6v6 and 12v12 BG's?

Can we get something that feels a little less like tiny little arenas without having to rely on faction warfare? The 4v4v4's are nice and all but sometimes you just get tired of constantly being dogpiled by what is essentially a 4v8 because two teams decide to work together to ruin your day by either sheer coincidence, malicious intent, or the stupidity of one team sabotaging their win by helping a different team win even faster.

Like ideally I would expect whoever to be in first place to be the enemy of the two teams in 2nd and 3rd. That's the most logical way to play right? Except this isn't what happens at all. It would just be more satisfying to play in a 6v6 or 12v12 and have a consistent enemy.
  • LiraTaurwen
    Sorry servers can't handle new BGs modes.
  • ecru
    I agree but 6v6 is a weird number (and probably too small to lead to balanced matches) and 12v12 might be too much if the maps aren't large enough. 8v8 seems the logical choice since group sizes are already 4. Premades could still queue as a full group, but no single team would ever be made up of an entire premade like they are now so matches would probably end up a lot more balanced.

    They should have gone with 8v8 at the start and I don't understand why there was no pushback on the idea of three teams from the rest of the development team towards whoever thought it was a good idea. It was and still is a terrible idea and generally leads to chaotic, unfun matches where you're almost always fighting either outnumbered or against a full premade if you're a good player. Due to the permanent snare meta (which hasn't gone anywhere because you can still be permanently snared, lol) and the reasons I just listed, I rarely queue for BGs these days. They just aren't fun.
    Gryphon Heart
  • SacredEarth
    6v6 would work nicely tho, 8v8 or more would need bigger maps. BGs are already a cluster-*** with 12 players.
  • exeeter702
    6v6 would work nicely tho, 8v8 or more would need bigger maps. BGs are already a cluster-*** with 12 players.

    Generally when you design proper 2 team bg maps, assuming the devs know what they are doing, you create proper incentives for objective play while still emphasizing pvp. Well made 8v8 maps would easily have players split up and make cluster *** a non factor based on how the maps are designed both in game modes and geography.

    But yes, simply hitting a switch and making the existing eso BGs 8v8 would absolutely not work. Its one of the main pain points - changing the format of bgs to a far superior one would require backtracking on development work that clearly took time.
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