I have zero tolerance for racism, homophobia, sexism, or general ***, we are here to help our members, not to destroy them. primarily a social guild however, we also do group events, dungeon runs, trading (when we have the gold for it) Live raffles, live auctions etc. We have a unique ranking/currency system, information will be given when and if you join. We set goals for the guild to reach to have a chance to earn rewards. Prizes such as psn cards, eso crown items, etc will be given through monthly raffles.
One thing to note we are a gaming community, not just an eso guild, MMO based gaming community. Our main goal is to give players a reason to login. Please be aware we are a social guild first, participation on some level is required, Discord, website, game chat, or game text chat.
A social guild is only as great as it's members. Overcome your shyness and grab a mic and join us in guild chat 1! your game will never be the same! New players and friends are waiting for you to take part in guild activities, why else would you join a social guild?
Things to know:
We don't recruit just anyone, we have a two week inactivity policy, Roster is cleaned monthly at random which is why our numbers are so low, once we have 350 members, I will start buying the prizes for monthly live raffles, giveaways, etc. Once activity improves and the numbers are up we will do so much more for our members!
How to get in contact:
PSN: Next_Mr_Big
In-Game Guild finder: social as primary group pve as secondary, should show us as second on the list. MerchantAndMercs
Or leave a comment of your psn and ill send party inv or friend request,.
Edited by nextmrbig on June 16, 2019 7:53PM