Bloated bouncy cat, where?
Found an dead drunk Alfiq in an quest but he was not very bouncy.
twitch_zero wrote: »Where is the fix for being incorrectly charged 150,000 AP to make a Cyro campaign home?
EDIT: this appears to have been stealth fixed
Interesting. I'll admit I've never followed closely enough to see if there was a pattern to time for patches after updates.lordrichter wrote: »
There seems to be a 2 week cycle with ZOS, and it was a holiday weekend, to boot. It will be interesting to see what they do next Monday.
Daddy_Tubz wrote: »i was also expecting a decent list of fixes for the long awaited class, instead i found nothing of the sort. guess il keep waiting to use a class iv paid for...
That's because they didn't fix any of those said bugs....of course there wasn't much downtime...
Yes their animations is a bit clunky.runkorkoeb17_ESO wrote: »
Fixed an issue where Elsweyr Daily Merit Coffers could drop an unintended number of Anequina Motif Chapters
This implies people got any... I didn't with all the ones I turned in thus far.
We're still working on a fix for Blast Bones.Thevampirenight wrote: »
I'm not seeing anything on necromancer blast bones ability. Other then an npc blast bones thing.
Ah, apologies for leaving this out. Yes, this was also fixed.DarkerDreams wrote: »
Yeah, they didn't mention it but it appears fixed, at least for all my characters affected
Vercingetorix wrote: »Magicka Necromancer has nothing going for it and the only people so far that have defended it are folks still leveling their character which counts for nothing as true combat performance doesn't come into play until level 50 (CP300+). Magicka Necromancer IS trash and needs a serious rework of its core skills:
- Blastbones pathing and delay needs to be addressed
- Corpse ground targeting removed and replaced with a "consume nearby corpse" cost on Tether/Siphon
- Add a class Major Sorcery buff somewhere in their toolkit (this is a standard buff, it's inexcusable to be missing)
- Siphon and Tether need to return an actual net gain of resources from using them
- faster casting animation and travel speed for Flaming Skull and its morphs
That would be a start. ZoS needs to be admit they messed up and correct their mistake. This class is FAR from finished and charging for an incomplete class with a myriad of issues WILL hurt this game. Consoles has the bigger population and once they get their hands on Necro, there will be a flood of complaints and refund demands - count on it.
Hippie4927 wrote: »Zalsheem is still not fixed. Killed her twice this morning and the daily is not completing.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »
Roger that, also investigating this one too.