Tamed Vine-Tongue Isn't Working

So, finally doing Murkmire content and I'm up to the Dead-Water village quests. To progress, I need to use the fire stones to trigger the Tamed Vine-Tongues to pull me around BUT when I activate the plants, I get a brief stunned animation with nothing else. So I can't progress on this quest.
It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by an ill-tempered corvid.
  • k_8
    The tamed vine tongues don't work for me either, nor for the other play trying at the same time I was. When will this be fixed?
  • b101uk
    same for me and the other 4 players trying at the same time, I have even abandoned it and restarted it with the same results.

    you get stunned and nothing more.

    however characters that can jump quite high can make it over the tall embankment to get to Kishi or whatever his name is, by standing on the slight ledge near the centre of the embankment closest to Kishi, then jumping towards the righthand Tamed Vine-Tongue atop the embankment, thus getting to Kishi.or whatever his name is.

    my character unfortunately cannot just jump that high nor has abilities that help in that department.

    (am on PC)
  • Lavellan
    Tried doing it today too, doesn't work. At first I managed to use one, but after that it's completely broken.
    Andaran atish'an, stranger.
  • maboleth
    Guys, have you reported it with /bug command in the game? Please do. Not sure if Gina will pass this to devs. :neutral:
  • deplorable
    still bugged. report made
  • Inaya
    I reported it as well. Someone told me that it was a known bug and to logout then back in and that allowed me to finish the quest.
  • Ravensilver
    Well, I can confirm it's still bugged... >.< The only way you can get pulled up to one of the walls is from *behind* them. Not in front - you'll be stunned and killed.

  • Kiyakotari

    I can report that the Tamed Vine-Tongue plants in Tsofeer Cavern delve that are necessary to perform the Ritual of Binding on the Wuju-Ka to complete the delve quest are also not working.
  • Starlock
    It’s really bad for the one quest that requires you use it to beat a boss. I sent in a ticket about it a month ago. I had to find and run to the one spot in the map without the deadly AoE to progress the quest. Other players might not be able to do that or figure it out. This bug blocks quest protgression.
  • noblecron
    Was broke for me and a friend as well when we both tried to use the Tamed Vine-Tongues. I saw other players having trouble as well. Submitted a ticket.
  • Kiyakotari
    Is there any update on this?
  • aussie500
    Kiyakotari wrote: »

    I can report that the Tamed Vine-Tongue plants in Tsofeer Cavern delve that are necessary to perform the Ritual of Binding on the Wuju-Ka to complete the delve quest are also not working.

    You do not need to interact with any vine-tongue plants to complete the ritual of binding, they are just there to get a book, which is not part of the delve quest. Same in the Teeth of Sithis, the book is not part of the delve quest.
  • virtus753
    Kiyakotari wrote: »

    I can report that the Tamed Vine-Tongue plants in Tsofeer Cavern delve that are necessary to perform the Ritual of Binding on the Wuju-Ka to complete the delve quest are also not working.

    I used the Fire Rock memento on these guys just fine the other day during the event (same server). Since they’re not quest-related, you do need the memento to get them to activate. Is that what you were doing and they still didn’t work? Some of these optional vine-tongues can be a little finicky with positioning.
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