IMPORTANT: WE ARE NO LONGER ACTIVE. We remain in ESO and on Discord as a very tight community, but we no longer host any kind of events or accept new members. So long!
CLAN GHILAIN” is a social guild with a mission. We are a safe space for those that need it, to enjoy the game without any kind of pressure or unpleasantness.
First and foremost, we provide a
peaceful place for those who are anxious and for those who can’t or simply don’t want to play the game in a traditional way. If you struggle with social anxiety, we are the right place. Most of us have it - we understand it and will never pressure you to be more social than you want to be. There is no pressure to be active unless you choose to be, and we don’t kick for inactivity. If you need a break, you are free to do so, and no one will mind it. We will be happy to see you back whenever.
If we do group content as a guild, we provide
adjustments if needed. Are you highly sensitive, do you get sensory overwhelmed with too many effects, need often breaks? We will always understand and do what we can to make it easier for you.
We are
LGBTQ+ supportive. We gather all kinds of people and we all have the right to feel safe and respected. In the Clan you will never have to endure tired jokes at your expanse, we respect your pronouns and you are always free to be fully yourself here. We are a 100% safe space for trans people.
We do regular PvE events - weekly fishing, WBs runs, trials (currently on short hiatus), we group up for dungeons, occasional Cyrodiil, all kinds of group content. We have occasional contests and holiday events (like housing or costume contests, potato hunts, secret santa). We do all of this in a
RELAXED way, always
beginner-friendly! We never use voice chat, we always wait if you have a quest in a dungeon, we don’t care in the slightest what gear you wear or what build you have or if you miss a mechanic. We’re there to have fun, and only that.
We don’t care about performance at all. If we wipe, we laugh, we throw a mudball, we try again!
While this is an MMO and we like to play together, we do promote individualism. Everyone in the Clan plays the game in their own way - we have lore seekers, traders, questers, house decorating fans, fashion designers, solo players - there is no right or wrong style of playing. As long as you let other people do what they want, however they want it, without commenting or trying to “teach” them how to do it and giving unasked advice, you are very welcome!
Important disclaimer: we DO NOT do end-game veteran content, and if you’re a veteran that’s done most of it, we are NOT the right guild. We are NOT looking for high CP players who want to “teach” us or “help” by giving unasked for advice. We don’t care how everyone plays the game, but it does not mean we don’t know HOW TO play it. We will not tolerate people that stress others into doing things a certain way. If you want to do everything "properly" and like to tell people what to do in dungeons and trials, like to brag about your DPS, flaunt your knowledge on everything or give unsolicited advice, we are NOT the right guild. Absolutely no kind of elitism will be tolerated in the slightest. If you don't have a problem with PUGing dungeons / trials, we will NOT be a fun guild for you. Since we are a safe space for specific groups of people, jokes at anyone's expense will not be tolerated, no matter how it was meant.
Since we’re a safe space guild, we will only send invites to those who want to play the game in the most relaxed way AND belong to any of the groups mentioned in the title (women, LGBTQ+, and disabled people - including mental ilnesses and disorders, like ASD, anxiety, depression included)!

To apply, PM me either here (
@Lavellan) or through in-game email (
@theLavellan) (please note that whispers and friend invites are often accidentally lost, try using in-game email instead).
In your application specify which of the groups you belong to, and why you’re looking for a safe space.
For safety reasons, we might be overly careful with sending invites - it’s to make sure we are as safe as we promise.
See you in Tamriel!

(PS: If you've gotten this far and wish to join, but still feel too shy and don't dare to apply... please know, we're the perfect place for you. We're the kindest people you'll meet

Andaran atish'an, stranger.