Ticket number 190609-001294
Platform ps4
Character name - Ser Brienne Of Tarth (however she is currently Ser Brienne Of Stuck In The Mesh)
Issues - stuck in the mesh
This was my original message to support - “I have started playing the new dlc today and was in a delve desert wind caverns and I have fallen through the mesh. Can’t use the unstuck option as I am infinitely falling so I get booted for chat spam I assume due to the falling before I can become unstuck. Please help
thank you!”
I fairly quickly received an automated response of how to fix chat spam. I’m a reasonable person, I get it, auto responses will clear up a lot of support traffic. So one I can understand. I in the meantime had tried some creative troubleshooting and updated my ticket “As an additional update troubleshooting I have applied - the fixes in the email, teleport to player, teleport to wayshrine, join cryodil and IC, teleport to house, nothing is working as I get cut off from falling. Unable to even kill my self please can you assist as soon as you can
thank you”.
It is at this point I have become frustrated. My ticket had been passed to an agent when I rejected the original response. The agent then had the opportunity to read my original message plus my updates, plus the amount of time I had been trying to troubleshoot and replied saying to use the unstuck command option and also to try logging out for 15 mins. None of which had worked previously. I assume the fix is fairly simple and had my update actually been read by the agent and looked at in a slight bit of detail this probably could have been resolved by now. Instead my ticket is adding to the queue. Ticket currently Awaiting agent 21 hours...
Please can someone assist?
Edited by nohholmez on June 10, 2019 6:31PM