Zos wanted to make the class unique from the other classes. Further, there is nothing written that a necromancer requires permanent summons.
You are not the only one who wanted permanent pets if that answers your question.
Giving them a permanent pet ability would make them unique. Only Sorcerer and Warden have perma pets.
Deloth_Vyrr wrote: »
Giving them a permanent pet would actually make them distinctly not unique. I don't think you understand what unique means.
Sorcerers have permanent pet skills with a temporary ultimate pet.
Wardens have temporary pet skills with a permanent ultimate pet.
Necromancers have temporary pet skills with a temporary ultimate pet.
That is how all the pet classes are unique from each other, giving Necro a permanent pet would encroach on one of the other class's unique aspect, and thus no longer be unique.
As was said, Necro have minions. Not pets
Minions are summoned to complete task and then vanish
Sorcerer (or warden) and pet share mind-bond together (if i remember it correctly from other tes games) so it makes sense they are permanent ( daedra cannot die, even lesser daedra cannot )
Deloth_Vyrr wrote: »
Giving them a permanent pet would actually make them distinctly not unique. I don't think you understand what unique means.
Sorcerers have permanent pet skills with a temporary ultimate pet.
Wardens have temporary pet skills with a permanent ultimate pet.
Necromancers have temporary pet skills with a temporary ultimate pet.
That is how all the pet classes are unique from each other, giving Necro a permanent pet would encroach on one of the other class's unique aspect, and thus no longer be unique.
As was said, Necro have minions. Not pets
Minions are summoned to complete task and then vanish
Sorcerer (or warden) and pet share mind-bond together (if i remember it correctly from other tes games) so it makes sense they are permanent ( daedra cannot die, even lesser daedra cannot )
I think this would become a problem what with Necromancy being illegal in Town and I just want to point out how twisted it is to refer to a human skeleton, reanimated with the souls of the damned, as a "Pet." lol That being said, it is a bit disappointing on both the number and duration but I guess they were more concerned with the Corpse system used for summoning undead and triggering certain skills.
Avran_Sylt wrote: »They're unique in that while their pets aren't permanent, their pets do create corpses upon death, which the necromancer can use to fuel their other abilities.
I DO wish that they would allow the player to mix and match the kinds of summons that they use. Like all sorcerers/archers, all blastbones, all menders, a mix, etc. IE:
Necrotic Mastery (Grave Lord Passive) - The number of Necromancer Summons you can have active is increased by 1/2
Summons are not skill gated in whether or not they get killed when you recast an ability, but based on when they enter a FIFO queue of size 1/2/3. But of course each individual skill (not Blastbones) would likely need to have: "For each other Active Summon of the same type, Potency is reduced by [x]%"
(So you could summon 3 Blastbones at once, or 3 archers, or three menders, or two archers and a blastbone, etc, at Necrotic Mastery 2)
I think this would become a problem what with Necromancy being illegal in Town and I just want to point out how twisted it is to refer to a human skeleton, reanimated with the souls of the damned, as a "Pet." lol That being said, it is a bit disappointing on both the number and duration but I guess they were more concerned with the Corpse system used for summoning undead and triggering certain skills.
Giving them a permanent pet ability would make them unique. Only Sorcerer and Warden have perma pets. Warden requires a ultimate though.
Also its not written but necromancers from the Elder Scrolls almost ALWAYS have some sort of summon that follows them around. Though I get what you mean. Im trying to say it would fit more with their class and how they feel.
Luckylancer wrote: »Necros are fine this way. Permenant skeleton pet is stupid af too, skeletons should come and go. A flesh golem with many interractions with player skill could be nice but thats it.
No, it will made them similar instead of unique.
In elder scrools necromancers dont have permanent undead followers. You reanimate the dead and after a while, they turn dust. Didn you played skyrim?