Bloodthirsty vs Infused: Stamina Warden

Hello everyone, I am here to give a few scenarios and some background information in hopes that you kind people might help me decide what to change my jewelry traits to.

Background: I am a Redguard Stamina Warden, CP 985~, who had been going on the path of DPS for the past 2-3 months.

The journey was long but I feel I’m finally getting up there. Here’s my gear.

7 medium(all stamina glyphs)

MH: Legendary/Powered/Poison/Briarheart

BackMH: Legendary/Infused/WeaponDamage/vMA


WD: 3102 (4318 Full Buff)
Stam: 33.7k
Crit: 57.9 (67.9 with potion active)
Critdamage: 1.71
Penetration: 11,335
Regen: 1291(1457 with potions active)
Using dubious throne

The two parses I will talk about use the following skill bars.

Setup 1:
FB: Netch/Sub/Dive/Rending/Bird/Bear
BB: Hail/Trap/Injection/Caltrops/Bird/Bear

Setup 2:
FB: DeadlyCloak/Sub/Dive/Bird/Bear
BB: Hail/Trap/Injection/Netch/Bird/Bear


For setup one the highest I have hit on a 6 mil was 43k, it required more heavy attacks in order to sustain caltrops, and felt more difficult to weave.

For setup 2 two the highest I have hit on a 6 mil was 41k, it was significantly easier to sustain and required only 1-2 heavy attacks. On a 3 mil it required no heavy attacks.

My question would be this, given these two bars and my gear, what would be the optimal path for my jewelry trait? I understand infused will help throughout the entire fight, but at the same time bloodthirsty would boost the damage of Veli and Rele. As well as assist me killing the boss before I start running dry on resources.

With the buff whirling blade received I should also mention I have done parses with it in place of dive, it nets me around 1k less DPs currently (PS4 so no buff yet). And can be sustained decently on both setups due to redguard passives.
Edited by Casul on May 22, 2019 9:26AM
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  • Elwendryll
    I'm not an expert, and I like to go for 2 Infused/1 Bloodthirsty, but on a dummy, 3 Bloodthirsty should get you the most dps...
    You have legendary jewelry, so 30% bonus damage for 25% of the fight. That's a direct increase of 7.5% damage.
    Edited by Elwendryll on May 22, 2019 9:37AM
    PC - EU - France - AD
    Main character: Qojikrin - Khajiit Sorcerer Tank/Stamina DD - since March 25, 2015.
    Guildmaster of Oriflamme: Focus on 4 player endgame content.
    Member of Brave Cat Trade, Panda Division and Toadhuggers.

    All 4-man trifectas - TTT, IR, GH
  • Casul
    Elwendryll wrote: »
    I'm not an expert, and I like to go for 2 Infused/1 Bloodthirsty, but on a dummy, 3 Bloodthirsty should get you the most dps...
    You have legendary jewelry, so 30% bonus damage for 25% of the figth. That's a direct increase of 7.5% damage.

    That would bring the low parse up a decent bit. I guess I’m just thinking that bloodthirsty would be best because I never have sustain issues until I get to execute phase. That’s when the heavy attacks are needed. So maybe bloodthirsty could boost me through the end a bit better. But then again infused would be better for mobile fights where I won’t be able to benefit from velidreth and Relequen as much.

    Just so much to consider.
    PvP needs more love.
  • Elwendryll
    BuildMan wrote: »
    Elwendryll wrote: »
    I'm not an expert, and I like to go for 2 Infused/1 Bloodthirsty, but on a dummy, 3 Bloodthirsty should get you the most dps...
    You have legendary jewelry, so 30% bonus damage for 25% of the figth. That's a direct increase of 7.5% damage.

    That would bring the low parse up a decent bit. I guess I’m just thinking that bloodthirsty would be best because I never have sustain issues until I get to execute phase. That’s when the heavy attacks are needed. So maybe bloodthirsty could boost me through the end a bit better. But then again infused would be better for mobile fights where I won’t be able to benefit from velidreth and Relequen as much.

    Just so much to consider.

    That's why I like some infused. For the cleave damage, and to get the targets to execute phase in the first place. Bloodthirsty is very good fur dummies and trial, because you generally don't want to spend too much time on the execute phase.

    I don't have any healing tied to weapon damage (I use Crit Surge), so I don't need it for that, but if you have any jeal slotted, Infused will help you while Bloodthirsty will not.

    So yes, in the end it's up to you. I personally don't like to have too much of a disparity in my damage before and during execute phase. But for a dummy, I'd say Bloodthirsty is the best.

    Honestly, that's me, but I find your regen a bit low. But you have better results than me, so who am I to judge?

    By the way, it might help you to use your heavy attacks before the execute phase, so you have enough stamina to go all in for the last percents, because that's when you can deal the most.
    Edited by Elwendryll on May 22, 2019 9:46AM
    PC - EU - France - AD
    Main character: Qojikrin - Khajiit Sorcerer Tank/Stamina DD - since March 25, 2015.
    Guildmaster of Oriflamme: Focus on 4 player endgame content.
    Member of Brave Cat Trade, Panda Division and Toadhuggers.

    All 4-man trifectas - TTT, IR, GH
  • Casul
    Elwendryll wrote: »
    BuildMan wrote: »
    Elwendryll wrote: »
    I'm not an expert, and I like to go for 2 Infused/1 Bloodthirsty, but on a dummy, 3 Bloodthirsty should get you the most dps...
    You have legendary jewelry, so 30% bonus damage for 25% of the figth. That's a direct increase of 7.5% damage.

    That would bring the low parse up a decent bit. I guess I’m just thinking that bloodthirsty would be best because I never have sustain issues until I get to execute phase. That’s when the heavy attacks are needed. So maybe bloodthirsty could boost me through the end a bit better. But then again infused would be better for mobile fights where I won’t be able to benefit from velidreth and Relequen as much.

    Just so much to consider.

    That's why I like some infused. For the cleave damage, and to get the targets to execute phase in the first place. Bloodthirsty is very good fur dummies and trial, because you generally don't want to spend too much time on the execute phase.

    I don't have any healing tied to weapon damage (I use Crit Surge), so I don't need it for that, but if you have any jeal slotted, Infused will help you while Bloodthirsty will not.

    So yes, in the end it's up to you. I personally don't like to have too much of a disparity in my damage before and during execute phase. But for a dummy, I'd say Bloodthirsty is the best.

    Honestly, that's me, but I find your regen a bit low. But you have better results than me, so who am I to judge?

    Well I did pick a sustain race and Netch also gives another ~200 regen so I’m realistically around 1700ish. It’s just caltrops that’s the issue because it costs so much. But then again it also got a little buff this patch so that influences things too.
    PvP needs more love.
  • Elwendryll
    I should stop editing my messages while you're answering xD
    Edited by Elwendryll on May 22, 2019 9:52AM
    PC - EU - France - AD
    Main character: Qojikrin - Khajiit Sorcerer Tank/Stamina DD - since March 25, 2015.
    Guildmaster of Oriflamme: Focus on 4 player endgame content.
    Member of Brave Cat Trade, Panda Division and Toadhuggers.

    All 4-man trifectas - TTT, IR, GH
  • Casul
    Elwendryll wrote: »
    I should stop editing my messages while your answering xD

    You bring up a good point with the heavy attacks though, on the caltrops setup I was using a heavy attack every other rotation (basically it would be 2 dives on one rotation and on 2nd rotation it would be heavy attack Netch). It was still rough to sustain on the 6 mil. I suppose I could try doing a heavy attack every rotation and cut it down to every other rotation during execute phase.
    PvP needs more love.
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