Matthew_Galvanus wrote: »
quick question to the crafting writs.
Do they scale with your character level? or your crafting level?
Matthew_Galvanus wrote: »BTW, if you really want to expedite daily crafting writs, get the Lazy Writ Crafter Add-On by Dolgubon, it will autocraft your writs for enchanting, Jewelrycrafting, Clothier, Woodcrafting, and Blacksmithing, you'l still have to do cooking and alchemy manually, though if you click the writs button in alchemy it'll pull up the mats to make the potion/poison (provided you know the potion you're trying to make)
Freakin_Hytte wrote: »Daily writs my friend, I have 10 chars and make about 1 million from just the gold award from writs. Then you also get *** tons of goldies from writs and all the surveys you do.
If you're an experienced trader you can go around and find items that are being sold under the normal price. I one time found a cipher being sold for 150k and sold it one min later for 1,2 mil. But mostly you might earn 10k and up for each item from doing that.
Or just farm for different popular sets, flowers and such also works fine.
rotaugen454 wrote: »Matthew_Galvanus wrote: »BTW, if you really want to expedite daily crafting writs, get the Lazy Writ Crafter Add-On by Dolgubon, it will autocraft your writs for enchanting, Jewelrycrafting, Clothier, Woodcrafting, and Blacksmithing, you'l still have to do cooking and alchemy manually, though if you click the writs button in alchemy it'll pull up the mats to make the potion/poison (provided you know the potion you're trying to make)
Assuming they are on PC, I couldn’t agree more. I breeze through crafting quickly because of these. I have Summerset and all the crafting is in one giant room.
Matthew_Galvanus wrote: »BTW, if you really want to expedite daily crafting writs, get the Lazy Writ Crafter Add-On by Dolgubon, it will autocraft your writs for enchanting, Jewelrycrafting, Clothier, Woodcrafting, and Blacksmithing, you'l still have to do cooking and alchemy manually, though if you click the writs button in alchemy it'll pull up the mats to make the potion/poison (provided you know the potion you're trying to make)
fgoron2000 wrote: »Freakin_Hytte wrote: »Daily writs my friend, I have 10 chars and make about 1 million from just the gold award from writs. Then you also get *** tons of goldies from writs and all the surveys you do.
If you're an experienced trader you can go around and find items that are being sold under the normal price. I one time found a cipher being sold for 150k and sold it one min later for 1,2 mil. But mostly you might earn 10k and up for each item from doing that.
Or just farm for different popular sets, flowers and such also works fine.
Just curious on your math for the gold you get from your daily crafting writs. I have 15 (don't have the new extra yet) fully leveled characters and when I do all 7 writs on all 15 characters, the gold I receive from all of them together is roughly in the neighborhood of about 66k to 67k per day. BTW, I'm a sub, so that 67k already includes the 10% gold bump. Without ESO+, that number would be closer to 60k. I'm not sure where you got your 1 million number from.