@ZOS_JessicaFolsom. One thing we have been missing and something I think will enhance game play and give us crafter's something to do beyond the harsh jewelry grind...
cloak crafting. Guild Cloaks: This will allow a guild member who is a cloak crafter the opportunity to craft a unique
guild cloak that will give your guild a buff when doing
PvP in Cyrodiil, Dungeons, Trials or just random adventuring and delving. The tabard thing should be done away with and
introduce cloaks that will
show guild title and allow players to wear their custom outfits so they can show their guild tag and still be stylish in the fray. It is unfair to players that the only way to wear your tabard is with a crown costume and not a customized costume.
Stylish Cloaks: These will be for cosmetic purposes only, just some fancy stuff for players who are into the look.
How will this cloak work: Cloak crafting will work just like any crafted items. You will go to a cloak crafting station, select race design, trait and craft. Players will be able to enchant, improve cloaks and trade it if it is not equipped. Once owned players can dye them. Guild Cloaks will be the unified color of choice and only used by a member of that guild.
"Train your opponent to make the wrong response." — The Book of Circles, By Loredas Maxims
NA/PC/ Order of the Candle