Siohwenoeht wrote: »I'd like to see some rework of both skill lines, but I'm not sure they could do enough story content to justify a popular dlc.
mann9753b16_ESO wrote: »Yeah, Werewolf either shoud actually feel like an ultimate, or they should get rid of the very harsh time limit you get.
As it is now, you will actually lower your overall DPS for a small increase in single target DPS and a bit more survival, and you have to pay 300 ultimate for it and it sets you in a constant state of "muste feed, must fight, must feed!"
The Werewolf is certainly not strong enough for all the limitations it gets.
Let me start off and say that I am not trying to offend anyone or implying that ESO is not a great game. I love this game. That being said let's jump in.
As a player ESO the game is fun and enjoyable, but for myself and many others there is a severe lack of Vampire and Werewolf content. I know what most will say that there is Glenumbra for the werewolves and Rivenspire for the Vampires. The game does really well with the whole "Becoming a WW/Vamp", but it stops there.
Now I know many will say that "Well you Wolfhunter DLC and Vamp/WW content is not important". I disagree. One of the biggest draws to the game for myself and many is that ESO is one of the few if not the only MMOs that offer the werewolf/Vampire experience. I would dare to say 50% of the player base plays as a WW/Vamp and yet it feels like they have been ignore. Black Marsh and Murkmire are full of Vamp/WW lore, yet it feels like generic questline and no representation. Biggest problems I find with Vamp/WW are very different, yet both have issues
Werewolf. This skill line feels like a actual class, yet that is where it ends. The serious lack of representation in the game is the biggest issue. Yes you do see Werewolves in the world and do quest to stop them, yet that is where it stops. Murkmire, Black Marsh, Eastmarch, and even Elsweyr are full of Werebeast and we never see any of them. Where are the Werelions, Werecrocs, Werebears? Where is the quest for these creatures and lore? And even more where are the options to select which Werebeast we can be? Heck at this point I would take a special skin from the Crown store like you did for the warden bear. Anything.
Vampire. Vamps have the opposite side of the coin. This skill line feels so bland. The skills are mediocre to bad and most people only use them for the passive. Not to mention the mind boggling idea that is " the less you feed the more powerful you are". Sure I can see the penalty you get, but with the passives the way they are you can negate them almost all together. Instead of feeding and growing stronger you feed and become weaker. It makes no sense.It has had the least love Skill line wise compared to the werewolf. I want to be a vampire. I want to be able to feed on people during combat rather than a red beam coming out of my hand. The ultimate is mediocre. I mean where is the option to become a vampire lord? Yeah I know the Volkihar in skyrim are the only ones that can do that, but give us something.
Again I love this game, but I would like to see more in the way of Vampire and Werewolf gameplay in ESO.
I have said my peace and do not wish to offend anyone, so please if you respond please do it in a kind and respectful manner.
Thank you for your time and see you in ESO.
barney2525 wrote: »It sounds like you are trying to make vampires and werewolves into actual classes. That's not what they are.
The character race and class are the core of the character. Werewolf and vampire are additional benefits/drawbacks, further enhancing the race/class.
They are additional skill lines. Just like Psijiic skill lines. Just like Guild skill lines. Just like Undaunted skill lines.
Granted, some skill lines are easier to get access to than others.
But many people go for the vampire or werewolf skill lines for many different reasons. I have One vampire character. And I will be honest. I had refused to make a vampire because they look Ugli. I can't stand trying to play a game, staring at a screen where the image repulses me. But I needed One character to become a master vampire - so I could get decent White Dye.
Now I just keep the character parked at a temple in case someone wants a bite
I think you are making way more of the issue than needs to be. If the game was focused on creating vampire and werewolf characters, I can see the point. My impression from players has been they usually want the bite so they can have the skill line. Not because they really are interested in Rping vampire life.
Also, from the few requests I have seen in chat of characters asking for the bite, your 50% number is Waaaaay too high.
Let me start off and say that I am not trying to offend anyone or implying that ESO is not a great game. I love this game. That being said let's jump in.
As a player ESO the game is fun and enjoyable, but for myself and many others there is a severe lack of Vampire and Werewolf content. I know what most will say that there is Glenumbra for the werewolves and Rivenspire for the Vampires. The game does really well with the whole "Becoming a WW/Vamp", but it stops there.
Now I know many will say that "Well you Wolfhunter DLC and Vamp/WW content is not important". I disagree. One of the biggest draws to the game for myself and many is that ESO is one of the few if not the only MMOs that offer the werewolf/Vampire experience. I would dare to say 50% of the player base plays as a WW/Vamp and yet it feels like they have been ignore. Black Marsh and Murkmire are full of Vamp/WW lore, yet it feels like generic questline and no representation. Biggest problems I find with Vamp/WW are very different, yet both have issues
Werewolf. This skill line feels like a actual class, yet that is where it ends. The serious lack of representation in the game is the biggest issue. Yes you do see Werewolves in the world and do quest to stop them, yet that is where it stops. Murkmire, Black Marsh, Eastmarch, and even Elsweyr are full of Werebeast and we never see any of them. Where are the Werelions, Werecrocs, Werebears? Where is the quest for these creatures and lore? And even more where are the options to select which Werebeast we can be? Heck at this point I would take a special skin from the Crown store like you did for the warden bear. Anything.
Vampire. Vamps have the opposite side of the coin. This skill line feels so bland. The skills are mediocre to bad and most people only use them for the passive. Not to mention the mind boggling idea that is " the less you feed the more powerful you are". Sure I can see the penalty you get, but with the passives the way they are you can negate them almost all together. Instead of feeding and growing stronger you feed and become weaker. It makes no sense.It has had the least love Skill line wise compared to the werewolf. I want to be a vampire. I want to be able to feed on people during combat rather than a red beam coming out of my hand. The ultimate is mediocre. I mean where is the option to become a vampire lord? Yeah I know the Volkihar in skyrim are the only ones that can do that, but give us something.
Again I love this game, but I would like to see more in the way of Vampire and Werewolf gameplay in ESO.
I have said my peace and do not wish to offend anyone, so please if you respond please do it in a kind and respectful manner.
Thank you for your time and see you in ESO.
Let me start off and say that I am not trying to offend anyone or implying that ESO is not a great game. I love this game. That being said let's jump in.
As a player ESO the game is fun and enjoyable, but for myself and many others there is a severe lack of Vampire and Werewolf content. I know what most will say that there is Glenumbra for the werewolves and Rivenspire for the Vampires. The game does really well with the whole "Becoming a WW/Vamp", but it stops there.
Now I know many will say that "Well you Wolfhunter DLC and Vamp/WW content is not important". I disagree. One of the biggest draws to the game for myself and many is that ESO is one of the few if not the only MMOs that offer the werewolf/Vampire experience. I would dare to say 50% of the player base plays as a WW/Vamp and yet it feels like they have been ignore. Black Marsh and Murkmire are full of Vamp/WW lore, yet it feels like generic questline and no representation. Biggest problems I find with Vamp/WW are very different, yet both have issues
Werewolf. This skill line feels like a actual class, yet that is where it ends. The serious lack of representation in the game is the biggest issue. Yes you do see Werewolves in the world and do quest to stop them, yet that is where it stops. Murkmire, Black Marsh, Eastmarch, and even Elsweyr are full of Werebeast and we never see any of them. Where are the Werelions, Werecrocs, Werebears? Where is the quest for these creatures and lore? And even more where are the options to select which Werebeast we can be? Heck at this point I would take a special skin from the Crown store like you did for the warden bear. Anything.
Vampire. Vamps have the opposite side of the coin. This skill line feels so bland. The skills are mediocre to bad and most people only use them for the passive. Not to mention the mind boggling idea that is " the less you feed the more powerful you are". Sure I can see the penalty you get, but with the passives the way they are you can negate them almost all together. Instead of feeding and growing stronger you feed and become weaker. It makes no sense.It has had the least love Skill line wise compared to the werewolf. I want to be a vampire. I want to be able to feed on people during combat rather than a red beam coming out of my hand. The ultimate is mediocre. I mean where is the option to become a vampire lord? Yeah I know the Volkihar in skyrim are the only ones that can do that, but give us something.
Again I love this game, but I would like to see more in the way of Vampire and Werewolf gameplay in ESO.
I have said my peace and do not wish to offend anyone, so please if you respond please do it in a kind and respectful manner.
Thank you for your time and see you in ESO.
runkorkoeb17_ESO wrote: »Let me start off and say that I am not trying to offend anyone or implying that ESO is not a great game. I love this game. That being said let's jump in.
As a player ESO the game is fun and enjoyable, but for myself and many others there is a severe lack of Vampire and Werewolf content. I know what most will say that there is Glenumbra for the werewolves and Rivenspire for the Vampires. The game does really well with the whole "Becoming a WW/Vamp", but it stops there.
Now I know many will say that "Well you Wolfhunter DLC and Vamp/WW content is not important". I disagree. One of the biggest draws to the game for myself and many is that ESO is one of the few if not the only MMOs that offer the werewolf/Vampire experience. I would dare to say 50% of the player base plays as a WW/Vamp and yet it feels like they have been ignore. Black Marsh and Murkmire are full of Vamp/WW lore, yet it feels like generic questline and no representation. Biggest problems I find with Vamp/WW are very different, yet both have issues
Werewolf. This skill line feels like a actual class, yet that is where it ends. The serious lack of representation in the game is the biggest issue. Yes you do see Werewolves in the world and do quest to stop them, yet that is where it stops. Murkmire, Black Marsh, Eastmarch, and even Elsweyr are full of Werebeast and we never see any of them. Where are the Werelions, Werecrocs, Werebears? Where is the quest for these creatures and lore? And even more where are the options to select which Werebeast we can be? Heck at this point I would take a special skin from the Crown store like you did for the warden bear. Anything.
Vampire. Vamps have the opposite side of the coin. This skill line feels so bland. The skills are mediocre to bad and most people only use them for the passive. Not to mention the mind boggling idea that is " the less you feed the more powerful you are". Sure I can see the penalty you get, but with the passives the way they are you can negate them almost all together. Instead of feeding and growing stronger you feed and become weaker. It makes no sense.It has had the least love Skill line wise compared to the werewolf. I want to be a vampire. I want to be able to feed on people during combat rather than a red beam coming out of my hand. The ultimate is mediocre. I mean where is the option to become a vampire lord? Yeah I know the Volkihar in skyrim are the only ones that can do that, but give us something.
Again I love this game, but I would like to see more in the way of Vampire and Werewolf gameplay in ESO.
I have said my peace and do not wish to offend anyone, so please if you respond please do it in a kind and respectful manner.
Thank you for your time and see you in ESO.
Nothing to say about WWs. Dont even care.
About vamps. I think you need to google "vampire"
The hunger shapren their skills but make vampires more reckless and feral. More close to the beast.
Feeding make them more balanced.
Vamp line bland ? Heh. Its MORE than usefull in pvp, and even in pve have his uses. Ult regen is fine, and mist form can save you many times is used at the right time. Same as ultimate.
About that both lines need more game content and lore i do agree.
And there are 3 zones for vamps/wws not 2.
I`l love if they reskin vamp stages. Not very impresed of how they look at stage 4.
WW should give stam regen in human form too, but take bonus poison dmg.
No, the vampire line *is* bland. The only skill that sees use in PVP is mist form and sometimes the bats, I've literally never seen a single vampire skill used in anything above normal dungeons and Im cp 400-something.
runkorkoeb17_ESO wrote: »
No, the vampire line *is* bland. The only skill that sees use in PVP is mist form and sometimes the bats, I've literally never seen a single vampire skill used in anything above normal dungeons and Im cp 400-something.
Drain is usefull too/ both pvp and pve.
85% of eso players run the META builds. And vamp is not part of the meta.
Thats why you done see ppl use vamp skills.
And btw, vamp have 3 skills and you say that you see ppl using 2 of them
You do the math ...
Vont share build or reason when and why to use vampire skills, but trust me, they are everything but useless.
Not a single build ? PPL pay race changes to make vamp build works m8.
They even level a new character because the bonuses vamp provide can be huge.
Again - please read/ test more.
barney2525 wrote: »It sounds like you are trying to make vampires and werewolves into actual classes. That's not what they are.
The character race and class are the core of the character. Werewolf and vampire are additional benefits/drawbacks, further enhancing the race/class.
They are additional skill lines. Just like Psijiic skill lines. Just like Guild skill lines. Just like Undaunted skill lines.
Granted, some skill lines are easier to get access to than others.
But many people go for the vampire or werewolf skill lines for many different reasons. I have One vampire character. And I will be honest. I had refused to make a vampire because they look Ugli. I can't stand trying to play a game, staring at a screen where the image repulses me. But I needed One character to become a master vampire - so I could get decent White Dye.
Now I just keep the character parked at a temple in case someone wants a bite
I think you are making way more of the issue than needs to be. If the game was focused on creating vampire and werewolf characters, I can see the point. My impression from players has been they usually want the bite so they can have the skill line. Not because they really are interested in Rping vampire life.
Also, from the few requests I have seen in chat of characters asking for the bite, your 50% number is Waaaaay too high.
Every skill line you mentioned has more skills/diversity/viability than the vampire's skills. I also feel like you're really missing the point of this post, this post is talking about the addition of werewolf/vampire content, not just in skill line improvements but through lore and quests etc. To say that werewolves/vampires don't need such is, I'm sorry, blatantly wrong.
Also no, the majority of people literally take vampire just for the passives. You make it seem like there are a lot of different reasons why people would go such, when in reality it's either for "rp reasons" or to get the passives. Nobody wants to go vampire for the abilities because all of the abilities are preeeeetty bad unless you're running a very specific pvp build. They're all bad for pve though, so. Which, imo, is bad design by default. All magicka based characters should not be defaulting to vampire practically. The solution here is to nerf vampire passives and give them ACTUAL viable skills + new passives for said skills. A lot of their passives could honestly be grouped together, a good 2-3 of them anyways.
Also for your argument of them being additional skill lines, why does vampire get the short end of the stick when werewolf/the other lines feel like actual viable lines with abilities that can be used? Why is vampire the second shortest skill line in the entire game? Only beaten by soul magic. Why does werewolf feel more like a "subclass" than vampire?
My final question is, why try to defend the current state of things? You literally lose nothing by getting vampire/werewolf content and hey, maybe some skill line improvements. Sure, you could try to brush it off as "Wow this guy is just wanting to make these things classes" or "vampire/werewolves are dumb", but when a goooood amount of posts are asking for something, there's a good chance there is a bit of truth behind it. Vampire improvements is easily in the top 5 most requested things with this game, I feel like a lot of people forget that. The posts regarding such are consistent and it has a lot of backing. So what do you have to lose, exactly? Say they do add in 3 more skills and re-vamp the vampire line, or say they do add in someway to become a vampire lord. What do *you* lose, exactly?
Siohwenoeht wrote: »I'd like to see some rework of both skill lines, but I'm not sure they could do enough story content to justify a popular dlc.Unless it's rescuing an certain rivenspire vampire from the clutches of molag bal
I'd love to have a reason to use any skill other than mistform, used to love drain until I figured out that it's just for fun and not really competitive. Although I've begun to flesh out a build for it if the numbers can come out right.
100% Agree. Read any Vampire book, Watch any Vampire movie and the Vampire is weak when not fed. The whole concept of "Not feeding = Stronger" is asinine. Bram Stoker the grandfather of all modern vampire depicted Dracula weak when not fed. At the end of the books this is one of the sole reasons he was defeated.Both skill lines are very ill thought out and would benefit from being revised.
The whole vampire system seems as if it’s organised backwards. Fundamentally, if you want to benefit from being a vampire in ESO, you never, ever feed so you stay at level 4. Feeding should be something that empowers the vampire, making them more powerful, instead here it weakens you. Feeding should make vampires look fantastic, while not feeding should make them look like desiccated corpses. The objective of the vampire should be to feed in order to maintain the benefits of level 4 vampirism. Becoming a vampire means sacrificing your soul (and your looks) in return for certain powers. Feeding is the only way to mitigate this while still enjoying the benefits. Additionally, NOT feeding for too long while a vampire should actually make your character weaker than their non-vampire original state. This would force the player to choose between feeding (living the life of the vampire) or seeking a cure (to return them to their pre-vampire state).
Both skill lines are very ill thought out and would benefit from being revised.
The whole vampire system seems as if it’s organised backwards. Fundamentally, if you want to benefit from being a vampire in ESO, you never, ever feed so you stay at level 4. Feeding should be something that empowers the vampire, making them more powerful, instead here it weakens you. Feeding should make vampires look fantastic, while not feeding should make them look like desiccated corpses. The objective of the vampire should be to feed in order to maintain the benefits of level 4 vampirism. Becoming a vampire means sacrificing your soul (and your looks) in return for certain powers. Feeding is the only way to mitigate this while still enjoying the benefits. Additionally, NOT feeding for too long while a vampire should actually make your character weaker than their non-vampire original state. This would force the player to choose between feeding (living the life of the vampire) or seeking a cure (to return them to their pre-vampire state).
Reistr_the_Unbroken wrote: »Vampires need love too ZoS- please give them a polymorph like the werewolves got the werewolf lord poly