Making TESO "More" Lore friendly and Immersive.

***For starters this isn't a rant, I don't want none of your opinions and don't care if you guys think my ideas are stupid. I'm simply making my own opinions in this forum because I'm bored and it's on a topic(s), scenarios, mechanics and overall gameplay I would have loved to seen implemented at launch or throughout the time during it's release. Also be warned some of these are kinda game braking if they were to be brought into action as soon now due to certain ways the game has already been sent up, but nonetheless I will continue because I like to speculate.****

1.) PvP.....nuff said.
Awww the "t-bag", trash talk, expose central of Tamriel.....where to start???? Hmmmmm....well for starters know how I said in the into that some of these kinda would sick of all of a sudden were introduced out of the blue, would kinda break that game? Yeah well this would be the biggest "game breaker" in some aspects of not all.

I love PvP but it is very Lore broken and honestly makes no sense. It's just a giant "Capture the Flag" game...that's it. Even the damn Scrolls are just capture and secure. It's boring. But before I go into depth on how the basic mechanics of how it should play out I want to start with the how joining and being in PvP falls into our hands, so to speak.

So anyone who has actually created a character despite if you even know what, where or even how PvP is even achieved knows you have to choose a Faction before you even leave Character Creation. This should not be the case....despite your race or the "Any Race, Any Alliance" bull crap Crown Upgrade. I have nothing against Crown Items, but this was just dumb. Anyways of topic. So in Character Creation we pick our race, that there should place is into the region in which we spawn after leaving Coldharbor or wherever we would be if things were changed....idc. If you don't understand I'll give a quick explanation, this those of you not so keen on Lore as someone like me who has been playing since Daggerfall was released.....yeah....I'm that old.

So say you may a Dunmer "Dark Elf" for all you that don't even know that I'm not going don't worry. But Dark Elves are from Morrowind; such as Stonefalls, Deshaan, Vvardenfell and so forth. Or such as a Nord is from Skyrim; Eastmarch, The Rift, Whiterun, Bleakrock and what not. Another example is Altmer "High Elf" are from the Summerset Isle's and Bretons are from High Rock; Glenumbra, Rivenspire and Stormhaven. So you understand each race has a home land that their race generally hails from. Much like in our own real world. Not that you can't be born and raised somewhere else without ever visiting your Homeland, but all races have a place of origin and I believe in TESO we should start based on our race. Now sure with PvP being based in Cyrodill it kinda makes Imperials a bit hard to start there, but a simple fix is just if you pick them you have a second opinion that would pop up saying something like "With the fall of the Empire and the Legion in ruins. Imperials have no place to call home. Where are you going on your adventure?" Or something stupid like that. And you just pick where you wanna go.

So after you picked your Lizard, Cat, Human or other. You are off to close Dolmens, save Mundas, become Emperor and Skyshard hunt till your arms fall off...then what. Well before all of that we gotta level up, get experience and if you wanna actually get to Emperor Rank you gotta join a Faction. So that's where joining them comes into play. So keeping the "Hit Leve 10 Join PVP" is still cool with me Idc honestly, but not the point, but when you are ready to join how do you do so. Well that's some ways. First you have to find the Alliance you wanna join. That's easy. If you are for instance an Argonian, Nord or Dunmer (and I'll keep using these guys from now on unless needing to specify otherwise as I only play EP) you can just walk you to your local Recruiting Hall and tell your King that you want to fight, bleed, t-bag and die for the Pact....and bada bing bada boom you're in and off to kill all the Dominion and Covenant soldiers you want. And if you are say in Bleakrock and have no idea how to join, find or even know anything about the war going on....well you will find out real quick. As entering any major town would have a Soldier there to tell you about your King/Queen needing all the help they can get and how you can be the next best thing in their army since sliced sweet roll.

But say you are a Lizard and despite the King abolishing the slave trade and your Dunmer House Dres Overlords aren't exactly who you wanna take up arms with just to be slaped back in irons when the way is over and working those Kwama Mines and Saltrice Fields again. Well have no fear the Daggerfall Covenant and Aldmeri Dominion will gladly have a reasonable cost.

So you leave Morrowind and make way for Highrock and meet with King Emeric personally, and he seems like a cool dude. Someone you would drink some Skooma with on a Firdas night after hitting the Cornerclubs. He just has a small test or price you must pay to show your loyalty to his cause to ensure you are no EP spy. Kill a high Ranking Official in the Alliance you hail from Army. Of course this would be a respawnable NPC and what not, but it's simple enough. Go to Mornhold and kill some dude there and report back. And save goes for any reversed role.

....but wait there is more. So you have joined your Alliance Military and ready to kill till your scales fall off. There are some stipulations to bring in a Alliance opposite that your race would normally be in. For starters and I'm just going to get it or of the way now, because it's going to be a big one....especially for High Elf mages that play on DC and EP. If you are not a normal race that your Alliance normally would enlist without will never be crowned Emperor/Empress. It's that simple. There is no way King Jorunn the Skald-King would EVER!!! EVER!!! EVER!!! Let a High Elf become his leader without problem. I mean if he didn't have an issue AD Queen would be the ruler of Tamriel and the way wouldn't be an issue. It's that simple. So if you wanna be Emp, you gotta play on a race that your Alliance would allow to be Emp. Nuff said. Other Ranks, roles and so forth are okay in most Lore aspects but that right there is a "Lore Broken" feature.

So in terms of PvP that's just one simple thing that would have been cool to seen played out. Also for Imperials, well I don't see any Alliance having any issue with them joining as they are kinda neutral in most aspects from what I've read on the subject.

Next once we get to PvP let's do the whole giant Capture the Flag mechanics as the main basis as how it plays out. I'm all for it being a big factor, as all Wars are pretty much won by the amount of land and man power you have so yeah I don't mind doing it as a key feature, but we need more. I would love it that once you join and you have gotten a few kills under your belt and shown your worth to your leaders they start too give you "Special Assignments" that are to further prove your skills. Not just the bounty boards. I'm talking about infiltration, spying, special assassination targets, more thorough scouting assignments that require extra steps and other things along those lines. And even tasks that would counter these. Like of you have an assassination bounty on your head or if someone in your Alliance has one you get hired to protect them at all cost and the longer you protect them the larger the payout. Or if there's an enemy spy and if you find out who it is and kill them then you get a nice reward as well. Stuff like this would be so cool.

So that's my ideas on PvP and how it could be more "Lore Friendly and Immersive". Hope you haven't fallen asleep yet by my ramblings because there's more. So grab a cup of Hagraven Tonic and some Fishy Sticks as we are on to the next topic.

2.) Crime and Bounty

So many of you long time players of ESO will know Crime and Bounties hasn't been a feature the game has had since launch. It was actually added in a few updates after the initial release of the game if my memory serves me correctly. Actually think it wasn't till it became F2P and/even once it was dropped on XB1 & PS4, but my memory is worse than a Moon Sugar addicted Mudcrab so I can't truly remember.

Well anyways I think it's kind of a joke, but not in a way you might believe. Sure being caught stealing, assaulting, murdering, butt sniffing or violating some poor Farmers sheep with your sick Khajiit on Sheep fetish you know you have. Those are all understandable. And should be reasons for a guard to attack, arrest or taken out back and payed off in *clears throat* FAVORS. But tell me why if I steal or murder someone in Davons Watch why my bounty carries over if I fast travel to Elden Root??? Why would they care??? Or vice versa. I don't think a Pact Guard cares if you assaulted some Noble walking down the street of Wayrest, stole his coin purse and eloped with his 16 years old daughter. If anything he would high five you and tell you to keep that snob nose Breton girl on a leash or she will end up in the Stormhold dungeons till the return of the next Dragonborn.

And speaking of dungeons and not the ones you fight endless armies of Daedra, Cultists, Giant Spiders and for some reason a big green Flubber looking thing....but like actual Jails, prisons and even holding cells. I think if we're not set to be killed on sight for all the sheep's we violated with our barbed cat thingies. Then we should be able to GO TO JAIL!!! And from there be just like any other Elder Scrolls game. You either pick that lock and sneak out. Or find a bed and wait that bounty off. Sure it won't be a realistic time scale passing, you know since it's an MMO and what not but let's just pretend it is. Or hell if you really have to wait it out say the game tells you a message once you are in jail some bull Netch message like "You have agreed to serve your time in jail, and you have been sentenced to (insert time limit here) and must remain here till you time is served. How ever upon arrival to your cell you were able to sneak in (insert number of lockpicks based on a passive you would have in Ledgermain skills, 1 being default) and can attempt to pick your way out. While in this cell no magic or teleportation can be preformed". I think this would be cool. Now if you did have some insane bounty like you just murdered Almalexia, 500 people and stole a guards sweet roll. Then sure in real life you be put to death, but that's just not realistic unless you can just respawn, but that's just stupid too. So I think of it was a real time limit I say no more than a week. So if you break all your picks than you are SOL my friend, you gotta play another toon till next week.

But I think all of that is pretty cool. Also I wouldn't mind seeing there being an option where if you have broken all your picks you could tell a friend and they break into the jail and prison break you out. Be pretty cool. Also you should also have to find a chest with all your gear and loot. So if you had to brake out it could be a way of going into zone chat and hiring some bad@$$ sneaky dude to come break you out for his "modest fee". Idk....I think it's cool. And as I wrap this one up onto the next topic....go refill that Tonic, but honesty I say stop it up and just get some Blackbriar Mead as it's getting pretty No really I do thank you for continuing the whole 3 of you that actually read this crap.

3.) Traders, Trading, Loot and over all distribution of items in the game.

I have nothing really against how ESO trading system works, but as a whole it's fundamentally broken. I hate traveling from region to region, zone to zone and trader to trader looking for one or more items either because I can't find it or just can't find it at a good price. I don't mind Guild Trader dues, I'm currently sitting on almost 3mill and have had over 15mill at one point. Just doing my Crafting Dailies alone in one day I make about 60k. Add doing Dungeons, PvP or just random crap I make another upwards of an additional 30k or even more a day. Just really depends. Sure to some of you that may be a lot and dinner would say, dude I don't step out of Mornhold for anything under 5billion. And I say to that, no one likes you Kyle, to I personally don't use home that offered and tend to just buy Motifs with most of my gold, but being a GMT I don't have many that I don't already know. But I hate load screens and that traveling all over Tamriel to find a Pruple ring of Necro so my pug GF can try a pet build for under 50k took me close to 2 hours and that's nucken futs. If we had a system where we could just go to one merchant, banker or in our own menus to find a particular item that would be great.

And this is probably where I'll get the most hate and that's fine, even as I write it out makes me cringe a bit, but I'm going to say it anyways but here.....eye.....goooooo.....


Yes! I said it. Anything and everything should be tradable. I don't care. If you wanna sell your Sharpened Maelstrom Bow that you didn't Transmune and legit farmed for 100+ runs till your fingers feel off, your wife divorced you and your car got repossessed because getting that be was more important than paying your car payment then so be it. Let some pug run around spanking Endless Hail hitting only 24 points of damage per tick and he don't even know how to animation cancel that crap. Who cares you made your (insert Daedric Prince-like amount of gold here) money off that fool and you still have a Training bow that can be Transmuned laying around on some alt too....right? Well if not you were thinking of taking out a second mortgage on the house anyways so who cares.

So yeah you name it, then Madgod darn it, it should be aloud to be sold. Skins, Trail gear, mementos, personalities, monster sets, used bait, spoiled food, copper ring of reduce spell can pick it up, use it, equip it or throw it into someone's face than so be it. Hell even non-combat pets and mounts....I don't give a flying Mudcrab.

So yeah traders and loot needs reworkd. Sure some of my ideas might be completely stupid and will NEVER be implemented unless I win ten trillion dollars and buyout ZMax and make them change it myself and drive TESO into the ground, but dang it a Dunmer can dream. Next topic before my stupidity kills me further and I take another hour of this Moon Sugar....*scratches neck*....yup.

4.) Dueling

This will probably be the shortest topic honestly because it's not the fact that we can do it but it's how it's done honestly that's Immersion breaking.

I was honestly so damn happy when this was introduced. I hated having to tell my friends to make alt toons on opposite Alliances; go to Cyrodill just to do a one on one fight, but yep. That's how it was done at one point. And Battlegrounds was honestly the ONLY form of PvP I have no complaints what's so ever other than I wish I could always be on the Purple Team as that's my favorite color.

But dueling is really dumb in the fact it can be done anywhere at anytime. Like hey let's not worry about the casualties or abilities may cause when fighting in the this square and the guards don't mind when two people just start fighting in the module of town. Like really? Fighting out in a open field or even a set arena would be cool with me, but towns and Wayshrines should have a duel blocking radius it's that simple. And say if you are too close to a town or even if they don't wanna add the blocker make it so fighting in a town causes Guards to attack or try to stop the fight. Also while on the topic of guards I meant to post in the crime section that guards not dying is dumb. I'm not saying make them way to kill BBY any means. That would be too easy to get away with crimes. But make them EXTREMELY hard to kill and require Trial/World Boss like groups to take our with also fast respawn times. So yeah. No Dueling in town. That simple.

5.) Better Skills and Levels overall

So I've played a decent amount of MMO's and even looked into some I've never played as I'm not big on multiplayer games to see what some games have done to distinguish themselves from the others. From WOW to RuneScape to EverQuest....think that's what it was called to Trove and some weird Japanese MMO on mobile....yeah I didn't know that was a think till my brother-in-law showed be but it is. I've also tried the Star Wars the Nine that was rough and even LOL...yes. I know I went that low, it's okay I've payed my dews and repented from my evil ways. But needless to say I've seen some things differ and some things they all have in common. Some things work and some things fail. Somethings change for the better and other the worse. But I digress.

ESO skills are cool, fun and rather easy to level for the most part aside from stuff like Guild related skills which I never understood in the first place but I might get into that later idk. Like I love having Meteor, but farming lore books is so monotonous after the first region or two. And may Talks be with you if you're not lucky enough to have an app or computer to help you locate them all.

But the skills in most part just don't make any sense. And it's not the abilities or passives or even why you need to have a Dark Brotherhood skill line to use the Blade of Woe??? Sure I get needing the DLC to join, but once joined what's the purpose to the entire skill line? Less detection when stabbing someone in the back...."WOOHOO!!!". I absolutely love the quest love for DBH and Thieves Guild, but their passives are nothing more than stuff that could have been added to or already a part of Ledgermain. It's that simple. Also what is with the max level of some of these skills? 50, 10, 12 and 20??? Like why the variation? Made them all go to 100 like the old games. And another thing I'm okay with grinding, I'm pretty sure we all have done it at one point. I have 11 toons all CP and I've got over 1000 CP. So I've done my share of Skyreach Runs. But honestly it's too easy to max a toon. People on dinner of these other MMORPG's put weeks, months and even years to fully max out a toons skills or even one skill in general. I have seriously reached Max level on a band new too in 3 hours. I kid you not. It wasn't easy and it was aboot 3 years ago, but it took some serious planning and coordination with my group and the ability to hold my bladder longer than I thought was humanly possible, but by Sithis I did it. And I don't like that just because I have an ability on my bar but never use it "looking at you Mage Light and Expect Hunter" doesn't mean it should gain XP. Yeah I'm on the minority and it would suck to spam either of those abilities outside the use of what they are actually used for, but that's what progress is, doing the same boring crap over and over and over and over till that crap is like second nature to you. I can't tell you how many time I spammed summon Scamp in The Elder Scrolls Oblivion when I wanted to reach max level in was a lot. But I did it.

It's not just limited to taking ten billion years to make a skill actually worth using it's the should themselves. More notable Race resisted skills and passives. I'd love to see each race have unique abilities only they can use. From standard skills to even their own Ult. Like the Lizard have a really good Ult Heal or Buff. Or Imperial have an ability that would pacify a target. Like say you cast "Voice of the Emperor" which is an ability that only they could use in previous games. On a player on NPC it made it so their attacks against you and only you were reduced by a certain percent or completely negated all together for a brief moment. Dunmers could do extra damage to Lizards as a passive....I'm sorry but I love bringing that Same goes for Words against all Elves and Altmer against all Human races. Maybe give Bosmer the ability to call on an Animal Sprit for a short time to fight for him or her. Or a Khajiit can....I don't know....I guess lick their wounds. I've literally never played a cat before till playing ESO in all my nearly 20 years of Elder Scrolls gaming. I guess they are so close to the Moon cycles give them a special Boon based off the the Moon phase currently going on.....idk okay get off my tail. But yeah I think that would be cool as well. I'd also like to see more weapon varieties. Like crossbow, throwing stars, one hand and spell, just one handed without shield, spears and everything in between. Get creative. Just bows, staves and swords is boring. Yes I knew there are also daggers, axes and maces. I'm dumb not blind. But you know what I mean. Anyways how's your drink going? You bump up to Skooma yet? How about some Balmora Blue? I know a guy in Greenshade that had the best hook up of Balmoral Blue you can find on this side of the Elder Tree if you take a swig. Just let me know....

6.) Miscellaneous and random minor topics

So this is the final stretch bud. I know by now there is probably only one....maybe two of you that made it this far. If so then....why? I'm typing this on my Google Pixel phone with the swipe feature and I suffer from dyslexia and have used voice speach on more than a few words in this novel I have written, so only Shor knows how many mistakes I've made, because I sure has hell ain't going to proof read this crap, anyways I guess you want me to wrap this up and let you go back to what ever it is you came to the Forms for. So here it is....

The Elder Scrolls Online is a great game. I stated on PC back at Beta and even into it's early P2P start, but my laptop computer runs as good as a toaster made by Leonardo da Vinci, and even though that sounds like it would make good toast, reminder there was no electricity back then....or maybe there was idk. I'm not smart. I mean come on I'm on an online forum about video games. I could be put stopping crime or helping old people across the road, but nope I'm in my mom's basement laying next to my snoring girlfriend typing this crap at 0130 in the damn evening. Yes I use Military time. Deal with it.

Anyways, the games great rest is. Love it despite the crashes, lag, toxic community, trolls, and random crap in the above 3 or 4 sentences I posted But it has a few flaws. If love to see better quest. Other than fetch, kill and go here objectives- so boring. I'd like to see some harder open world content outside World Bosses and Dolmens if you really consider those hard. I've been able to solo Dolmens since VR2 and most WB's or at least with one or two more people depends on which one I'm fighting. I'd love to see some really random events like something that pops up and says (kinda like the message you get when the servers are about to go offline for maintenance) "Molag Bal has broken his beach into Tamriel and will spawn in (invert random region here) gather your Ally's and stop this for before all of Nirn is destroyed". And you go to this random location and see ethos MASSIVE sized Daedric Prince with like 200 million Heath and it takes like 20 minutes with like 50+ people fighting him as he spawns hords of Daedra and attacks that destroy anyone staying in his way of not prepared. Or even other Princes could spawn and they not all be there to fight. Say Clavicus Vile spawns and you make a deal with him and he agrees to give you a random amount of gold ranging from 1-1,000,000 and since he is the Daedric Prince of Trickery he says he will give you gold in place of one random item in your inventory, back or on any of your random toons. You agree hoping to hit the jack pot but loose your most valuable item like a Atheric Cipher and only get like 23 gold. Yeah that would suck, but would you chance it. You may get the sweet 1mill or it could be more it could be 1 billion gold and he only takes like 3 worms our of your Craft Bag. I want stuff like that. I want quests that have dire consequences if done wrong or poorly. I tend to just skip most dialogue for most quests now days as it's always, go here, kill him, bring me this, go take this to's so boring after so many times. I want some flair. Like I need you to follow this guy around, see where he goes, get to know him, become his friends, find out who he works for, kidnap his goats so I can breed with them, find the reason behind the dwarves disappeared, play a lute in the pub, find out where M'aiq lives, steal a fork from the Daedric Prince of Madness, learn to speak Kwama or summon me a glass of Mead. I want some random stuff like that. What we have is cool, but I want veriety.

I know most of this won't ever happen but ZOS if you actually read this, know I have put over $3000 into your game from just crown related items alone. I'm a strong ESO Plus member, have I think 9 copies of the game....don't ask why. Just know I love collectors edition games so keep 'em coming. And I really do love your game. I understand the need for all the monetization you have to implement in the game, I really do. It's become a difficult market and trying to keep a budget up to par with some other companies out there isn't easy. I've seen the stocks. But deep down I know you guys care about us love your fans. So take some of what I've said with a grain of salt. These changes aren't impossible. Well some might be a bit much, I'll even admit that especially those first few topics. But just think of these ideas. Even if you stated small. The gamers aren't going anywhere unless Aliens invade and destroyed the interwebs and than all this swiping would have been for nothing and then I'd really be p'offed. But I'm all seriousness the games great, keep up on the improvements, super excited for the Necro in a few weeks and getting to fight some Dovahs again. But I knew you guys can and will do it. And it just takes time. Love you guys and anyone else that made it this far thanks really. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below. If you play XB1 and wanna kick my butt in some PvP or tag along on some wicked vTrials hit me up. My GT is the same handle I use here.
Thanks again and
-good hunting-
"What a fool you are. I'm a god. How can you kill a god? What a grand and intoxicating innocence. How could you be so naive? There is no escape. No Recall or Intervention can work in this place. Come. Lay down your weapons. It is not too late for my mercy."
  • Aliyavana
    too much text, I doubt most people will read it
  • desndb
    I actually read the whole thing (guess I'm a glutton for punishment), and you do have a couple of good ideas; I doubt, however, that ZOS will implement any of them at this point in the game. There's always TES 6 or 7 though 😁
  • VaranisArano
    desndb wrote: »
    I actually read the whole thing (guess I'm a glutton for punishment), and you do have a couple of good ideas; I doubt, however, that ZOS will implement any of them at this point in the game. There's always TES 6 or 7 though 😁

    I'm impressed you read the whole thing. I raised an eyebrow at "I don't want none of your opinions" and started skimming once the OP admitted "some of these are kinda gamebreaking".

    So skimming, about the only thing I actually hope gets implemented is more weapon lines. I'm sure magicka builds would appreciate more variety than just 3 destro staves as well.
  • LennoxPoodle
    I feel your criticism on the PvP handled bad (in context of Lore). I think the whole alliance thing was a grave mistake. All the reasons for the founding of the alliances (repelling Akaviri invasion together, Ransers war and Ayrenns diplomatic politics) would be great to explain the relative peace in the respective regions, but those conglomerates go to far IMHO. Regarding PvP they should have just went with several Cyrodiilic factions vying for the throne (like it is mentioned in preexisting lore for the Interregnum). To provide an example those could be the following:
    The Colovian Covenant, a group of colovian families trying to continue/restore an empire under colovian rule, justified by Varen.
    The Nibenay Dominion a coalition of nibenese seeing the current problems being a result of the rule of savage colovians and reachmen before them.
    And finally the Heartland Pact, those members of the previous administration who defied Tharn and Mannimarco, being viewed as sharing the blame for the planemeld by the others.
    The players would then fight for one of these alliance as supporter or mercenary.
    Intertwining the PvE and PvP stories and thus splitting the player base as they did was a huge mistake. 1T was a rather inelegant patch to this, due to the narrative dissonance it creates (why exactly am I repelling the covenant invasion of stone falls as a member of them? Why aren't I immediately arrested in Wayrest as the emperor of an enemy faction?). In my vision the whole PvE area would consist of independent kingdoms in relative peace with a few scattered villainous ones. But undoing the current state of affairs would pretty much require a complete remake.
  • VamppireGhost
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    too much text, I doubt most people will read it

    Then don't. I don't care if one person reads it all or if no one reads it all. I stated that many times throughout the entire post.
    "What a fool you are. I'm a god. How can you kill a god? What a grand and intoxicating innocence. How could you be so naive? There is no escape. No Recall or Intervention can work in this place. Come. Lay down your weapons. It is not too late for my mercy."
  • VamppireGhost
    I feel your criticism on the PvP handled bad (in context of Lore). I think the whole alliance thing was a grave mistake. All the reasons for the founding of the alliances (repelling Akaviri invasion together, Ransers war and Ayrenns diplomatic politics) would be great to explain the relative peace in the respective regions, but those conglomerates go to far IMHO. Regarding PvP they should have just went with several Cyrodiilic factions vying for the throne (like it is mentioned in preexisting lore for the Interregnum). To provide an example those could be the following:
    The Colovian Covenant, a group of colovian families trying to continue/restore an empire under colovian rule, justified by Varen.
    The Nibenay Dominion a coalition of nibenese seeing the current problems being a result of the rule of savage colovians and reachmen before them.
    And finally the Heartland Pact, those members of the previous administration who defied Tharn and Mannimarco, being viewed as sharing the blame for the planemeld by the others.
    The players would then fight for one of these alliance as supporter or mercenary.
    Intertwining the PvE and PvP stories and thus splitting the player base as they did was a huge mistake. 1T was a rather inelegant patch to this, due to the narrative dissonance it creates (why exactly am I repelling the covenant invasion of stone falls as a member of them? Why aren't I immediately arrested in Wayrest as the emperor of an enemy faction?). In my vision the whole PvE area would consist of independent kingdoms in relative peace with a few scattered villainous ones. But undoing the current state of affairs would pretty much require a complete remake.

    I actually like those ideas regarding PvP actually more than my own in many aspects. Really good points, The whole thing aboot getting arrested in Wayrest though is actually a good fix and I understand and like how ZOS handled that. If you've beaten the main story and paid attention to the dialogue you are told of how Merdia will "hide" your true appearance from your rivaling factions and that's cool. I don't think it should be active till after reaching that point so yeah, kill on sight of you are EP or AD and enter Wayrest. Anyways I love your input, nice knowing there are other Lorebuffs like myself, and I enjoy some good criticism aboot my ideas.
    "What a fool you are. I'm a god. How can you kill a god? What a grand and intoxicating innocence. How could you be so naive? There is no escape. No Recall or Intervention can work in this place. Come. Lay down your weapons. It is not too late for my mercy."
  • Koronach
    Well they could start making the game more lore friendly and immersive by fixing the race passives they changed that breaks the games lore. Why would Dunmer do more dmg to Argonians when they are on the same side? Also slavery is illegal in the Pact now they are not allowed to just slap irons on an Argonian anymore. Well illegal unless it's Khajiit that is.
    Edited by Koronach on June 1, 2019 3:43PM
  • Scythe_Mercer
    Me after reading the whole post.
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