I know it's still a bit early, yet I'm in need of some advice and I figure I'm likely not the only one.
Generally, for other classes, I can search "XMorph" vs "YMorph" depending on what I'm looking for and I'll get a thread that's either all about that or has related information comparing the two morphs, giving information and thoughts on them and generally helping the reader figure out which would work best for what they want or, generally speaking, which is just outright better for any number of reasons.
The necro still doesn't really have these sorts of threads. I've looked for them and while I've found some talk about different abilities, it's mostly been a lot of comparing Necro class abilities to things like Templar abilities or DK abilities. While enlightening, this doesn't really give the information I want.
So, to that extent, for each of the abilities a necro has, especially the ults, which morph do you feel is best? Why is that? Whether it's in general or in specific situations such as pvp, high-end content, etc.
If you wouldn't mind sharing your thoughts I'm sure there's many of us who would love to hear what you have to say! Until now it's been a lot of guess work and trying to think tactically, yet with some good advice on this sort of stuff I'm sure it'd help quite a few make good decisions for themselves and others and thus give everyone better team mates to play with!