Character name: Talathiel Lightsworn
Level: 13
Class: Templar
Server: EU
Location: Eastmarch
Platform: Ps4
Ticket number: 190607-003760
@ZOS_BillEHow issue started: I was running around Eastmarch trying to finish up the Psijic quests when i got a random load screen which turned into one of those longer than usual load screens. I had to close the game but now it happens every time i try and log in on that character, it get's to the load screen, the music cuts out and the message "This may be an unusually long load time" appears at the top of the screen.
Other characters log in fine.
I have tried restarting my router and console, also tried deleting my save data but the issue still persists. Any help with this would be greatly aprieciated.
Edited by nosworc on June 8, 2019 9:15PM