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Does the silence on Incap help or hurt stamblades in PvP?

This question is for nightblades. Some prefer the 70 ultimate version of Incap, because it does not grant targets CC immunity. They would argue that their nightblade build is more effective without the negate, as it leaves targets open to be stunned with a better CC, such as Fear.
PC EU: Magblade (PvP main), DK (PvE Tank), Sorc (PvP and PvE), Magden (PvE Healer), Magplar (PvP and PvE DD), Arcanist (PvE DD)
PC NA: Magblade (PvP and PvE every role)

Does the silence on Incap help or hurt stamblades in PvP? 36 votes

I like that the 120+ version of Incap negates targets. Please retain the silence at 120+ ultimate.
deepseamk20b14_ESOKr3dosusmitdsNelothLaurenIsAwkwardMassiveFumesTriangularChickenerio 8 votes
I prefer the 70 ultimate version of Incap. Please remove the silence at 120+ ultimate.
ZelosDracaneRikumaruLordTareqCheloStiganttechnohicRagnaroek93kollege14a5Strider__RoshinSanctum74AedarylUltrabored1MirelaUmbrellaVietfoxOrange_fire_dragonFur_like_snowEatmyfaceJackAshesATomiX96 28 votes
  • susmitds
    I like that the 120+ version of Incap negates targets. Please retain the silence at 120+ ultimate.
    I would like it to be changed to Stun back. Or do higher damage instead. But the Silence is nice as if you combo fast enough, magicka builds generally panic on being Silenced, unable to cast spells and instead of breaking free immediately, they burn stamina blocking or dodging, before finally breaking free. If you silence them with Incap, you can guarantee that they will be out of stam for the next CC in 6 seconds, if they survive till then.
  • technohic
    I prefer the 70 ultimate version of Incap. Please remove the silence at 120+ ultimate.
    I feel its not needed. About the best use I can think of is get wear them down, get bleeds and defile on them, and then use it but that can be accomplished by a fear
  • fred4
    I suppose I could have added more options along the lines of:

    "I switched to Dawnbreaker"
    "I'm a stamblade using Soul Harvest"
    "I want ZOS to revert / add something other than silence" (Not going to happen, I would say.)

    However that wouldn't speak to how useful or useless the breakable silence of Incap is. I was inspired by the following video, which I find a realistic assessment from a long-term player.
    PC EU: Magblade (PvP main), DK (PvE Tank), Sorc (PvP and PvE), Magden (PvE Healer), Magplar (PvP and PvE DD), Arcanist (PvE DD)
    PC NA: Magblade (PvP and PvE every role)
  • evoniee
    i need the stun for finishing move and counter attack, so incap current state is useless
  • deepseamk20b14_ESO
    I like that the 120+ version of Incap negates targets. Please retain the silence at 120+ ultimate.
    I voted for no real reason as I could care less about stun or silence. Honestly it’s better to stun or knockdown into an incap since it’s very easy to dodge as is. I’d rather have the defile back. Reave is cool but it’s hard to choose incap over DBoS at the moment honestly. It is cheaper and good for those who prefer the ganking play style I suppose.
    Hey everyone! Look! It's a signature!
  • Minalan
    Stun and defile please, it was fine.
  • jcm2606
    Stun should go back on. Silence is only really useful against magicka builds, and even then it still allows them to move around, even though I'm CC'ing them to be able to hit them with the short as all hell range on stamblade's skills. Almost completely useless against stamina, and only half useful against magicka, stun was way better, and was actually worth the CC immunity window.
  • ATomiX96
    I prefer the 70 ultimate version of Incap. Please remove the silence at 120+ ultimate.
    Why the *** would you want to silence someone for 3 seconds (which grants them CC immunity afterwards)
    Silence (which you can CC-Break) does absolutely nothing against Stam builds and little to nothing against mag builds either, they can still fight back, vigor, dodge roll, etc. and you give them CC-Immunity for free.
  • Stigant
    I prefer the 70 ultimate version of Incap. Please remove the silence at 120+ ultimate.
    Silence is only good against magicka builds. Unbreakable is too strong, breakable is meme. Obviously nightmare to balance out.
    Nerfig incap, that I can understand, but nerfing it by putting useless CC on it which practically gives your enemy CC immunity so you can't actually use, or don't want to use your supposedly better version at stored 120 ult. That's one of the dumbest changes in ESO's history.
    Edited by Stigant on May 25, 2019 1:03PM
  • LordTareq
    I prefer the 70 ultimate version of Incap. Please remove the silence at 120+ ultimate.
    The silence is terrible. I switched to Dawnbreaker. Can recommend.
  • Theignson
    Silence seems to do nothing to stam builds, as others said. It may do something to magicka builds but often they seem unaffected. Guess I will switch to Dbos
    3 GOs, a Warlord, and bunches of prefects etc-- all classes...I've wasted a lot of time in PVP
  • LordTareq
    I prefer the 70 ultimate version of Incap. Please remove the silence at 120+ ultimate.
    The silence is terrible. I switched to Dawnbreaker. Can recommend.
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