VO or Alkosh paired with Leviathan
On test you could get to 70% crit with shadow plus the execute/crit passive you can get to at or over 100 % crit in execute.
Alkosh for fun because you have a self-executable synergy
Harmony will also be a fun jewelry trait with Necro
To add to my Max Health build idea, I am considering running Plague and Harbinger. In Bone Tyrant mode, running Ravenous Goliath, the amount of damage you could output when blocking would be incredible. Especially if you have 80K+ health.
5 Seducer, 5 Julianos, 2 Turug's.
Not really thought about true end game gear yet. I will probably pick up a set of whatever the meta will be just for trials, otherwise I really like the idea of Elemental Succession but it's a pain to farm and not really going to be great.