Hi everyone,
We finally got the the long-hyped Necromancer class with Elsweyr's release and I have to say, this class has some of the nicest passives in any class or skill line in this game. Most class passives synergize very well with whatever spec you choose to play your Necro as. In addition, it has a unique aesthetic and playstyle. From what I've experienced so far, the passives and active abilities are some of the best for tanking. In PvE, I've always been a tank main, and I just simply had to fiddle around with a Necro tank... and so far, it has not disappointed in the slightest. Rather, it has been fantastic. I've played DK, Warden, and Sorc tanks extensively in veteran dungeons and veteran DLC dungeons, and I would rate Necro tank high on that list; a very close second to DK tank in my opinion.
Without further ado, I wanted to share the build I've been testing and enjoying. It's both beginner and veteran friendly, and I'll be listing any optional sets and abilities to consider. This build is mainly intended for all veteran dungeons, but it can work for trials with some minor changes.
(TL;DR -- UESP Build Link: https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Special:EsoBuildData?id=151246 -- Contains all details)(1) Race:
-Imperial (Well-rounded race with nice sustain and great max stats).
-Nord (Great ultigen and nice max stats).
-Argonian (Great sustain, though I can't say the same about the race's other passives. BiS for swimming).
*Sub-optimal races that
can work:
(2) Gear:
*Primary Load-out: 2x
[Lord Warden], 5x
[Ebon Armory], 5x
[Roar of Alkosh].
5 Heavy, 1 Medium, 1 Light to get the most out of the Undaunted passives.
-Traits: Sturdy on all pieces, except Reinforced on cuirass. 3 Healthy traits on jewelry, or 2 Healthy and 1 Infused (plenty of flexibility). Decisive sword and Infused Ice Staff (or Lightning Staff).
-Enchantments: Tri-Stat glyphs on all pieces. Weakening glyph on sword and Crushing glyph on Ice Staff.
*Other Load-outs:
{1} 2x
[Lord Warden], 5x
[Ebon Armory], 5x
[(Perfected) Claw of Yolnahkriin].
Comment: Similar to my standard set-up, but I'd only see this used if the player isn't comfortable with Alkosh or if they're in a pug group with barely any synergies.
{2} 2x
[Lord Warden], 5x
[(Perfected) Claw of Yolnahkriin], 5x
[Roar of Alkosh].
Comment: Fantastic set-up if your DDs have good survivability or if you have a Warden healer reliably providing Minor Toughness (ie. Best in a coordinated dungeon group).
*Beginner Load-out: 1x
[Pirate Skeleton], 5x
[Ebon Armory], 5x
[Torug's Pact].
Comment: Easy to obtain, basic set-up without trial gear or DLC gear.
Do note that if you are playing a Nord, you might want to replace Lord Warden with 2x
[Bloodspawn] for more ultigen or 1x
[Pirate Skeleton]. Or you can use Lord Warden and replace the Reinforced trait on the chest piece with either Sturdy or Infused.
*Other situationally useful sets:
Plague Doctor.
Battalion Defender.
Akaviri Dragonguard.
Brands of Imperium.
Leeching Plate.
Fully buffed stats:
(3) Skills:
Hungry Scythe; Your "Oh crap!" self-healing ability as a Necromancer tank -- very similar in function to DK's Green Dragon Blood or Sorc's Unstable Clannfear. If you keep up your Spirit Guardian and Mortal Coil, you shouldn't be using this ability all that much.
Heroic Slash; A pretty basic ability to have on your bar at all times. Applies Minor Maim to the target and grants you Minor Heroism, which synergizes well with the Decisive trait on the sword.
Mortal Coil; Free to use and returns some Health and Stamina to you over 12 seconds.
Pierce Armor; Pretty self-explanatory ability.
Summoner's Armor; I prefer this morph because it reduces the cost of Spirit Guardian and I don't find a need for the pull effect from the other morph
Reviving Barrier; I use this ability mainly for the 10% Magicka Recovery increase from the "Magicka Aid" passive. It grants you and your allies a nice shield and HoT. Other ultimates you can use on the front-bar are
Shield Wall or
Ravenous Goliath.
Spirit Guardian; Heals for a bit over 3k every two seconds and grants you a unique 10% damage reduction.
Agony Totem; Hard CC that grants your group Minor Protection (8% damage reduction) and a synergy that applies Minor Vulnerability.
Blockade of Frost; Mainly used to aggro and snare trash packs, and apply the Crusher enchantment on bosses.
Silver Leash; Unrelenting Grip in Stamina form. Used to gather mobs and make your teammates' lives easier. Try to use this ability conservatively.
Inner Rage; Ranged taunt, very handy to have for all content in my opinion.
Aggressive Warhorn; Undisputed no.1 ultimate ability.
(4) Champion Points:
[The Lord]
14 Heavy Armor Focus, 32 Quick Recovery.
[The Lady]
48 Thick Skinned, 49 Hardy, 49 Elemental Defender.
[The Steed]
66 Iron Clad, 12 Spell Shield.
[The Ritual]
30 Precise Strikes, 7 Piercing.
[The Atronach]
42 Physical Weapon Expert, 34 Master-at-Arms.
[The Apprentice]
81 Elfborn, 76 Blessed.
[The Shadow]
81 Shadow Ward, 37 Tumbling.
[The Lover]
32 Arcanist, 56 Tenacity.
[The Tower]
36 Bashing Focus, 28 Warlord.
(5) Consumables:
Food: Longfin Pasty with Melon Sauce
Potion: Tristat Potions (ie. Essence of Health: Bugloss + Columbine + Mountain Flower)
(6) Attributes:
17 Magicka, 20 Health, 27 Stamina.
(7) Mundus:
The Atronach.
Note that the allocation of your attributes depends on your race, jewelry traits, and enchantments. Tweak them based on your build until you reach a good balance. I personally prefer having 20k max Magicka, 36k+ Health, and 24k Stamina
I hope you enjoy it! Feel free to leave any feedback or ask any questions