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Maintenance for the week of September 23:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 23

An Open Thank You

Been playing ESO for about five days at the time of this writing. I just want to thank all the players out there that have been questing/doing stuff in Elsweyr that have saved my bacon in these dungeons. Everybody has been so nice letting me tag along, do some damage and finish some quests. When we're done in a particular location we go our separate ways but again, I would like to say thanks.

The next is a short story you don't have to read if you don't want to. I would rather warn you than get a "tl, dr"!

The highlight was Sunday or Monday when I went up to Scar's Edge to grab the Mural Fragment. I saw a crouched, lone archer and I was wondering what was going on. So I waited around to see what was happening. Keep in mind I was only level 13 at the time but I'm always willing to lend a hand if needed/wanted. He stood up, looked at me and ran off. I followed and we took down the minotaur that "guards" the mural fragment. The archer was a much higher skill level than myself so it was no problem. So he went back to waiting. A couple more minutes went by and a couple other players showed up. A couple more minutes and it was like ESO royalty showed up. These guys were glowing and here I am in my iron armor. So I'm thinking I'll watch and stay out of the way; they got this. But they actually invited me (there must've been an open slot and I was there). I mean, they could've blown me off because, honestly, what could I do but they included me anyway! So nice for a low-level scrub like me to be invited and included. The big lion went down in literally a minute but the experience for me was terrific!

I finally made it to Rimmen and I find myself wandering around looking at all the amazing characters you players have created. So if you look up after checking your inventory or whatever some time and you see a scrub in dull, ugly iron armor, it's probably me being in awe! Don't hit me!

Thanks again for the help and thanks for reading!
Platform: PC
Server: NA
  • veroxiousvemo
    I love reading posts like this :)
    G'day! | Xbox NA CP1666
  • LadySinflower
    I have a similar story about asking for help in chat to take down a world boss in Summerset. Three guys came to help me. After taking down that boss we stayed grouped to take down the rest of them. This was during the anniversary event so we took turns picking up/sharing quests. We got on the subject of gear and I said I was going to farm for spinners and mothers sorrow and wanted to try to complete a build online (with variations of sets to use). They looked it up and saw that the monster set for this build was Valkyn Skoria. So they took the time to carry me through vCoA. I am not a baby toon at CP500 but have no experience in vet dungeons. Afterward they complimented me on holding up my own weight despite never having been there before, and they gave me their helms and burning spellweave pieces. A simple request for world boss help went so much farther. The ESO community is wonderful! Despite the occasional problems like the jerks camping Cyrodiil quest turn in areas to farm PvErs during the last event, this really is a great place to play and make friends. I am often surprised at the generosity of other players and try to play it forward. ESO people are a fantastic group!
  • gwdodd
    Thanks LadySinflower for sharing your nice experience!
    Platform: PC
    Server: NA
  • Veinblood1965
    Good post. I have mains including a master crafter but decided to roll a mag necro and play him with no help from my mains and use no CP points, nothing period. It's been fun actually. Last night stumbled across the world boss in Elsewyr at the bottom of the map and nobody was there, being just level 16 I waited around. Eventually a few 810's showed up but they were all just waiting also. I put on my big girl panties and ran in and whacked the boss and actually managed to not die by roll dodging for a few seconds and they all followed. After the kill one of the peeps congratulated me on surviving and sent me 1000 gold probably because my armor was mismatched, iron helm etc. I did keep it though as I figure it's part of my playing like I'm new play style so it counts!

    Was nice to see that happen.

    On a side note it's fun playing with no enchants or potions or good armor except what drops! The highlight of my night last night was acquiring a purple ring.
    Edited by Veinblood1965 on June 13, 2019 4:14PM
  • ChunkyCat
    You’re welcome for my service.
  • Nestor
    I would caution against engaging a boss when others show up until you know they are ready.

    Frequently I run with a group and we wait for all members to show up before we start. If some random jumps the gun, we may let you die until the rest of our group shows up so we all get credit.

    So, just ask, maybe activate a buff that does not aggro or ask on chat or jump up and down in front of them, somebody will usually indicate something. We usually put out a say along the lines of, "waiting for the rest of the zerg or group" or "we are bringing a zerg"

    And, with World Bosses, don't wait, put out a LFM and the name of the Boss. People will show up eventually.
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • XiDiabolismiX
    Post like these make me remember the good ‘old days of when I started playing... *sigh*

    I came from enjoying morrowind/oblivion/skyrim to see if I could get into this one also. I was hooked from the first day. Questing, fighting, and leveling my way through the world with no signs or directions. Best times I’ve ever had in the game.

    Now I’ve done the content so much and can level a new character in a day, it’s grown dull trying to quest and take things slow and enjoy the scenery. I worry more about getting a certain character maxed and geared out so I can run a trial for the 1000000th time..

    Enjoy it while it lasts. Best times are in your present!
  • gwdodd
    Hi and thanks for your post, Diabol!
    I'll keep what you've written in mind, while I'm getting my tail kicked everywhere I go, lol!
    Platform: PC
    Server: NA
  • Zacuel
    *cries* I'm eso old now so I don't feel feelings like that no more.
  • gwdodd
    Grass is always greener, I guess. I aspire to be unstoppable and unafraid! But I am enjoying the game and my character is getting stronger!
    Platform: PC
    Server: NA
  • LadySinflower
    gwdodd wrote: »
    Thanks LadySinflower for sharing your nice experience!

    You're very welcome! It was such a great experience and I made 3 new friends.
  • LadySinflower
    Nestor wrote: »
    I would caution against engaging a boss when others show up until you know they are ready.

    Frequently I run with a group and we wait for all members to show up before we start. If some random jumps the gun, we may let you die until the rest of our group shows up so we all get credit.

    So, just ask, maybe activate a buff that does not aggro or ask on chat or jump up and down in front of them, somebody will usually indicate something. We usually put out a say along the lines of, "waiting for the rest of the zerg or group" or "we are bringing a zerg"

    And, with World Bosses, don't wait, put out a LFM and the name of the Boss. People will show up eventually.

    I totally agree here. I was killing dragons last night and there was this one guy who always seemed to wind up at the same Dragons as me. I was flying solo but there was a group that appeared to be traveling together. I would wait for them to arrive but this one player kept running out and engaging the dragon by himself. The dragon would kill him every time and I'd just stand there. I'm not stupid enough to go after a dragon with just one other person there. If you do that the dragon will kill you in no time. I finally typed in chat for him to stop it, and believe it or not he did!
  • Jaimeh
    Thank you for sharing your experience, what a lovely story! I remember the feeling of being in awe of everything and everyone around me when I started playing, it's both overwhelming and exciting. Being a veteran player has its perks, but that sense of wonder and discovery is one of the best things :smile:
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