Divine Crusade is a friendly and welcoming 475+ members PVE Trial and Dungeon running guild. We are recruiting new and experienced players to join us in running content. Our goal is to maintain a friendly environment where players can get the help they need learning the game and running the content they wish to run. We have many friendly members who are happy to help players learn the ropes. You can ask questions in guild chat or on our Discord.
We use Discord for trials, but it also contains other useful information and has become more social. We aim to maintain a friendly family like atmosphere where players have an opportunity to enjoy the social aspects of the game and get to know their fellow guildies.
We are an active trial and dungeon guild. Dungeons are run daily, trials are currently a few times a week but we expect to run more in the future. We teach trial mechanics on every run. Discord is required. You don't have to talk but we do want players on it to listen to mechanics and be able to work with the group.
We also have a guild house that has several 3 million and 6 million test dummies, a merchant, a banker, crafting and transmute stations.
Events we schedule are:
- Shard runs
- World Bosses
- Public Dungeons
- Trials
If you are interested in becoming part of our growing family send an invite request to
@BorgCollective in game or reply here for an invite.
Edited by CivilDisobedienceVII on May 23, 2019 1:54PM