CLAN GHILAIN - women, LGBTQ+, disability safe space / relaxed, no-pressure PvE / no voice chat

Maintenance for the week of March 24:
· [COMPLETE] Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

IMPORTANT: WE ARE NO LONGER ACTIVE. We remain in ESO and on Discord as a very tight community, but we no longer host any kind of events or accept new members. So long!

CLAN GHILAIN” is a social guild with a mission. We are a safe space for those that need it, to enjoy the game without any kind of pressure or unpleasantness.

First and foremost, we provide a peaceful place for those who are anxious and for those who can’t or simply don’t want to play the game in a traditional way. If you struggle with social anxiety, we are the right place. Most of us have it - we understand it and will never pressure you to be more social than you want to be. There is no pressure to be active unless you choose to be, and we don’t kick for inactivity. If you need a break, you are free to do so, and no one will mind it. We will be happy to see you back whenever.

If we do group content as a guild, we provide adjustments if needed. Are you highly sensitive, do you get sensory overwhelmed with too many effects, need often breaks? We will always understand and do what we can to make it easier for you.

We are LGBTQ+ supportive. We gather all kinds of people and we all have the right to feel safe and respected. In the Clan you will never have to endure tired jokes at your expanse, we respect your pronouns and you are always free to be fully yourself here. We are a 100% safe space for trans people.

We do regular PvE events - weekly fishing, WBs runs, trials (currently on short hiatus), we group up for dungeons, occasional Cyrodiil, all kinds of group content. We have occasional contests and holiday events (like housing or costume contests, potato hunts, secret santa). We do all of this in a RELAXED way, always beginner-friendly! We never use voice chat, we always wait if you have a quest in a dungeon, we don’t care in the slightest what gear you wear or what build you have or if you miss a mechanic. We’re there to have fun, and only that. We don’t care about performance at all. If we wipe, we laugh, we throw a mudball, we try again!

While this is an MMO and we like to play together, we do promote individualism. Everyone in the Clan plays the game in their own way - we have lore seekers, traders, questers, house decorating fans, fashion designers, solo players - there is no right or wrong style of playing. As long as you let other people do what they want, however they want it, without commenting or trying to “teach” them how to do it and giving unasked advice, you are very welcome!

Important disclaimer: we DO NOT do end-game veteran content, and if you’re a veteran that’s done most of it, we are NOT the right guild. We are NOT looking for high CP players who want to “teach” us or “help” by giving unasked for advice. We don’t care how everyone plays the game, but it does not mean we don’t know HOW TO play it. We will not tolerate people that stress others into doing things a certain way. If you want to do everything "properly" and like to tell people what to do in dungeons and trials, like to brag about your DPS, flaunt your knowledge on everything or give unsolicited advice, we are NOT the right guild. Absolutely no kind of elitism will be tolerated in the slightest. If you don't have a problem with PUGing dungeons / trials, we will NOT be a fun guild for you. Since we are a safe space for specific groups of people, jokes at anyone's expense will not be tolerated, no matter how it was meant.

:star:Since we’re a safe space guild, we will only send invites to those who want to play the game in the most relaxed way AND belong to any of the groups mentioned in the title (women, LGBTQ+, and disabled people - including mental ilnesses and disorders, like ASD, anxiety, depression included)! :star:
To apply, PM me either here (@Lavellan) or through in-game email (@theLavellan) (please note that whispers and friend invites are often accidentally lost, try using in-game email instead). In your application specify which of the groups you belong to, and why you’re looking for a safe space.
For safety reasons, we might be overly careful with sending invites - it’s to make sure we are as safe as we promise.

See you in Tamriel! :heart:

(PS: If you've gotten this far and wish to join, but still feel too shy and don't dare to apply... please know, we're the perfect place for you. We're the kindest people you'll meet :smile:)
Edited by Lavellan on January 10, 2022 7:26PM
Andaran atish'an, stranger.
  • BeautifulSilver
    I'd be interested in joining, if you don't mind an adult beginner. The only games I've played before are Dragon Age (on casual!) so I do need some help understanding some of the things in ESO.

  • gplumblingnrb18_ESO
    I'm a chilled solo player/non-stop farmer.
    Looking for a guild for some chilled pve play.

    CLAN GHILAIN seems perfect for me. :smile:


  • Lavellan
    @BeautifulSilver Beginners are very welcome (and I'm a huge Dragon Age fan as well :smiley:)! But unfortunately your account was not found, are you sure this was your in-game ID? :smile:

    @gplumblingnrb18_ESO invite sent! :smiley:
    Edited by Lavellan on May 22, 2019 8:58AM
    Andaran atish'an, stranger.
  • Lavellan
    Our little guild is growing, but there's plenty of space! Mature players of all ages and levels are welcome! :)
    Andaran atish'an, stranger.
  • MorganaBlue

    I'm a CP 562, daily player PVE, mostly solo play until now - no PUGs, so despite the medium-high CP, I'm just starting to learn normal dungeons, have done only a few with a high CP friend alone, and begining to feel really frustrated.

    I want to do content in dungeons, not run through facerolling all the Bosses. I want to be healed and I want a tank and another DD to learn 4- man dungeon mechanics from nice people who actually want to take the time to teach dungeon and vet dungeon basics while having fun. When I've gotten that down, I want to learn to do trials like a pro. B)

    I have good gear, have been studying this game since I started playing, and now want to ease into group content.
    Trying to find the right guild with the right activities.

    DD Magplar main. Enchanting, Alchemy, Provisioning leveled, almost Master Clothier, Master Blacksmith, Master Woodworker - just a few items left to research last couple of traits on. Jewelry in the works still.

    Would love an invite @MorganaBlue in game :) Thank you.
  • tonyb16_ESO21
    Soul Shriven
    I am a mature player, (50+) and I have played games since Pong came out. Have played a few other MMOs, like WoW, GW2, FFXIV SWTOR and a few more for nearly 15 years. New in here though so I have, up until now, mostly done solo questing no PUGs, no dungeons, no trials.

    I love lore and content. I want to really see the dungeons and all (at least the first 5 times :) ) and not speedrun through . I have always been healer but have not dared to try that here...yet. Like the above poster I want to learn to do the dungeons and trials properly and in the company of nice people.

    As for crafting and level, I am level 22 and my crafting is a bit...meh atm. But I want to learn and contribute.

    @DBoy67 ingame if that sounds the least interesting.
  • Lavellan
    @tonyb16_ESO21 Invite sent! We'll be very happy to have you :)
    Andaran atish'an, stranger.
  • Evenst3ph3n
    Soul Shriven
    Hi I have been playing games for the last 20+ years, such as witcher, Assassins creed, dragon age etc. This is my first attempt at an online game and it is very daunting. I have been running around just questing and piggybacked with others through a Summerset public dungeon. That was an experience but as tonyb16 said it would be nicer to do dungeons at a slower pace. I find the chat hard to do as I have never really used chat at all and the acronyms thank goodness for google to help lol. I am mid 50's and your line of a safe haven for all adventurers is what attracted me being new and quite reserved. I am a level 43 nightblade stamina build and would love to be part of your guild. I reside in Australia though so unsure if the time differences will be an issue. My ingame character is Lollisock and user ID is @evenstephen
  • redgreensunset
    This looks like my kind of guild. I'll throw you an in-game mail once the server is back up.
  • Kaoto
    Hey! Looking for a friendly chill guild, can i get an invite? @Kaoto
  • MorganaBlue
    Edited by MorganaBlue on March 19, 2020 1:34PM
  • MrMizz
    Soul Shriven

    this sounds like the right type of guild for me. I'm a returning 40-something PvE-player. I was on a quite a long break but I started to play again a few days ago. I play this game pretty much because of the group play but I've been known to spend quite some time fishing as well... :wink:


  • FloofFactory
    Soul Shriven
    I really enjoyed Dragon Age and Skyrim. I wanted to give ESO a chance and as it turns out, I love it!

    I'm socially awkward, anxious and depressed so I'm looking for a kind and friendly community where I can help as well as get help. I have no problem soloing the quest lines but I need a group of people for social instances like dungeons and trials, where I don't have much experience.

    It takes me a while to muster the courage to say hi so don't hold it against me if I don't (right away).

    I'm a Warden DPS/Healer CP78, very new to the game and at times it can be overwhelming doing it alone. I appreciate all the help and tips I can get!

  • Lavellan
    @FloofFactory Invite sent! You are very welcome to the Clan, feel free to lurk for a while until you feel comfortable talking - there is no pressure at all :smile:
    Andaran atish'an, stranger.
  • Rivvqah
    Soul Shriven
    Hi, this sounds like a nice place, I think I'd like to join.
    Name's Rewa, I'm a lifetime gamer and Elder Scrolls enthusiast since I was a little girl. CP 300, but don't let that fool you, I barely know anything, I'm mostly a solo player tbh, with my crippling social anxiety and all. I'd like to try things out though, in a friendly laid-back environment one day. Maybe make some friends too.
    I may have some altoholic potential (too. many. ocs!), but I'm focusing on my beloved Bosmer Warden main for now.

    @Rivvqah ingame. Thank you. :)
  • Lavellan
    @Rivvqah You are very welcome to our little family! Bosmers are the best :blush:

    Invite sent!
    Andaran atish'an, stranger.
  • bramable
    Soul Shriven
    Hi im an Irish college student looking for a relaxed casual guild and this seems like a great fit. Seeing Dragon Age references in the comments is a good sign for me :P im a big fan of Dragon age and fantasy games in general.

  • Everrsor
    Hey what are your active hours im in gmt+2
  • deadmoncky
    Soul Shriven
    Hey, im in UK and just getting back into the MMO's. Life has changed since I last played one and am looking for a no hassle guild to hang with.

    Are you still recruiting?
  • Lavellan
    @Everrsor We gather a small group of people from all around the world. However most of us are from Europe, in BST and CEST time zones :smile:
    @deadmoncky Yes, we are recruiting!
    Andaran atish'an, stranger.
  • deadmoncky
    Soul Shriven
    @deadmoncky in game, can I get an invite?
  • Kristo33
    Hey, sound good, quite noob in ESO world. Love the game, but guild system is bit odd for me. I am used to socialice in guilds, but in ESO, its bit hard to find actually social guild. I am interested, my id is @Kristo33
  • Ishibrows
    @deadmoncky I’ll send you an invite as soon as I get the update sorted 🙂

    @Kristo33 Our guild is small but the members we do have are quite social! I’ll send an invite over 🙂
  • Lavellan
    We are recruiting! B)
    We're in the middle of organising our first, no-pressure, very relaxed trial without voice communication. All like-minded individuals are very welcome to join us on that adventure :)
    Edited by Lavellan on September 7, 2019 9:54AM
    Andaran atish'an, stranger.
  • Lavellan
    Our first trial was a huge success! We are currently recruiting, come and grab your spot! :)
    Edited by Lavellan on September 17, 2019 2:33PM
    Andaran atish'an, stranger.
  • Sirvaleen
    Really interesting ethos but I've been kicked before from a social guild catering to "casual" gamers because I was not on Discord enough, or responding to cautionary messages ingame (which is a wonder in a chat so nicely integrated and practical).

    In any event, I'm mentioning that fact since I'm getting the same kind of vibe from the description of yours : social and casual but still with group content in mind, which would be perfect if you do not have to actually do group events every time one is planned, or be on Discord all the time ?

    I would be happy for some human sociality and the possibility (not the obligation) of some group activities, but I don't always have the time nor the wish for it. Since that inadequate level of involvement can appear pretty selfish, I prefer to be honest about the fact that I'm a solo player first.

    If you still have some place for a player like me, I'll be happy to join under the same IGN. If not, no hard feelings :)
  • Lavellan
    Hi Sirvaleen!
    In all honesty, we gather all kinds of players. Some are very active on Discord and participate all events, some say hi occasionally, some are mostly just going on about their business. We have absolutely no issue with either. You don't have to join Discord at all, if that is not your thing :) We have some general rules, we don't tolerate sexism, transphobia, homophobia, racism, ableism, elitism - but we'd never kick anyone for not being active enough! We all need a break from being social sometimes. However you like to play the game, that is only up to you, so I think it all sounds good and you are very welcome among us! I'll send you an invite as soon as I'm online :)
    Andaran atish'an, stranger.
  • syrusfem
    Soul Shriven

    I am 43 and love playing casual PVE and to explore the world for the lore and the quests , and I'm quite a noob in this game.

    My timezone is GMT +1 (Italy) and mostly i play from around 9 PM to 11 PM (work and family are demanding!).

    I have a discord account but prefer to use ingame chat (because of noise if it is night and because english is not my first language) .

    I am interested in joining your guild and see if it is a good fit : my userid is @syrusfem .
    Edited by syrusfem on September 22, 2019 2:17PM
  • Ishibrows
    @syrusfem I'll send an invite over when I log on later if there hasn't already been one, I think you'll like the clan :)
  • Lavellan
    Bump - we are active and recruiting! 😊
    Andaran atish'an, stranger.
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