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Normal dungeons and tanks with 800 CP or more = bad experience

Today for the fourth time we enter the dungeon and the tank begins to run with the mobs behind him. The problem is that many of the mobs stop going after him and come after us and as expected we die.

It has been an unpleasant experience for me.

I do not know what can be done to mitigate this type of experience, maybe put those players with others with the same number of CP points.

Has this ever happened to you or am I having bad luck with the groups?
Edited by Mago on May 12, 2019 11:45PM
  • Drako_Ei
    Just vote kick
  • Grandesdar
    I'm a tank main and lately I've been seeing a lot of people doing that when someone else is the tank. I believe it comes from the DD mentality of "gotta go fast" rather than being a support role. Even if I rush an easy dungeon like FG1, I'd always check if my teammates are taging along safely. So yeah, after a warning give him a hefty kick.
    Main: The Charismatic StamDK DD
    Side: A Handsome Warden Healer
    Side: (upcoming) Stam Necro DD
    CP: 680
    EU PSN: Style3513
  • AlnilamE
    As a player with 800+ CP that runs normals as healer or tank, I'd much rather run with lowbies than with someone who's rushing ahead, so I don't want them either, thank you. :-)
    The Moot Councillor
  • Icy_Waffles
    Most high CP players run a random normal for the xp. Good way to level up extra or new skills etc. I say run with them.
  • ArchMikem
    Rushing ahead to the end pulling everything isnt a high CP thing, its an annoying player thing. Ask em to stop. Either theyll leave, or kick em.
    CP2,000 Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • Meesha1170
    It happens to me too from time to time and it’s annoying. In Normal you see it because they’re trying to farm set pieces and in Veteran you see it for the same reason but also because they are going for speed run achievements on their toons as well. Normally I just dodge roll to get that speed boost and don’t interact with the enemies. This will cause them to ignore me however a proper tank should be pulling them and aggroing them along the way to maintain the enemies focus on the tank.
  • disintegr8
    I see it as a failure to communicate - if someone wants to run through the mobs, tell the rest of the group that and if they don't want to, he either agrees or goes.

    I had run the other day in a vet dungeon where one of the other players went and pulled the next group of adds to the group the rest of us stopped to fight. I guessed it was because we weren't following him to bring the groups together.

    I don;t care how someone wants to run a dungeon as long as they check with the group first.
    Australian on PS4 NA server.
    Everyone's entitled to an opinion.
  • mattaeus01b16_ESO
    We got a new guy in our guild that does that crap... Hes a healer.... Charges threw the dungeon, pulling everything on him. Every now and then, he tosses a few pieces of HP gear on and calls himself a tank.
    Most frustrating part is, he thinks there is nothing wrong with it, and blames everyone else for his faults.
  • russelmmendoza
    Vote kick, its a thing you can do.
  • Jazz_Funk
    From my experience it is usually DDs that love to run ahead pulling everything as they go, and more often than not gathering a huge group of adds they can’t kill and end up dying. I find it annoying whatever role I am playing but if I am tanking and they keep doing it and then rush in and agro a boss, I will sometimes not taunt the boss and simply type in chat (you pulled it, you can tank it!). They usually learn their lesson at this point.
    However, if the group decides at the start to run past adds and/or avoid bosses to get a delve done quickly, that's fine.
    Edited by Jazz_Funk on May 13, 2019 1:09AM
  • LordTareq
    I see this a lot also in Veteran. I usually tank, and 8 out of 10 dungeons 1 of my group, (sometimes a DPS, sometimes the healer) speeds ahead of me and pulls mobs for AOE. I don't make a fuzz out of it, as its all easy enough and we get the job done anyway, but its a little bit rude to the tank imho.
    Last week I had one of the most bizarre experiences, healer (closely followed by one of our DPS) kept use blink/major expedition etc. to rush ahead not even bothering killing mobs but using terrain to reset them. At one point they jumped off a ridge so the 20+ mobs they had agroed turned on our other DPS who was lagging behind somewhat. He got snared and hammered badly, I turned back to help him but all the mobs overwhelmed us and we died. Anyway when we caught up with the healer and other DPS, they were already fighting the freaking boss. Now I could have ran in, taunted the boss and save them, but at that point I was fed up enough to just watch if they could do it on their own. Predictably they couldn't. After the wipe the healer went into rage mode 'WTF TANK!! IDIOT!!" and I replied "Well, you were so enthusiastic charging through the dungeon, attacking the boss on your own, I thought you wanted to do everything by yourself..." He then ragequit the group, we got a new healer and finished the dungeon normally.
  • KillsAllElves
    This is why i run with one other person so i cant be kicked.
    youre doing normal dungeons, get it done move on to the next.

    If you dont like it make new friends and group up to spend 30 minutes in a normal dungeon!

    Not every one will adjust their playstyle to fit your criteria.
  • Mago
    I started playing a month ago as dps and it has been a fantastic experience. Now that I have 300CP I decided to move to a healer and for that reason I am doing more normal dungeons to learn but as I said above it has not been easy and very honestly I think I will go back to dps which is a lot less stress.

    Thanks for the comments
  • BrokenGameMechanics
    This is why i run with one other person so i cant be kicked.
    youre doing normal dungeons, get it done move on to the next.

    If you dont like it make new friends and group up to spend 30 minutes in a normal dungeon!

    Not every one will adjust their playstyle to fit your criteria.

    And this is why when I see someone is screwing it up and with a buddy to avoid being kicked (that is the reason they have to run with a buddy as they are screwing it all up and subject to being kicked) I just stop fighting and tag along and let them do the dungeon themselves. Half the time they get it done but do all the work, it is normal after all, half the time they wipe as they aren't near as good as they think they are.
  • bmnoble
    Weird its normally the DD/DPS that runs off ahead.

    Same as any other role if the player is not doing it properly kick them. But with tanks its a pain, since so few are in the queues.

    The only time I have been kicked was during Frostvault, the interrupt was not working for that stupid troll boss, of "course no one else but the tank can possibly do the interrupts" I got kicked queued again and ended up right back with them, interrupts continued to play up (probably a bad connection on my end that night, finished the dungeon many times before) rest of the team wipes get kicked again. didn't bother me I was just queuing for the hell of it. already done all my pledges and daily random for that day.

    (mind you the group had a vote to kick the healer five minutes after starting the dungeon, I decline to kick since we had not even reached the first boss yet, had some 810 elitist leading the group the boss was only down to 60% health by the time the rest of the group wiped each time, so I have my doubts as to how my DPS he was doing)

    Just to check I ran Frostvault the following day and had no issues, they were lower level then the group I had the night before and had no trouble killing the troll while I kept it focused on me. Talked the new group through the other boss mechanics and had finished quite quickly.

    around CP 660 now:
    My main is a DK tank built for the role of providing constant igneous shields and echoing vigor to the team, does very low damage. I can generally make up for a low level or bad healer in most normal dungeons, if I am able to manage my resources properly and the team does not do stupid things like standing in fire/boss area of effect abilities etc.

    When I am with low level groups:

    I never rush on ahead I stay with the group, I activate Igneous weapons than move ahead taunt the most dangerous ads, or might use cinder storm in a narrow corridor to allow me to taunt all the trash so the rest of the party can kill them with ease. While providing constant igneous shields and echoing vigor to the team, spamming light attacks to save my resources to help do a little damage. Avoiding sprinting where ever possible to save resources.

    I taunt the bosses/powerful ads keep them focused on me, the occasional heavy attack when I need it. Either use aggressive warhorn if the group has good DPS or the vampire bat ultimate to add a bit of damage if they seem to be lacking.

    If the group is higher level, basically just keep applying Igneous weapons, providing constant igneous shields and echoing vigor to the team, while trying to keep pace with the sprinters. Most ads die fairly quick so I just focus on taunting the bosses.

    The only time I will abandon a group: is if the following warning signs are shown during a dungeon:
    1: they struggle to kill the trash mobs on the way to the first boss
    2: they die repeatedly during the first boss fight

    I will help a group but the tank can't make up for crap damage in the group.
  • Red_Feather
    There is a popular streamer who does that. Probably taught viewers the bad habit.
  • FierceSam
    It’s not high CP, it’s low IQ
  • sionIV
    I don't understand how this is a mystery? Most people rush because it's time efficient, they can solo the dungeon if needed, and they've completed it 100+ times before.
  • Heady
    sionIV wrote: »
    I don't understand how this is a mystery? Most people rush because it's time efficient, they can solo the dungeon if needed, and they've completed it 100+ times before.

    pretty much this, if you get chucked into a base game normal dungeon an exp player can just power through it

    saves everyone time, more time to spend on the forums
  • Glurin
    sionIV wrote: »
    I don't understand how this is a mystery? Most people rush because it's time efficient, they can solo the dungeon if needed, and they've completed it 100+ times before.

    Hey, if they can solo the dungeon, fine. They should go do that. But when you're in a PUG there's a good chance that not everybody in the group can do the same. Or want to.

    One of the reasons I started tanking is because of people doing this kind of thing in vet dungeons. Usually it was the other DPS. Once in a great while the healer. But often enough it was the tank, who was also usually a fake tank who got himself killed anyway and blamed everyone else for it. So I took on the tanking role. No more fake tanks and it gives me some degree of power over the situation since I can just refuse to taunt the boss and let the idiot who pulled it get pummeled.
    "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster...when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you..."
  • Jeremy
    Mago wrote: »
    Today for the fourth time we enter the dungeon and the tank begins to run with the mobs behind him. The problem is that many of the mobs stop going after him and come after us and as expected we die.

    It has been an unpleasant experience for me.

    I do not know what can be done to mitigate this type of experience, maybe put those players with others with the same number of CP points.

    Has this ever happened to you or am I having bad luck with the groups?

    You're not having bad luck. This is fairly common in ESO - though not as bad as it is on other games. On Final Fantasy 14 for example it's basically the standard and it's rare to actually find a group that doesn't have someone running ahead and grabbing all the mobs.

    It annoys me too.

    On normal I'm not sure if this would work, since I do veteran modes. But when someone does this to my group I just let them run on ahead and kill themselves. I don't make any attempt to follow them that way they can't get me killed too.
  • Oliwaltony
    tbh if its the daily pledge dungeon, run. Nobody wants to pass 30-40 minutes in a dungeon after spending 45-60 mins in the queue. I dont say if its a dlc dungeon, thats different. But any base game dungeon, run, all your team will save time and except if you suck, it should be easy, even in vet mode. In a dungeon, if people were a tiny little bit less focused on their single target skeleton dummy parse and more on being surviveable and aoe centered, clearing rooms of mobs would take seconds. We're not talking about a trial here. Some people have a limited ammount of time to do dungeons. When my group dont wanna run I try and respect it, but I hate it. I hate spending as much time doing it with others than soloing it (in normal dungeons) because the whole point of grouping is to make it faster/easier. As for vet dungeons, depending on the level of your team, you can either run or not, at least it's not as boring as there is a bit more "challenge". But yeah, depending if my team is up for it or not, I run or I dont, but I will always prefer running over taking time.
    Edited by Oliwaltony on May 13, 2019 6:01AM
  • Jeremy
    Oliwaltony wrote: »
    tbh if its the daily pledge dungeon, run. Nobody wants to pass 30-40 minutes in a dungeon after spending 45-60 mins in the queue. I dont say if its a dlc dungeon, thats different. But any base game dungeon, run, all your team will save time and except if you suck, it should be easy, even in vet mode. In a dungeon, if people were a tiny little bit less focused on their single target skeleton dummy parse and more on being surviveable and aoe centered, clearing rooms of mobs would take seconds. We're not talking about a trial here. Some people have a limited ammount of time to do dungeons. When my group dont wanna run I try and respect it, but I hate it. I hate spending as much time doing it with others than soloing it (in normal dungeons) because the whole point of grouping is to make it faster/easier. As for vet dungeons, depending on the level of your team, you can either run or not, at least it not as boring as there is a bit more "challenge". But yeah, depending if my team is up for it or not, I run or I dont, but I will always prefer running over taking time.

    I believe if someone wants to do "speed runs" then they should start their own group. That's not something someone should be trying to force on others in a random queue. Some of us actually like doing dungeons and want to enjoy them. We're not there to just get it over with asap.

    Edited by Jeremy on May 13, 2019 6:04AM
  • Oliwaltony
    Im talking about pledges here, people does them for keys, not for the dungeons themselves. I will never enjoy taking 30 mins+ running a pledge, ever. As a tank, I dont run much (when I do I keep everything on me and nothing escape) cause the queue is quick as hell. But as a dps and healer nowaday, 20-60 minutes of queue is to be expected on top of the running time. If you get a slow ass team, its infuriating. We dont all have as much free time as some of you seems to have. Time is precious and if we can complete it anyways, nobody should complain. I've had tanks trying to stop us from running and not taunting, but we could do just fine without them and we ended up kicking them cause they were doing nothing. If the whole team run, keep up or leave. If the whole team stall, slow down or leave. Communication is key.
  • Hämähäkki
    I don't think it's a tank thing only. I ran with tons of dps players 300-700 CP who ran ahead of the group to proof how tough they are, I guess.

    It's very annoying thats true.
  • EDS604
    LordTareq wrote: »
    I see this a lot also in Veteran. I usually tank, and 8 out of 10 dungeons 1 of my group, (sometimes a DPS, sometimes the healer) speeds ahead of me and pulls mobs for AOE. I don't make a fuzz out of it, as its all easy enough and we get the job done anyway, but its a little bit rude to the tank imho.
    Last week I had one of the most bizarre experiences, healer (closely followed by one of our DPS) kept use blink/major expedition etc. to rush ahead not even bothering killing mobs but using terrain to reset them. At one point they jumped off a ridge so the 20+ mobs they had agroed turned on our other DPS who was lagging behind somewhat. He got snared and hammered badly, I turned back to help him but all the mobs overwhelmed us and we died. Anyway when we caught up with the healer and other DPS, they were already fighting the freaking boss. Now I could have ran in, taunted the boss and save them, but at that point I was fed up enough to just watch if they could do it on their own. Predictably they couldn't. After the wipe the healer went into rage mode 'WTF TANK!! IDIOT!!" and I replied "Well, you were so enthusiastic charging through the dungeon, attacking the boss on your own, I thought you wanted to do everything by yourself..." He then ragequit the group, we got a new healer and finished the dungeon normally.

    Sounds very familiar, usually when me or my GF is tanking and we get one if those turds, we just /sitchair and laugh at them, or simply walk past them and do the next pull. Not respectful to tanks it is, people gear up, build their character so they can do their job properly, only for some 15 year old to rush through because they have to prove they're a badass. Also, letting a tank pull and do their job usually ends up in a faster run, since mobs don't have to be chased one by one, and will just die of aoe. There is something like "mmo etiquette" you know? :P
    PC EU, Guildleader of "Death By Gargoyle".
  • mocap
    im the one who run normal dungeons with healer, doing mostly damage.... with tank role selected xd
    Though 50%+ group dps, boss agro, burst heals from BoL, and ofcuz i don't rush, wait for quests etc

    So the question is - am i still ruin low lvl players exp ?
  • KillsAllElves
    This is why i run with one other person so i cant be kicked.
    youre doing normal dungeons, get it done move on to the next.

    If you dont like it make new friends and group up to spend 30 minutes in a normal dungeon!

    Not every one will adjust their playstyle to fit your criteria.

    And this is why when I see someone is screwing it up and with a buddy to avoid being kicked (that is the reason they have to run with a buddy as they are screwing it all up and subject to being kicked) I just stop fighting and tag along and let them do the dungeon themselves. Half the time they get it done but do all the work, it is normal after all, half the time they wipe as they aren't near as good as they think they are.

    Screwing what up? A normal dungeon? Buhahahahahaha! as i said before if you dont like runners in an easy normal dungeon dont PUG it, que up with friends Its that simple.

    You automically assume players who run through dungeons think theyre good, by who standards? get in get out. Most players dont want to be in a dungeon all day sight seeing.
  • sionIV
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Oliwaltony wrote: »
    tbh if its the daily pledge dungeon, run. Nobody wants to pass 30-40 minutes in a dungeon after spending 45-60 mins in the queue. I dont say if its a dlc dungeon, thats different. But any base game dungeon, run, all your team will save time and except if you suck, it should be easy, even in vet mode. In a dungeon, if people were a tiny little bit less focused on their single target skeleton dummy parse and more on being surviveable and aoe centered, clearing rooms of mobs would take seconds. We're not talking about a trial here. Some people have a limited ammount of time to do dungeons. When my group dont wanna run I try and respect it, but I hate it. I hate spending as much time doing it with others than soloing it (in normal dungeons) because the whole point of grouping is to make it faster/easier. As for vet dungeons, depending on the level of your team, you can either run or not, at least it not as boring as there is a bit more "challenge". But yeah, depending if my team is up for it or not, I run or I dont, but I will always prefer running over taking time.

    I believe if someone wants to do "speed runs" then they should start their own group. That's not something someone should be trying to force on others in a random queue. Some of us actually like doing dungeons and want to enjoy them. We're not there to just get it over with asap.

    I believe if someone wants to do "Slow(RP) Runs" then they should start their own group. That's not something someone should be trying to force on others in a random queue. Some of us actually like doing more than one dungeon a day, instead of spending an hour in each dungeon. We're not there to just sit around and wait, there is a goal, to complete the dungeon.
  • zaria
    Grandesdar wrote: »
    I'm a tank main and lately I've been seeing a lot of people doing that when someone else is the tank. I believe it comes from the DD mentality of "gotta go fast" rather than being a support role. Even if I rush an easy dungeon like FG1, I'd always check if my teammates are taging along safely. So yeah, after a warning give him a hefty kick.
    One fun way to do easy dungeons is to pull trash with group until you get behind an corner so ranged enemies will follow and you can burn the entire group with AoE, however you should always tell group about this and if pug know that dps is high enough.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
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