Primary Residence QoL feedback/questions

These are the questions I posed for the ESO live w/ housing dev that remain unanswered.

Are there plans to allow visitors to come to any of my homes, regardless of whether it's set as my primary residence or if I'm in the home? Such as the functionality of the Add-Ons "Port to a Friends House" or "Go Home". These add-ons work with current permissions, so for example if I set a house for no visitors, even with the add-on people can't go to it, so that should not be a stumbling block.

Is it possible to set a primary residence for each character, as opposed to one per account. Each of my girls has her own home specially decorated (sometimes just a free inn room), I'd love the ability to set a primary residence for each.
  • ghastley
    The things I'd like to see added (some of which can be done with add-ons now):

    Separate "home" for each character, instead of the whole account.
    Guild Hall separate from guildmaster's primary residence.
    Visit non-primary residence (a pre-requisite for the one above)
    Choose primary entry for homes that have more than one - e.g. Sleek Creek.

    If a character activates the door of a house, they currently enter their own instance, or get to preview it, if they don't own one. I'd like that extended to give the option to enter an instance they have permission to visit.

  • reoskit
    ghastley wrote: »
    Guild Hall separate from guildmaster's primary residence.

    Unless they do some serious thinking, I think the ship has sailed on the Guild House concept. And here's why:
    • Crafting tables are bound to an account once they're attuned.
    • Mundus Stones are bound.

    Many guilds have already set up their guild houses, and the primary reason is to access the above resources. If those aren't transferrable to a new guild-owned house, meh.

    Some guilds have a GM account that doesn't actually run any content, so the guild uses a different player's (officer, guildie) house for this purpose instead. Since many guilds have put the time, effort, and money (IRL and in-game) into their houses, I wonder how willing they'd be to move. I can't imagine getting all our crafting stations again. *shudder*

    If it becomes a simple "Designate @someone's X house as the guild house" and it becomes the formal guild house, accessible by a push of a button... FINE! Let's do that!! Let's do it tomorrow! If that frees up the account to set a different house as primary for their own use, even better! (I think this is what you're proposing, OP?)

    Otherwise, I think there are potentially repercussions to implementing a guild house system at this point.
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