Hello everyone, I am here to give a few scenarios and some background information in hopes that you kind people might help me decide what to change my jewelry traits to.
Background: I am a Redguard Stamina Warden, CP 985~, who had been going on the path of DPS for the past 2-3 months.
The journey was long but I feel I’m finally getting up there. Here’s my gear.
7 medium(all stamina glyphs)
MH: Legendary/Powered/Poison/Briarheart
BackMH: Legendary/Infused/WeaponDamage/vMA
WD: 3102 (4318 Full Buff)
Stam: 33.7k
Crit: 57.9 (67.9 with potion active)
Critdamage: 1.71
Penetration: 11,335
Regen: 1291(1457 with potions active)
Using dubious throne
The two parses I will talk about use the following skill bars.
Setup 1:
FB: Netch/Sub/Dive/Rending/Bird/Bear
BB: Hail/Trap/Injection/Caltrops/Bird/Bear
Setup 2:
FB: DeadlyCloak/Sub/Dive/Bird/Bear
BB: Hail/Trap/Injection/Netch/Bird/Bear
For setup one the highest I have hit on a 6 mil was 43k, it required more heavy attacks in order to sustain caltrops, and felt more difficult to weave.
For setup 2 two the highest I have hit on a 6 mil was 41k, it was significantly easier to sustain and required only 1-2 heavy attacks. On a 3 mil it required no heavy attacks.
My question would be this, given these two bars and my gear, what would be the optimal path for my jewelry trait? I understand infused will help throughout the entire fight, but at the same time bloodthirsty would boost the damage of Veli and Rele. As well as assist me killing the boss before I start running dry on resources.
With the buff whirling blade received I should also mention I have done parses with it in place of dive, it nets me around 1k less DPs currently (PS4 so no buff yet). And can be sustained decently on both setups due to redguard passives.
Edited by Casul on May 22, 2019 9:26AM PvP needs more love.