CMDR_Un1k0rn wrote: »This is an achievement I would really like to do, as it holds the only skin I actually like.
Now don't worry, I'm not demanding ZOS to nerf the difficulty or sell the skin on the store.
I'm a radical sort...
I'm asking for advice on how to get better, to rise to the challenge.
As it happens, I ran the normal version of the dungeon with a fantastic PuG last night, with a top-quality healer and tank, as well as myself and a guildie fulfilling the DD roles.
I just want to ask, what should I know about the challenger achievement? What is the time limit? WHat makes veteran different?
Any help and advice is, as always, much appreciated.
Donny_Vito wrote: »CMDR_Un1k0rn wrote: »This is an achievement I would really like to do, as it holds the only skin I actually like.
Now don't worry, I'm not demanding ZOS to nerf the difficulty or sell the skin on the store.
I'm a radical sort...
I'm asking for advice on how to get better, to rise to the challenge.
As it happens, I ran the normal version of the dungeon with a fantastic PuG last night, with a top-quality healer and tank, as well as myself and a guildie fulfilling the DD roles.
I just want to ask, what should I know about the challenger achievement? What is the time limit? WHat makes veteran different?
Any help and advice is, as always, much appreciated.
I believe the Time Limit is 30 minutes, but you can always check in your Journal. Find the section Ruins of Mazzatun is in (I forgot which DLC it's under) and you can see the requirements for all the achievements needed for the Skin.
Whats makes Vet different? Well the adds have much more health and can output more damage against you. If you want to "cheese" the achievement it's fairly easy to bypass a lot of the adds (especially those Fire Spitter ones as they can wreck your no-death).
The hardest part for most people is the Final Boss on Hard-Mode. You'll need to burn quickly to get to certain thresholds and then you can pace yourself, but after 25% it's strictly a DPS race to the finish as to avoid Totems, extra adds, and the vines she shoots out around her. Every one of your members should be on a mic/voice-chat system as you need to call out which statue to hit when one of the members gets selected (can't remember the name of the debuff).