Maintenance for the week of January 13:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – January 13

Do staff actually look at problems here?

24 hours and no response from either my ticket or on these forums? I can't play the game, my eso plus is basically just getting wasted at this point.....i'm sorry if this comes across as entitled but i feel as if i'm just wasting my time.
  • tiipboygaming_101
    As well i haven't been able to log on since the 4th. Eso plus going to waste and to think I was going to pay 50 for elsweyr is funny to me so zos has to be laughing! 50 for a game you can't play then another 15 for eso plus hmmm I must be crazy! The logical term is called being hustled!
    Edited by tiipboygaming_101 on June 8, 2019 8:03PM
  • tiipboygaming_101
    Were spending our money so you have every right to feel entitled! This is not free to play
  • nosworc
    As well i haven't been able to log on since the 4th. Eso plus going to waste and to think I was going to pay 50 for elsweyr is funny to me so zos has to be laughing! 50 for a game you can't play then another 15 for eso plus hmmm I must be crazy! The logical term is called being hustled!

    I just don't know what i'm supposed to do at this point, i've posted on here, reddit, tweeted them and sent a ticket in. No reply whatsoever. I could deal with it if i knew they were looking into the issue, as it stands i just feel ignored.
  • stpdmonkey
    nosworc wrote: »
    24 hours and no response from either my ticket or on these forums? I can't play the game, my eso plus is basically just getting wasted at this point.....i'm sorry if this comes across as entitled but i feel as if i'm just wasting my time.

    They are very slow to respond. Especially when the weekend is here. With elsweyr hitting that's going to increase response time alot. Their customer service department needs to be enlarged to help but it has not happened yet. I'm sorry you have to deal with this. I had issues with chat for a long long time. First ticket got ignored. 2nd took 3 days to get a non automated response. Then they blamed it on my internet and ps4 and playstation network. All of course were not the issue.
  • stpdmonkey
    As far as the forums go they dont look at anything unless someone reports it
  • SLy_Kyti
    Try and send a direct message here to a GM. add your ticket number


    Tag a GM in your post here. and put your ticket number.

    Post in the BUGS or SUpport forum as well. Add all info there and tag a GM.
    Like this
    (as soon as you type the @ZOS a drop down menu will show.)
    Good luck.

    p.s. as mentioned this is a heavy time for them with the new Chapter and E3.
    Master Crafter: Almost all motifs
    GM~ Blades of Old Tamriel NA/AD
    Member~ NZAD
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    -Tamriel College -Amazing Deals of Nirn-
  • nosworc
    SLy_Kyti wrote: »
    Try and send a direct message here to a GM. add your ticket number


    Tag a GM in your post here. and put your ticket number.

    Post in the BUGS or SUpport forum as well. Add all info there and tag a GM.
    Like this
    (as soon as you type the @ZOS a drop down menu will show.)
    Good luck.

    p.s. as mentioned this is a heavy time for them with the new Chapter and E3.

    Thankyou for this, very helpful information.
  • tiipboygaming_101
    I've message 3 gms already before the weekend came Tuesday night when I wasn't able to log in , so those are excuses .. Billie is included.
    I've did everything I could from my end! Communication is key to any relationship that's life!
  • ZOS_Bill

    What is your current ticket number?

    Please be aware there was a PSN issue earlier that prevented some players from logging in. If you still cannot login we can investigate further.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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