without an executioner (they are 3 now), which would be nice. Make it even an execute Dot.
CambionDaemon wrote: »Another magicka execute would be good, but I wish that they reduced the threshold of all executes to 10-15% tops. 50% is beyond stupid, as an execute is (in this context) a killing blow.
Yea, trick would be to setup the execute so magblades, sorcs, and Templars wouldn’t want to use it but the other classes will.
TheNightflame wrote: »Healers use pulsar with the blackrose destro in 4 man content though
IF, however, the ele drain destro coming in Q4 or the force siphon destro in Q4 becomes the new healer BiS, then for sure feel free to take it! Otherwise, not yet pls...
WrathOfInnos wrote: »
@CambionDaemon It would probably need to scale the same way as other “50%” executes (radiant, executioner, Poison Injection, Whirlwind). If it says it gives up to 100% bonus damage to low health targets, what that means is that the bonus damage at any instant will be based on current health, and scale linearly.
- 50% Health, 0% Bonus
- 40% Health, 20% Bonus
- 30% Health, 40% Bonus
- 20% Health, 60% Bonus
- 10% Health, 80% Bonus
- 0% Health, 100% Bonus
Realistically you will never see the maximum bonus, since it would require using the skill against an opponent that is already dead.
CambionDaemon wrote: »
I know how it would work, my issue is with the starting points of all executes. Starting to get bonus damage at 50% is completely stupid, having the threshold reduced across the board would help with the insane damage in PvP as well.
WrathOfInnos wrote: »
But my point is that these executes are not effective at 50%, they start to scale up after this point, but are still weaker than non-execute abilities until the target drops below a lower health threshold. The highest of any of these is Magplar’s beam, which becomes equal to spamming Ele Weapon or Force Pulse at around 40% enemy health (equal, not more powerful, so still not even beneficial to use at this point, just not detrimental either). For a Stamcro, executioner has a break-even point with Venom Skull at 35% enemy health.
Another noteworthy comparison is Killer’s Blade vs Executioner. KB does not have any linear scaling, it’s simply no bonus damage before 25%, and 300% bonus damage after 25%. Both skills have the same base damage. Executioner only surpasses the damage of Killer’s Blade when the enemy is below 7% health. KB is widely considered the better ability despite having no bonus damage until 25%. While executioner begins scaling at 50%, but is not a good option until a much lower health threshold.
Im saying that tooltip “starting point” is a meaningless value. Every execute in the game starts becoming worthwhile in the range of 20%-40% health, and they seem to be well-balanced around how well each class does pre-execute. Like Magicka Templar is pretty weak in the early stages of a fight, but they make up for it by starting their execute earliest and dealing the most damage against enemies with very low health. Magicka Sorcerer is the opposite, very powerful in the beginning of a fight, with their bonus damage passive against high-health enemies. Their execute doesn’t work until after 20% enemy health, and does not scale up beyond this point. It is barely powerful enough to keep their DPS from dropping in the final phases of a fight, as their Amplitude passive fades away. Many Sorcs do not even bother slotting their execute skill in PVE, due to extremely limited bar space.
CambionDaemon wrote: »
I get what you saying. My point is though there shouldn't be any scaling, executes should start at around 10/15%. Also all classes should have an execute. The only reason that I slot Endless Fury is for the extra magicka back, and I have space because I refuse to run pets (horrid things).
AcadianPaladin wrote: »I'm a big fan of on-the-ground AoE DoTs like blockade, lightning flood, shards, winter's revenge, etc. Give me an impulse morph that reaches out to 28M, drops an 8M radius and does 8 seconds worth of decent damage on the ground and I'd be a fan.I like putting two such AoE DoTs on the ground but would adore putting down three of them.