So, I was expecting the dragons to shout. Obviously. I wasn't expecting to laugh my bottom off when they would, though.
I mean, come on, sounds like some guy trying to take a deep voice and scare a 4 years old. They are massive creatures, they should have deep, way deep voices, echoing with a boom when they shout, not the voice of your drunken buddy impersonating a dovahkiin after one too many beer (that milk-drinker can't hold his liquor anyway). Their voices lack some "oomph", some kick, some impact. And well, "Fus Ro Dah" is fine, but where is "Yol Toor Shul" when they breath fire ?
Also, they turn around like they don't move. They simply ... Rotate. Like I would expect from a video game asset that has no proper animation. I would expect to see them turn around like the massive creatures they are, by putting some effort into it. Could even be somewhat impressive if they could do it quick, because that alone would be a display of power. As it is, it looks fake.
Finally, it seems they're not all that hostile at all. They can peacefully land in a field and just stay put, not even bothering to disturb the farmer working his crops 5 feet away. They're certainly not burning down his house or roasting him alive. Until you get close, they could very well be having a friendly conversation while the dragon rests his wings. Are we sure they are even evil ? I might have no doubt about it if they were actually rampaging, but that... I'm like "oh, hello, mister farmer, sir Dragon, don't mind me, I'll just collect that ancestor silk and be on my way, then".
What are your thoughts on the matter, fellows ?
Dragons dont have to do a shout every time they breathe fire or frost. I dont remember hearing them say anything when getting violated in Skyrim.
ShadowDisciple wrote: »Its not that i dont agree with you, but ur slightly taking it too far with the farmer and burnt houses...
I think you need a new sound card/speakers. They sound pretty good on my system. As for the turning, I"m not seeing any difference between the way they turn and the way any very large boss turns.
Dragons dont have to do a shout every time they breathe fire or frost. I dont remember hearing them say anything when getting violated in Skyrim.
They always shout to use their breath attacks, even in Skyrim. Its just a bit harder to hear there because of the noise the breath attack itself makes.
So, I was expecting the dragons to shout. Obviously. I wasn't expecting to laugh my bottom off when they would, though.
I mean, come on, sounds like some guy trying to take a deep voice and scare a 4 years old. They are massive creatures, they should have deep, way deep voices, echoing with a boom when they shout, not the voice of your drunken buddy impersonating a dovahkiin after one too many beer (that milk-drinker can't hold his liquor anyway). Their voices lack some "oomph", some kick, some impact. And well, "Fus Ro Dah" is fine, but where is "Yol Toor Shul" when they breath fire ?
Also, they turn around like they don't move. They simply ... Rotate. Like I would expect from a video game asset that has no proper animation. I would expect to see them turn around like the massive creatures they are, by putting some effort into it. Could even be somewhat impressive if they could do it quick, because that alone would be a display of power. As it is, it looks fake.
Finally, it seems they're not all that hostile at all. They can peacefully land in a field and just stay put, not even bothering to disturb the farmer working his crops 5 feet away. They're certainly not burning down his house or roasting him alive. Until you get close, they could very well be having a friendly conversation while the dragon rests his wings. Are we sure they are even evil ? I might have no doubt about it if they were actually rampaging, but that... I'm like "oh, hello, mister farmer, sir Dragon, don't mind me, I'll just collect that ancestor silk and be on my way, then".
What are your thoughts on the matter, fellows ?
barbarian340 wrote: »Hilarious! Where are u guys seeing these dragons though?