Hello All,
Returning player here who left in early 2017. Still trying to figure out everything that has changed since I was gone. Just a quick question about the night mother's embrace set. Are you able to craft this set? The wiki says it's an overworld medium set drop. Yet I have 5 pieces of of the set in heavy with the impen trait. I really doubt this is a set I would have farmed for based on the 5 piece bonus, let alone farm for the perfect trait on each piece. This makes me think I crafted the set. Is this just a bug, or is the wiki wrong about the set being an overworld drop?
Knee Jerk, L2P, Obtuse, Casual, Entitled, All The Best, unnecessary mention of CoD
Battle leveling for pve content defeats the idea of progression. Remove CP
"Apparently the players are more informed than we are"-Richard Lambert