Nerftheforums wrote: »Who the codes this game, monkeys?
Nerftheforums wrote: »5 weeks of pts, crippling still doesn't root
6 months of live bug + 2x 5 weeks of pts, shadow image is still bugged
5 weeks of pts, streak is bugged again, rooting you in buildings
3 months of live bug + 2x 5 weeks of pts, hardened ward still has casting issues
Excuse, but what the *** are you doing in your working hours? Who the codes this game, monkeys?
Imperial_Voice wrote: »ZoS mods consider it a violation of forum rules to criticize devs in any way or form.
Imperial_Voice wrote: »ZoS mods consider it a violation of forum rules to criticize devs in any way or form.
Jolipinator wrote: »Everyone knows that given enough time, monkeys typing on keyboards will eventually produce a functioning video game.
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »I am just impressed that someone mentioned both Sorc and NB skills in the same post and this place isnt on fire yet. Haha
Imperial_Voice wrote: »ZoS mods consider it a violation of forum rules to criticize devs in any way or form.
BomblePants wrote: »If it’s so bad and so unenjoyable I have a radical idea.
Stop playing....
deadsheepb14_ESO wrote: »This forum is filled with criticism of the game and the devs, interspersed with a few lonely praises and some neutral posts.
Aelakhaii_De_Mythos wrote: »
what a ridiculous thing to say
cant complain about something you like? disgusting reasoning