I've been seeing a lot of buggy nodes popping up all over the place.
-Underground Nodes (only visible due to Keen Eye Passive)


-Double Node Spawns
Khenarthi's Roost

Concerning the double node spawns, I have found they are showing up either side by side or inside of each other. I actually found an ancestor silk node inside of another ancestor silk node in The Rift but someone had came along and harvested it before I could get a screenshot of it.
Also, in Summerset at the Direnni Geyser by the secret passageway, there is a single blacksmithing node spawn location there. On numerous occasions, I have found a platinum seam and a rubedite seam sitting on top of each other in that single node spawn location. Again, someone came and harvested it before I could take a screenshot.
These buggy nodes used to be quite rare but they are showing up more frequently all over Tamriel and especially in Cyrodiil.