First of: This isnt a "Please change this" Thread. I neither expect nor demand any changes to the class system, I like the classes and it works the way it is.
This is just a little "What if" thread, just writing down a little idea I had tonight and kinda wanted to share. Mostly the question is, would you like it if ZoS had taken this approach, would it make the game better or worse for you, like I said just a little "what if".
So, you make your Character and there is no Class selection. You just make your Character and start the game, you get dropped into the first tutorail quest (if you choose to) and there you start as a 100% blank slate. Only your racial skill line is available to you and other than that its all empty.
You start the Tutorial, pick up your first weapon, unlock your first weapon skill line, everything works normal here. And then after the Tutorial, you get a messenger who tells you the orders of Tamriel are looking for new recruits, and you get the chance to start a little quest or (if you are making your second, third or whatever Character of the same class) just skip the quest and tell the Messenger what class you want to be. If you choose that option, bam, you have your Class skills and its done.
However, if you accept the quest, the messenger opens a Portal for you and you can go to a new town, where each class has a little camp set up. for Templars it could actually be a small church, Wardens have a little camp in the woods, Necromancers are a bit away from the rest on a graveyard, Sorceres have a little Library, NIghtblades have a small camp outside of town, and Dragonknights would be on a military base. At every camp, you can see NPCs actually using class spells on training dummies, Other NPCs can be taled to to explain you the basics of the Class, etc. You then go to the leader of the faction you want and you get a little playtest of the Class, maybe with a small quest chain, that gives you the basics on DPS; tank and heal with the class, and then you can choose to join the order.
After you choose, theres a little event, where you are welcome into the order, you get a starter armor that fits the class, and you unlock the Skill lines. After that you take a Portal back to where you left of.
That would also kinda prepare the way for Class Quests later in the game...
So, what do you think? Would you have liked the game with that system?
Different Class System? 22 votes
I would actually like this more than the system we have
I wouldnt mind that system
I wouldnt really like that
1 vote
I would really dislike this system