GarnetFire17 wrote: »Busy guilds are not going to want to respond to bunch of questions, that is kind of the point the point of the guild finder to make recruiting less work by putting the important info on the page. At the end of the day it's a game not a job and guild leaders want to play too, not respond to a bunch of mails when they have to already have to answer mails from their members.
Actually there's option after applying for guild Master or officers to message people. So maybe just say would like more information in application?
Maybe if its casual guild. Or trading guild, you dont have to interact with people. I hope you are not GM with that attitude btw. By what you saying, you be more happy in single player games. And the contact person does not have to be GM.
Before I would join any more serious guild what ever that might be pvp pve, I would like to exhange few words with peoples in charge.
I rather would wisper straight directly.
I'm a GM of large trading guild. It's a ton of work and I do interact with people. Way more than anyone should have to without being paid real money. Most people in the game would not put with as much as I do, and if I made my officers put up with a lot of it, they'd quit because they'd be like "This is BS! I am trying to play game and I have to respond these messages over and over again because people don't like to read!" lol. Everything they need to know is on the Guild Finder ad. There should be any need for a customer service dept. and I'm certainly not going to invite more questions when we already have plenty to deal with. What we are going to do is direct people to Discord and put a FAQs on there. So no, it's shouldn't something that is mandatory. May be you have more hand-holdy guilds in mind. But not every guild is that kind of guild.
Maybe if its casual guild. Or trading guild, you dont have to interact with people. I hope you are not GM with that attitude btw. By what you saying, you be more happy in single player games. And the contact person does not have to be GM.
Before I would join any more serious guild what ever that might be pvp pve, I would like to exhange few words with peoples in charge.