I just want to put this here in the hopes that ZOS will take note of it and consider this in the future when pondering balance stuff.
I agree that a game like this needs a bit of balancing from time to time. With an ever-changing/evolving game like ESO, balance is going to be a struggle. One of the things I've always loved about this game is the "play how you want to play" mindset that seems to be imbued in the game. I personally like the solo play experience with a bit of group content sprinkled in here and there.
With these points in mind, and speaking from a fairly solo, very casual perspective, I ask you, ZOS, please take into consideration who your changes/nerfs effect. Casual/solo play gets quite a bit more difficult when a lot of your utility gets offloaded "because it can be provided by other players or sources" etc.
This video can explain what I'm trying to say better, but basically most of the nerfs that tend to happen are implemented b/c the tryhards (I don't mean that negatively, I mean that litterally, they "Try Hard" to do the best they can with what they have) have found ways to use abilities and skills in really amazing ways. And hey, good for them, that's a nice accomplishment for the people that enjoy a challenge like that. But, as that video explains, that's not even CLOSE to a majority of the players. Those players aren't particularly affected by such nerfs because a week later they've figured out something else that makes up for it. So, basically, the people affected by the nerfs (the majority of players) are the people that really need to NOT be nerfed.
Think about it... on the PvE side of things... nerfs go thru because some high tier raiding guild cleared a vet hard-mode speed-run in some stupid easy way or something... so nerfs go thru, and most people suffer for it... except the people it was aimed at b/c they quickly find another way to do what they were doing. Buff the hard-mode or add a new difficulty level, don't nerf everyone else.
That might be slightly exaggerated or completely inaccurate, I honestly don't know because I am not into trial content. That's not my thing. But as a member of the quiet-majority, that's how it looks. Quiet majority meaning we're not all in here complaining every day until something gets "fixed" like the squeaky-wheel that is the top-tier 5%. But ZOS, ask yourself this? Who's spending more money on the game? The people running the same stuff over and over and over again? Or the people buying loads of crowns to get houses and furnishings and motifs and mounts etc.
On the PvP side of things, NOTING you can do will appease the PvP'ers. There will always be someone tanky enough to survive 20v1, there will always be someone sneaky enough to murder unseen... you could take away all weps, armor, and class skills, and the PvP'ers would STILL find ways to gank each other bare-fisted. Again, I wouldn't know from experience as I avoid PvP like the plague. I have to hope that eventually, I will have enough AP from daily login rewards to get caltrops lol.
My point in all of this is please, don't nerf the majority for the actions of the minority that will barely even be affected by the nerfs, if at all.
Now... to all the keyboard warriors and internet trolls that are about to roast me for this post, or just for being a "filthy casual," don't waste your energy. I've said my piece, I MIGHT check this post once a week or something... IF I remember, and only to see if ZOS has replied, so your words and hate will be wasted.