What is offered this week?
The Luxury Furnisher Vendor (Zanil Theran) is located in Cicero’s Food & General Goods shop in the Hollow City, Coldharbour.
  1. Brotherhood Ledger Stand 4,000g
  2. Brotherhood Candelabra, Floor 8,000g
  3. Banner, Order of the Hour 12,000g NEW
  4. Brotherhood Carpet, Large 15,000g 
  5. Brotherhood Banner, Large 25,000g
  6. Brotherhood Plaque, Wolf 25,000g

The last two weeks the luxury vendor was not showing up correctly on PC; he is currently appearing for some players but not others. If you do not see him on your character, you can try logging out and in again as this will sometimes make him appear.

All 52 weeks of luxury items are on my ESO Calendar

Edited by BenevolentBowd on June 8, 2019 12:04AM
Megaservers: PC NA (sometimes) / EU (sometimes) Xbox NA (mostly)
Luxury Furniture Gallery [PC/NA]: Moon-Sugar Meadow, "Shared My Notes With the World to Help Others"
ESO Calendarmancer - Retired
  • Enemoriana
    PC EU, @Enemoriana. Ru.
    Houses: Erstwhile Sanctuary as actual Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary, Hunter's Glade as werewolf tavern (downstairs), Strident Springs Demesne as adventurer's house.
    Wishlist: Furnishing Pack: Haunted Housewares, atronach trader, attunable stations (have 21/80 sets collected), molten war torte and white gold war torte recipes.
  • Taleof2Cities
    Thanks, @BenevolentBowd, as always!
  • max_only
    Thanks again you two!

    I don’t think I have a wall tall enough for the brotherhood banner... the order of the hour banner is looking fresh... Decisions.
    #FiteForYourRite Bosmer = Stealth
    || CP 1000+ || PC/NA || GUILDS: LWH; IA; CH; XA
    ""All gods' creatures (you lot) are equal when covered in A1 sauce"" -- Old Bosmeri Wisdom
  • Red_Feather
    Those banners are HUGE!!!
  • BenevolentBowd
    Hey @ZOS_SarahHecker @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom ,

    Some people are wondering why the items from last week also didn't return with all the problems they experience with the missing vendor.
    Megaservers: PC NA (sometimes) / EU (sometimes) Xbox NA (mostly)
    Luxury Furniture Gallery [PC/NA]: Moon-Sugar Meadow, "Shared My Notes With the World to Help Others"
    ESO Calendarmancer - Retired
  • Hymzir
    A banner... An order of the hour banner... And here I thought ZOS had scraped the bottom of the barrel of unimpressiveness already. Goes to show you should never underestimate the ability of ZOS to underwhelm you.

    I know I am beating a dead horse, and have in truth mostly given up. Just venting my frustrations here. It's just so disheartening to see the one item of furnishing they add to the game per week to be, yet again, pretty much useless for most of us. I guess someone who really likes hourglasses, or is building some sort of chronomancers abode might find that thing useful, but... Zhees...

    When one thinks of all the furnishings for which assets exist in the game, things we've been asking for years now, and then see something this frigging underwhelming get added to the game... Just so frigging disappointing.

    Give is musical instruments already!! And planters!! And a proper ladder...

    Besides, that banner looks more like a 5000g piece of Achievement furnishing you buy as a memento of the time you tangled with the Order of the Hour. But wait, we already have one of those... So frigging underwhelming.

    I was gonna also say something about how the banner sure don't feel like any piece of "luxury" furnishings, but then again... Stable signs are pieces of "luxury" furnishings in this game. Nd they are only available once per year... This system is so utterly stupid and uninducive to foster interest in housing.
    Edited by Hymzir on June 8, 2019 12:30AM
  • BenevolentBowd
    I like the Order of the Hour stuff in my Crafting Cathedral. They are used as religious symbology to represent crafting research timers.
    Megaservers: PC NA (sometimes) / EU (sometimes) Xbox NA (mostly)
    Luxury Furniture Gallery [PC/NA]: Moon-Sugar Meadow, "Shared My Notes With the World to Help Others"
    ESO Calendarmancer - Retired
  • Girl_Number8
    Thnx @BenevolentBowd as always for the post and @Enemoriana for the pictures to go with everything!! :) 🌟

    Just wish Zos was on top of things like you both are. And made sure the vendor had the previous items, maybe avialable for at least a day that were gone with the luxury vendor's sudden disappearance.
  • Jaraal
    Yes, it's sad that people who couldn't access the luxury vendor through no fault of their own won't have the opportunity to get the once a year items.
  • Tasear
    NPC hasn't run off again this week?
  • VDoom1
    Some really cool stuff. :) Love the wolf plaque.
    Tasear wrote: »
    NPC hasn't run off again this week?

    Sure hope not. :0 :#
    Edited by VDoom1 on June 8, 2019 7:44AM
    We Fight For Cyrodiil.
    We fight for The Daggerfall Covenant.
    We fight for The Aldmeri Dominion.
    We fight for The Ebonheart Pact.
    We fight for Tamriel!
    CP 1200+
    Grand Master Crafter | Tamriel Hero
    Imperial Dragonknight
    Khajiit Necromancer
    Altmer Templar | Dunmer Nightblade
    Khajiit Nightblade | Argonian Dragonknight
    Altmer Sorcerer | Breton Nightblade
    Nord Warden | Dunmer Sorcerer
    Guild - Priests Of Hircine
    ESO Since 2014
    PC - EU
  • The Uninvited
    The Uninvited
    max_only wrote: »
    Thanks again you two!

    I don’t think I have a wall tall enough for the brotherhood banner... the order of the hour banner is looking fresh... Decisions.

    Those banners are also available for only 10K gold at the achievement vendor for Dark Brotherhood. It's the exact same one except 15K cheaper.
    Pandora's Promise (rip) | LND | Pactriotic | IKnowWhatUDidLastWinter's | The Uninvited |

    Ride the paranoia | All life is pain | Only the grave is real
  • Spacegato
    Forgot to check here and bought the DB banner and now see it is way to big! Also just found out about the achievement DB banner :(
    Thanks for posting :)
    Edited by Spacegato on June 8, 2019 1:04PM
  • CiNNeR
    I was hoping for the glass stain window because the luxury vendor was gone last sunday. (after month's of waiiting on the windows). I tried logging out and in again, relogging on another char, traveling to get in another instance but nothing worked. Seems we have to get lucky on saturday and else bad luck for PC/EU.
  • Undefwun
    DB Carpet could have been great! Why in Sithis' name is all messed and creased up? I would have loved to chain 2-3 together....
    Drank Sinatra Sr - PvP Magblade - DC
    Juggathot - PvP Mag Sorc - DC
    Jedi Mind Crits - PvP A-Hole Bowblade - DC
    Dollar Store Thor - PvP Stamplar - DC
    The Bone Sumpremacy - baby Stamcro - DC
    Wârden Freeman - PvP Stamden - DC (on hold)
    Lauryn Heal - PvE Magplar DPS - DC

    Lil Orc Chop - PvP Stam Sorc - EP
    Hamuel L Jackson - PvE DPS & PvP Stam DK - EP
    Chandler Bling - PvP Magden - EP

    Mahalia Lightborn - exiled crafting toon - cos you know, she's AD
  • OrdoHermetica
    Hey @ZOS_SarahHecker @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom ,

    Some people are wondering why the items from last week also didn't return with all the problems they experience with the missing vendor.

    Seriously. I've been unable to see him two weeks in a row, and that includes visiting repeatedly throughout the weekend with several different characters, logging out and back in multiple times, etc. It wouldn't be an issue if I didn't have to wait a year for another chance, but as it stands...
    Edited by OrdoHermetica on June 8, 2019 7:02PM
  • Lord_Eomer
    Hey @ZOS_SarahHecker @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom ,

    Some people are wondering why the items from last week also didn't return with all the problems they experience with the missing vendor.

    Seriously. I've been unable to see him two weeks in a row, and that includes visiting repeatedly throughout the weekend with several different characters, logging out and back in multiple times, etc. It wouldn't be an issue if I didn't have to wait a year for another chance, but as it stands...

    I doubt if you tried changing instances in PC EU and unable to see him.

    Seems like he shall stock whole year items all the time for players

    Edited by Lord_Eomer on June 8, 2019 7:05PM
  • Arunei
    Hey @ZOS_SarahHecker @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom ,

    Some people are wondering why the items from last week also didn't return with all the problems they experience with the missing vendor.

    Seriously. I've been unable to see him two weeks in a row, and that includes visiting repeatedly throughout the weekend with several different characters, logging out and back in multiple times, etc. It wouldn't be an issue if I didn't have to wait a year for another chance, but as it stands...

    I doubt if you tried changing instances in PC EU and unable to see him.

    Seems like he shall stock whole year items all the time for players
    I tried several times on several characters last week and couldn't get him to show up, so yes, it's very possible that people were changing instances and couldn't make him appear.

    @ZOS_SarahHecker @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom
    If the issues with the lux vendor aren't going to be fixed any time soon, and it's no fault of players who legitimately can't get to him, then maybe the lux items need to be added to a permanent pool on another NPC so they can be available to everyone until Zanil gets fixed. Obviously continually adding the previous weeks' items isn't something ZOS is interested in doing, or else the last several weeks' items would still be available.

    He's showing up for me right now, but if the last few weeks are any indication, he seems to show up for a brief time and then just implodes for the rest of the weekend.
    Character List [RP and PvE]:
    Stands-Against-Death: Argonian Magplar Healer - Crafter
    Krisiel: Redguard Stamsorc DPS - Literally crazy Werewolf, no like legit insane. She nuts
    Kiju Veran: Khajiit Stamblade DPS - Ex-Fighters Guild Suthay who likes to punch things, nicknamed Tinykat
    Niralae Elsinal: Altmer Stamsorc DPS - Young Altmer with way too much Magicka
    Sarah Lacroix: Breton Magsorc DPS - Fledgling Vampire who drinks too much water
    Slondor: Nord Tankblade - TESified verson of Slenderman
    Marius Vastino: Imperial <insert role here> - Sarah's apathetic sire who likes to monologue
    Delthor Rellenar: Dunmer Magknight DPS - Sarah's ex who's a certified psychopath
    Lirawyn Calatare: Altmer Magplar Healer - Traveling performer and bard who's 101% vanilla bean
    Gondryn Beldeau: Breton Tankplar - Sarah's Mages Guild mentor and certified badass old person
    Gwendolyn Jenelle: Breton Magplar Healer - Friendly healer with a coffee addiction
    Soliril Larethian- Altmer Magblade DPS - Blind alchemist who uses animals to see and brews plagues in his spare time
    Tevril Rallenar: Dunmer Stamcro DPS - Delthor's "special" younger brother who raises small animals as friends
    Celeroth Calatare: Bosmer <insert role here> - Shapeshifting Bosmer with enough sass to fill Valenwood

    PC - NA - EP - CP1000+
    Avid RPer. Hit me up in-game @Ras_Lei if you're interested in getting together for some arr-pee shenanigans!
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