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The makings of an AH exists. The Rawl'kha heroes know and ZOS does too...AH=BAD

  • disintegr8
    Pay what you are happy to pay for something and list for what you think an items worth. Simple.

    If you think prices are too high, go and get the item/s yourself - everything in a trader can be obtained without buying it.
    If you think all traders are part of some multi guild trading consortium, don't use them.
    Australian on PS4 NA server.
    Everyone's entitled to an opinion.
  • FakeFox
    Did anyone make it through the whole post? Comment how far you made it below!
    Edited by FakeFox on May 21, 2019 3:18AM
    EU/PC (GER) - Healermain since 2014 - 50305 Achievement Points - Youtube (PvE Healing Guides, Builds & Gameplay)
  • JimmyJuJu
    Wall of text. Words are hard. Didn't read.
  • therift
    Jayman1000 wrote: »
    therift wrote: »
    TL DR, but what's the alternative? Players have no way of knowing an item's worth without MM, especially if they're new. Without TTC you could spend hours looking for an item, for those of us with actual lives and jobs that's a problem lol.

    ZOS treats ESO as a grand experiment of how to "go their own way" when it comes to MMO design. The fact of the matter is, their crazy free market utopia idea they presented with the trader system is only barely functional BECAUSE of tools like MM and TTC, without those 90% of the population wouldn't bother with trading period. PERIOD. PERIOD.

    Players have no way of knowing an item's worth without MM

    All items come with a default value, except most provisioning (and traits?) which are apparently worthless.

    there are many, many things that have no history in MY MM. I just make a guess. If one sells for more and it forms part of my MM data later, then my lower price will bring the average down.

    I got the Shivering Cheese shortly after it was introduced. No MM data on it, I'd never heard of it. So I sold it for 5000 Someone else sold theirs for 500 000. That immediately brought the average down to 250 000.

    It didn't cost me anything. so I made 5000.

    See how MM doesn't work?

    Console does not have Master Merchant, and we have no problem establishing consensus values for most of the items traded in the game.

    We don't have TTC, so the market is not easily manipulated. Rely on these add-ons, and you deserve to get screwed.

    You make an excellent point.

    We agree comrade in communist sovjet people dont have problem, all stores fully stocked, best price + value for all honest citizens. only capitalist pig dogs get screwed. sorry, I couldnt help myself here... I really mean no offense, but the gist of your post is really like that, painting the glorious image of that amazing console experience without addons..... The fact is that relying on MM will actually help you NOT get screwed. I do not believe you when you say there is no price manipulation on consoles. I think you may just think that because you have no way of knowing when you get screwed, because you have no access to actual sales price information.

    I have hundreds of real time pages of actual sales data.

    It's called 'Purchase History'
  • Some_Guy
    That was a long and complex story that accomplished nothing.... Over exaggeration and dramatizing does nothing to prove a point. Your argument was long, but had very little actual content. Long story short: the add-ons aren't hurting and neither are the guilds using them. Also, I've NEVER (even in a Rawl trade guild) been told that I HAD to have any of those add-ons. That's just another fallacy in your overly dramatic whining.
    We Wipe On Trash
    Vivian Naiviv CP Altmer Sorcerer
    Shivnado the Potato CP Redguard Sorcerer
    Cüddle Mönster CP Argonian Sorcerer
    Ebonheart Pact Spy CP Dunmer Dragonknight
    Delilah Blackheart CP Redguard Dragonknight
    My Best Friend CP Argonian Dragonknight
    Sensual Heals CP Dunmer Templar
    Daggerfall Covenant Spy CP Redguard Templar
    Föcùs-Thê-Hælèr CP Argonian Templar
    Goes-the-Wrong-Way CP Dunmer Nightblade
    Anu'Thir Phuh'Kinspy CP Redguard Nightblade
    Works-in-Sweatshop CP Argonian Nightblade
    Anu'thir Phuh'kin Bearpun CP Altmer Warden
    Bubble Crumbles CP Redguard Warden
    A'driån Kin'hör CP Argonian Warden
    Clearly, your egg was left in the shade too long.
  • ProbablePaul
    Bam_Bam wrote: »
    They don't destroy games. Stop being dramatic

    Eh, but they do. They allow people to fix prices. When I played FFXI people who were super rich would buy up all the expensive items, and resell them to themselves at exorbitant prices, then place them up for sale. There were no in game "vana'diel" (a tamriel of a different kind) economists scrutinizing commerce, so people accepted the existing auction house history as an account of the item's real value. But, it was too expensive for the average player, so they would go out and buy gold from sites just to pay 300% for some item - which was usually being sold by the gold sellers they just bought currency from.. Oh, burn! Granted, this was back when video games had really rare items, from really rare events/monsters. Everything that is good in this game is sold in the crown store, or obtained from trials/quests.
    Bosmer Melee Magicka Nightblade
  • bmnoble
    Hate the break it to you pal, your example of 4K tempering alloy's, regardless of the patch/expansion if I saw stacks for that low I would buy out the stock and relist at my normal sale price of 6K each.

    Without MM/TTC a lot of newer players, would not have a good idea of what their items are worth and potentially get scammed out of them, or sell too low and have their stock bought out by those intending to resell.

    Its alright for those who have been playing awhile and have a good idea of what items are worth even without the add ons. The add on's helps a lot of newer players learn how to trade to make income.

    There are always going to be idiots in the system that sell at stupidly high prices, very simple way to fix it. Don't buy it walk to another trader, wait a few days if need be.

    If the listing just stays sitting there the re-seller is not making any gold, they put up high priced items because they know the normal price ones will sell out quick, there waiting for the lazy rich players who don't want to browse stores anymore.
  • jainiadral
    OP, why on Earth would you shorten "Derrick" to "Dirk?"
  • Jeremy
    Edited by Jeremy on May 21, 2019 4:50AM
  • ZeroXFF
    There is just one problem in this whole story. It doesn't work like that. Upgrade mats prices have been stable for quite a long time. They fluctuate when new updates come out, but they never just keep increasing, because people who have the mats are more likely to sell when the prices are high, increasing supply and pushing the prices back down.

    A global AH will make things cheaper. If you want proof, compare PC prices with console prices. We don't need the "dude trust me" sources like you, we have empirical data, and it contradicts everything you said. People who will try to control the market on common goods with a global AH that has a tax will go broke rather quickly. This can only be done with super rare luxury items that nobody really needs anyways.

    Besides, even your story hinges on the fact that people just don't want to go out and search for better priced stuff. With a global AH there will be much more competition among suppliers undercutting each other, and the buyers will always be finding the best deal available at the time.
  • ArchangelIsraphel
    Actually, I have it on good authority that Dirk would never do any of these things. He has, in point of fact, given up all of his material possessions after taking a trip to a mountain top where a monk in saffron robes spoke to him thus:

    "Dirk, on the 20th day of the 6th month of the year 2019, a messenger shall arrive to the meeting place of those who would seek the wisdom to be found in the Scrolls of the Elders. His message will be a portent speaking of the End of the World at your hands, Dirk. You must not let this happen. Although your quest to seek the Golden Armor of Legend may seem to be one of noble purpose, one day a man will strike you down and you will see that all is for naught. A great darkness will enter your heart, Dirk. A darkness you cannot fight. Greed will overtake you. It is said that in the midst of your madness, a Noob will come unto you, asking you to help him reach The End of the Game, but you will reject him, Dirk. You will not take him to the place where the Sky Reaches, but instead he and all those like him will wither and die because you, Dirk, felt a great need to control all wealth garnered from the mysterious Alloy of Tempering.

    This messenger will drag your good name through the mud. You will become a Meme, laughed at for the rest of eternity. Do you want this to happen, Dirk?"

    "No." Said Dirk, who had no more idea as to what the monk spoke of than we do at this very moment, reading this very thread.

    Fortunately for all of us, the monk had the foresight to send me a text a few hours ago, telling me this would happen. Everything's going to be okay, guys. We don't have to be afraid. Dirk is living on a nice quiet mountain top where he'll never ever sell another Tempering Alloy, and we'll all be safe.

    TL;DR- I didn't meet Angry Joe :(

    Legends never die
    They're written down in eternity
    But you'll never see the price it costs
    The scars collected all their lives
    When everything's lost, they pick up their hearts and avenge defeat
    Before it all starts, they suffer through harm just to touch a dream
    Oh, pick yourself up, 'cause
    Legends never die
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