Maintenance for the week of September 9:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 9

The best BLASTBONES jokes ever.

Lets start:

1) The Blastbones IA is a copy of the entire Fallout 76.
2) Blastbones: Ohhhh, i see you summoned me, let me get an aneurysm.
3) Blastbones: Sorry, i was distracted, did we already win? (you are dead).
4) Blastbones: Look! an enemy! so sad i have a broken leg, auch auch, it hurts.
5) Blastbones: An enemy! Better play dead.
6) Blastbones uses Stroke, its super effective, on himself.
7) You are soooo st%pid, even a Blastbones is Doctor in Quantum Physics at your side.
8) The original Sonic movie used Blastbones as main model, they changed their minds after noticing he doesnt know how to run.
9) Each WoW player who access ESO first time, is assigned to a Blastbones.
10) Myth says, every time a LoL player dies, it reincarnates in a Blastbones.

Ok, give me your best XD
Amo la caricia de la noche y el susurro del viento sobre mi cuchilla helada.
J'aime la caresse de la nuit et le frémissemet du vent sur ma dague froide.
I love the touch of the night and the whisper of the wind on my cold dagger.
La Rose Noire (Khajit Stamblade): Melee DPS PvE, Ganker PvP.
La Rose Rouge (Dunmer MagDK): Melee DPS PvE, OffTank PvP, Duelist PvP.
La Rose de Sang (Breton Magblade): Healer PvE, Healer PvP.
La Rose Sacreé (Argonian Magplar): Healer PvE, OffTank PvP.
La Rose Toxique (Redguard StamDK): Melee DPS PvE, Tank PvE, OffTank PvP, Duelist PvP.
La Rose en Glace (Breton MagWarden): Tank PvE, CCTank PvP.
  • Bergzorn
    It may not work often, but when it does, not even keep doors can stop it!
    no CP PvP PC/EU

    EP Zergborn
    DC Zerg Beacon

    guild master, raid leader, janitor, and only member of Zergbored
  • UnseenCat
    60 percent of the time, it works every time!
  • darthgummibear_ESO
    It just works.
  • EvilAutoTech
    Man, I thought they were gonna be funny. Or at least dirty. Get it?
    Edited by EvilAutoTech on June 12, 2019 9:12PM
  • bluebird
    Blastbones! Now with 16 times the detail of base game skeletons!

    Crowd: disappointed with blastbones. Developer: What, do you guys not have bones???
  • bluebird
    Also, the best blastbones joke is the skill Blastbones because it's a joke. *Mind blown* So meta :lol:
  • Grandma
    hell yeah we're adding blastbones to fallout 76.
    GH / 3/04/2021 / Elemental Catalyst Necromancer
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