Maintenance for the week of January 27:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – January 27

One of my characters is stuck in an infinite load loop when trying to log into the game.

Character name: Talathiel Lightsworn
Level: 13
Class: Templar
Server: EU
Location: Eastmarch
Platform: Ps4

Ticket number: 190607-003760

How issue started: I was running around Eastmarch trying to finish up the Psijic quests when i got a random load screen which turned into one of those longer than usual load screens. I had to close the game but now it happens every time i try and log in on that character, it get's to the load screen, the music cuts out and the message "This may be an unusually long load time" appears at the top of the screen.

Other characters log in fine.

I have tried restarting my router and console, also tried deleting my save data but the issue still persists. Any help with this would be greatly aprieciated.
Edited by nosworc on June 8, 2019 9:15PM
  • tiipboygaming_101
    Yeah I'm stuck as well. Been stuck since the 4th
  • nosworc
    Yeah I'm stuck as well. Been stuck since the 4th

    Since the 4th?!! Well that's not good, i specifically bought Eso plus just so i could go through and get the Psijic order skills on this character.....Did you put a ticket in or have they just not dealt with your issue?
  • tiipboygaming_101
    Yeah I put in a ticket that day no response yet. I'm also wasting my eso plus waiting each day for a reponse.
  • nosworc
    Edited with more info if that helps matters when this is seen.
  • ZOS_Bill

    Please check your inbox for an update on your loading issue.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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  • nosworc
    Issue is solved, thanks very much for the help @ZOS_BillE

    Edit: Nevermind, it's happened again.
    Edited by nosworc on June 9, 2019 10:03PM
  • animekai
    Soul Shriven
    My main character is in loop stuck too on reapers March, I can't play with it I and don't want to start over, I can't make it spawn in another place before loading?
  • ZOS_Bill

    We've sent you a message to get information regarding your stuck character.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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