Hi folks,
There is an evident bug which I have tested with a few people now. I first noticed this bug when I built a new template for my stamina warden. I was running a seventh legion 1-hand axe with a seventh legion 1-hand dagger. Basically, what happens is when you zone (in a dungeon, using a waypoint, wherever) the dual-wielding weapons will be physically removed from your characters hands and you will begin punching things in combat. What's even more odd - is the animation of the dagger and axe will "glitch out" during this bug and will show behind my character on the ground following me.
This is a big deal. This has caused me to wipe or lose functionality in difficult dungeons. I put it in a ticket about this earlier and they basically told me they couldn't help and to come post here. I hope one of the developers can replicate this issue. I did disable all add-ons and re-test whether this bug occurred and it did.
Please see the attached screenshots and look at my characters feet. This is where the weapons go and I begin punching. Maybe its an animation bug.
- Swapping weapon bars does not fix the issue.
- The only way to re-gain my dual wielding weapon functionality is to be out of combat and un-equip and re-equip.
Edited by skiidzman on May 20, 2019 12:36AM