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Necromancer Bounties During Missions

Good Day,

Just wanted to post here in the bugs section as I have submitted lots of this in the game through the bugs report, but wanted also to place this in here as well just in case. I have found what I can only guess is something that was not planned with the whole necromancer abilities and bounties placed for certain of their abilities being used in public. During multiple missions where you are attacked in a public setting, it is a bit absurd that the necro will acquire bounties while fighting/defending. An example is the quest 'The Charge Of Evermore' where you are told to go defend barricades to ensure the bad guys don't get in. While defending these points, you are seen by guards that are helping to defend the barricades, and then not only acquire bounty, but as well I have had defenders attack because I am a villain in their midst. So since they go hostile, I get even more bounty for my AOE attacks hitting them suddenly as I attacked an innocent person, and it turns into a ripe old mess.

This is just one example of many many many..., many instances since running around in necro where you are either ambushed in town due to a mission, or have to help townies and suddenly everyone hates you. We should not have to either wait, or pay gold in game to progress properly. This is an obvious oversight and needs to be tackled immediately. Until you guys have this fixed where normal mission execution will not incur bounties for using abilities, then incurring bounties for using abilities should be turned off for the necros until such time at this is properly fixed. I can understand running around town and not being able to use your abilities, but when a mission specifically calls for a combat to occur, and you get punished for doing what the quest requires you to do, needs to be fixed. Placing this in the bugs section instead of feedback as this isn't specifically feedback. This is the definition of broken and needs to be adjusted.
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