KillsAllElves wrote: »This is why i run with one other person so i cant be kicked.
youre doing normal dungeons, get it done move on to the next.
If you dont like it make new friends and group up to spend 30 minutes in a normal dungeon!
Not every one will adjust their playstyle to fit your criteria.
I don't understand how this is a mystery? Most people rush because it's time efficient, they can solo the dungeon if needed, and they've completed it 100+ times before.
I don't understand how this is a mystery? Most people rush because it's time efficient, they can solo the dungeon if needed, and they've completed it 100+ times before.
Today for the fourth time we enter the dungeon and the tank begins to run with the mobs behind him. The problem is that many of the mobs stop going after him and come after us and as expected we die.
It has been an unpleasant experience for me.
I do not know what can be done to mitigate this type of experience, maybe put those players with others with the same number of CP points.
Has this ever happened to you or am I having bad luck with the groups?
Oliwaltony wrote: »tbh if its the daily pledge dungeon, run. Nobody wants to pass 30-40 minutes in a dungeon after spending 45-60 mins in the queue. I dont say if its a dlc dungeon, thats different. But any base game dungeon, run, all your team will save time and except if you suck, it should be easy, even in vet mode. In a dungeon, if people were a tiny little bit less focused on their single target skeleton dummy parse and more on being surviveable and aoe centered, clearing rooms of mobs would take seconds. We're not talking about a trial here. Some people have a limited ammount of time to do dungeons. When my group dont wanna run I try and respect it, but I hate it. I hate spending as much time doing it with others than soloing it (in normal dungeons) because the whole point of grouping is to make it faster/easier. As for vet dungeons, depending on the level of your team, you can either run or not, at least it not as boring as there is a bit more "challenge". But yeah, depending if my team is up for it or not, I run or I dont, but I will always prefer running over taking time.
I see this a lot also in Veteran. I usually tank, and 8 out of 10 dungeons 1 of my group, (sometimes a DPS, sometimes the healer) speeds ahead of me and pulls mobs for AOE. I don't make a fuzz out of it, as its all easy enough and we get the job done anyway, but its a little bit rude to the tank imho.
Last week I had one of the most bizarre experiences, healer (closely followed by one of our DPS) kept use blink/major expedition etc. to rush ahead not even bothering killing mobs but using terrain to reset them. At one point they jumped off a ridge so the 20+ mobs they had agroed turned on our other DPS who was lagging behind somewhat. He got snared and hammered badly, I turned back to help him but all the mobs overwhelmed us and we died. Anyway when we caught up with the healer and other DPS, they were already fighting the freaking boss. Now I could have ran in, taunted the boss and save them, but at that point I was fed up enough to just watch if they could do it on their own. Predictably they couldn't. After the wipe the healer went into rage mode 'WTF TANK!! IDIOT!!" and I replied "Well, you were so enthusiastic charging through the dungeon, attacking the boss on your own, I thought you wanted to do everything by yourself..." He then ragequit the group, we got a new healer and finished the dungeon normally.
BrokenGameMechanics wrote: »KillsAllElves wrote: »This is why i run with one other person so i cant be kicked.
youre doing normal dungeons, get it done move on to the next.
If you dont like it make new friends and group up to spend 30 minutes in a normal dungeon!
Not every one will adjust their playstyle to fit your criteria.
And this is why when I see someone is screwing it up and with a buddy to avoid being kicked (that is the reason they have to run with a buddy as they are screwing it all up and subject to being kicked) I just stop fighting and tag along and let them do the dungeon themselves. Half the time they get it done but do all the work, it is normal after all, half the time they wipe as they aren't near as good as they think they are.
Oliwaltony wrote: »tbh if its the daily pledge dungeon, run. Nobody wants to pass 30-40 minutes in a dungeon after spending 45-60 mins in the queue. I dont say if its a dlc dungeon, thats different. But any base game dungeon, run, all your team will save time and except if you suck, it should be easy, even in vet mode. In a dungeon, if people were a tiny little bit less focused on their single target skeleton dummy parse and more on being surviveable and aoe centered, clearing rooms of mobs would take seconds. We're not talking about a trial here. Some people have a limited ammount of time to do dungeons. When my group dont wanna run I try and respect it, but I hate it. I hate spending as much time doing it with others than soloing it (in normal dungeons) because the whole point of grouping is to make it faster/easier. As for vet dungeons, depending on the level of your team, you can either run or not, at least it not as boring as there is a bit more "challenge". But yeah, depending if my team is up for it or not, I run or I dont, but I will always prefer running over taking time.
I believe if someone wants to do "speed runs" then they should start their own group. That's not something someone should be trying to force on others in a random queue. Some of us actually like doing dungeons and want to enjoy them. We're not there to just get it over with asap.
One fun way to do easy dungeons is to pull trash with group until you get behind an corner so ranged enemies will follow and you can burn the entire group with AoE, however you should always tell group about this and if pug know that dps is high enough.Grandesdar wrote: »I'm a tank main and lately I've been seeing a lot of people doing that when someone else is the tank. I believe it comes from the DD mentality of "gotta go fast" rather than being a support role. Even if I rush an easy dungeon like FG1, I'd always check if my teammates are taging along safely. So yeah, after a warning give him a hefty kick.