DocFrost72 wrote: »Why couldn't you run 2 pce stamina/magicka regen (bloodspawn+stormfist, strangler+bogden ie)?
StonekeeperWhen you block an attack, you gain an energy Charge stack, up to one stack per second. When you gain 6 Charges, you release the energy, restoring 5350 Stamina and Magicka, and healing for 5350. After releasing the Charges, you cannot regain new Charges for 14 seconds.
Time to see resource release: 20 seconds (maximum uptime: release has 14 second cd and you must block 6 attacks. Balanced to one block per second).
5350/20= 267.5/s return.
CON: You have to block 6 attacks. Even at only 500 stamina per block as the cost, you're looking at spending 3,000 stamina on this,making it a much more realistic 117.5/s return for stamina.
Symphony of BladesWhen you heal an ally whose primary resource is under 50%, grant them Meridia’s Favor, restoring 2325 of that resource every 1 second for 6 seconds. 18 second cooldown.
Time to see resource release: 12 seconds (18s cd, but 6 sec duration- cd begins once set procs)
2325/12= 193.75/s return.
CON: you HAVE to heal yourself at under 50% max resource to get it.
Engine guardianWhen you use an ability, you have a 10% chance to summon a dwemer automation to restore 1162 Health, Stamina, or Magicka every 0.5 seconds for 6.5 seconds.
Time to see resource release: no CD, could proc literally one right after the other. HOWEVER, it's a 1 in 3 chance to get the resource you want on a 10% proc chance.
(2324/3)*.10=77.5/s return (rounded up)
Dual regen pieces
Adds 258 regen. It ain't hard to do that math. The fun begins with %amps. 20% from potions, 15% for 5 armor pieces (minimum). This ignores several %amps such as CP and class passives, bit I did that for a reason.
(258+ (258*.15) + (258*.2))/2= (258+ 38.7 + 51.6)/2= 174.15/s return.
CON: You are giving up a monster set standard 1 piece such as max stamina/magicka or spell/physical damage.
So, in summation, you'll actually get better sustain from two regen pieces (with minimum amps) than you would with 2/3 monster sets for stamina, and 1/3 for magicka. And those, again, are values of *regen sets* specifically designed for that purpose, versus two stat values.
DocFrost72 wrote: »You're already better than 2/3 dedicated "sustain" sets running what you run. You want a new sustain set, what values would you give to it? How would it function?
T3hasiangod wrote: »
Both sets are PvE sets. Why would you think they aren't? Sure, a DPS isn't wearing them, but you should be wearing a damage set to begin with to maximize DPS.
Symphony is pretty much the staple for PvE healers now. It works out to be 775 resources per second if it procs on cooldown.
T3hasiangod wrote: »
Both sets are PvE sets. Why would you think they aren't? Sure, a DPS isn't wearing them, but you should be wearing a damage set to begin with to maximize DPS.
Symphony is pretty much the staple for PvE healers now. It works out to be 775 resources per second if it procs on cooldown.
Symphony is for healing and stonekeeper for tanking? Because i don't see dps doing lot of blocking constantly to take advantage of this set. I can see its potential in pvp though. Reason i was asking it because its really hard manage your resources without gold or dubious/witch mother. And you must change to health glyph on chest or head to stay at reasonable hp. It's not much of a problem with premade group but while running pug or soloing/vma it becomes a problem.
T3hasiangod wrote: »T3hasiangod wrote: »
Both sets are PvE sets. Why would you think they aren't? Sure, a DPS isn't wearing them, but you should be wearing a damage set to begin with to maximize DPS.
Symphony is pretty much the staple for PvE healers now. It works out to be 775 resources per second if it procs on cooldown.
Symphony is for healing and stonekeeper for tanking? Because i don't see dps doing lot of blocking constantly to take advantage of this set. I can see its potential in pvp though. Reason i was asking it because its really hard manage your resources without gold or dubious/witch mother. And you must change to health glyph on chest or head to stay at reasonable hp. It's not much of a problem with premade group but while running pug or soloing/vma it becomes a problem.
You have VO for stam and FGD for mag in vMA. Soloing requires no additional sustain since things die so fast. Generally speaking, you should probably be doing dungeons/pledges with guild members instead of relying on PUGs.
Taleof2Cities wrote: »I think you’re missing the big picture, @Kawall.
DPS parses after the Elsweyr patch are still 50k+ for pretty much every class.
So, sustain is fine.
What are other players doing with their builds that you’re not?
Or, to ask the question in a different way: If you’re not doing end game content (where WBs and Vet dungeons are not end game), rolling with what you have currently is probably OK ... am I right?
T3hasiangod wrote: »
Both sets are PvE sets. Why would you think they aren't? Sure, a DPS isn't wearing them, but you should be wearing a damage set to begin with to maximize DPS.
Symphony is pretty much the staple for PvE healers now. It works out to be 775 resources per second if it procs on cooldown.
DocFrost72 wrote: »T3hasiangod wrote: »
Both sets are PvE sets. Why would you think they aren't? Sure, a DPS isn't wearing them, but you should be wearing a damage set to begin with to maximize DPS.
Symphony is pretty much the staple for PvE healers now. It works out to be 775 resources per second if it procs on cooldown.
@T3hasiangod do you know if Symphony cooldown starts when the effect ends, or once it procs? If the later, it'd be 1,162.5/s equivalent. (I know our other math checks out as the same because if I replace 12 with 18, I get your mentioned 775)
As i said in the title, we need sustain monter set. I'm already bored with " when you deal damage you have something something chance to throw damaging lob at the enemy" sets. What was the last sustain set? Engine guardian? Rng based sustain set that become obselete after morrowind patch. What you guys think?
Edit: I'm primarily talking about pve dps.