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what happened to my dyes and titles???

@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom

these 2 shades of dye are my fave blue and fave red on the palette. these quest lines are progressive so >> I << didn't do anything to cause this. pls get me my dyes and the titles would be nice, too. tyty


Best Answers

  • Streega
    Hippie4927 wrote: »
    According to what I'm seeing, you haven't completed either of those. You still need Long Lost Lore and Anchors from the Harbour.

    It's impossible to do the rest of those quests without completing those two first, so it's a bug.
    Send an ingame bug report, Iarao.
    ⊂( ̄(工) ̄)⊃ Don't-Care-Bear ⊂( ̄(工) ̄)⊃
    PC EU "House Tertia" - Friendly Guild for Mature Folks (
    PC EU "Priests of Hircine" - Awesome Guild for Friendly Werewolves (free bites!)
    Master Angler
    Answer ✓
  • Shadowshire
    Iarao wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom

    these 2 shades of dye are my fave blue and fave red on the palette. these quest lines are progressive so >> I << didn't do anything to cause this. pls get me my dyes and the titles would be nice, too. tyty
    Have you checked a Dye Station (or Outfit Station) to see whether the two dyes are "unlocked"? In my experience, they remained available. Although, evidently the Achievements records for the character either (1) are not correctly accessed by the megaserver, or displayed correctly by the game client, or (2) have become corrupted in the megaserver's "database", or (3) some combination of both of the preceeding.

    It seems to me that problems of this kind have been most likely to be reported, sooner or later, after ZOS installs a new DLC or "Chapter" on the Public Test Server (PTS). That is when the new (and evidently untested) software has access to the database in which the actual on-going game state is recorded and updated. Evidently, the records for one or more of any player's character(s) can become corrupted, regardless of whether the player has installed the PTS and/or is playing a character on the PTS.

    ZOS Support declares that they will not do anything at all to restore the player's position in the game to what it should be. They might refer the report to the development team, whether they inform the player when they do. Since the developers did not have time to make the effort to do it right the first time, they are not at all likely to have the time to prevent the same thing from happening again, let alone to make any corrections that should be made.

    So, ZOS Support will not restore a character's Titles. For a corrupted zone Adventurer achievement, sometimes it might be possible to complete enough remaining un-completed Quests to qualify for that achievement again. If the player's character can do so, and completes them, then that Achievement and sometimes other Achievements for that zone might be restored.

    For Guild quest lines, though, as far as I know, it will not be possible to repeat the series required to re-qualify for recognition of that Achievement. Unlocking Weapon and Armor skill trees depend upon the player character's accumlated experience with the equipped gear. If that number becomes corrupted, then I have no idea whether it could be possible for the player to do anything about it.

    Usually, skills and passives which a player character has already acquired ("unlocked) have not been affected by errors in the Achievements feature. However, whether the character can acquire others which remain "locked" in that context, I do not know.

    NOTE: a character's Achievements are most often relevant not only for Titles, but also for a player's character to purchase a Homestead with Gold Pieces, and/or to buy furnishings from an "Achievements Furnisher" NPC. Of course, ZOS doesn't care whether any player's character has achieved anything during the course of the game if the player is willing and able to spend Crowns to make those purchases. Make of that what you will.

    --- Shadowshire .......... ESO Plus on PC NA with Windows 7 Pro SP1

    nil carborundum illegitimi
    Answer ✓
  • Hippie4927
    According to what I'm seeing, you haven't completed either of those. You still need Long Lost Lore and Anchors from the Harbour.
    PC/NA/EP ✌️
  • Iarao
    Hippie4927 wrote: »
    According to what I'm seeing, you haven't completed either of those. You still need Long Lost Lore and Anchors from the Harbour.

    those quest lines are progressive. you MUST finish earlier ones before you can get the next one. those 2 are the FIRST quests in the questlines. and YES, i did them. i think zos did a rollback after me doing the first ones and before i did the second ones. once the questline is finished the first ones CANNOT be done. why? cuz they had to be done FIRST. that and you have to make irreversible decisions.
  • Iarao
    Iarao wrote: »
    Hippie4927 wrote: »
    According to what I'm seeing, you haven't completed either of those. You still need Long Lost Lore and Anchors from the Harbour.

    those quest lines are progressive. you MUST finish earlier ones before you can get the next one. those 2 are the FIRST quests in the questlines. and YES, i did them. i think zos did a rollback after me doing the first ones and before i did the second ones. once the questline is finished the first ones CANNOT be done. why? cuz they had to be done FIRST. that and you have to make irreversible decisions. i did go back to the zone 1 fighter and mages guild to see if i could get them, but they were not there.

  • Hippie4927
    Ah, yeah, I see what you mean. That's odd what happened and I saw your other post about your storage. I sure hope someone at ZOS gets it straightened out for you.
    PC/NA/EP ✌️
  • Iarao
    Streega wrote: »
    Hippie4927 wrote: »
    According to what I'm seeing, you haven't completed either of those. You still need Long Lost Lore and Anchors from the Harbour.

    It's impossible to do the rest of those quests without completing those two first, so it's a bug.
    Send an ingame bug report, Iarao.

    i have sent a report, but of course you NEVER get a response for that. and so i am enlisting the aid of gina and/or jessica.
    my guess is i will not get the dyes cuz SOMEONE is gonna have to paw thru code to find my exact turn on the dye bit.
  • Iarao
    Streega wrote: »
    Hippie4927 wrote: »
    According to what I'm seeing, you haven't completed either of those. You still need Long Lost Lore and Anchors from the Harbour.

    It's impossible to do the rest of those quests without completing those two first, so it's a bug.
    Send an ingame bug report, Iarao.

    i do remember sending an ingame help report (not bug), and they replied with a worthless set of riding lessons, saying too bad/so sad (basically). i tried again but it was deleted as a dupe

    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom pls help.
  • Iarao
    Iarao wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom

    ty shadow. i do indeed have those dye colors. i haven't explored dyes/outfits much and so i just figured i didnt have them cuz i wasnt credited with my cheese.
  • Iarao
    ty shadow, i do indeed have those dye colors. i havent explored dye/outfits much yet and just figured i didnt have them since i hadnt gotten credited with the cheese.

    hope this is not a dupe as i didnt see my last post of this on site.
  • Shadowshire
    Iarao wrote: »
    ty shadow, i do indeed have those dye colors. i havent explored dye/outfits much yet and just figured i didnt have them since i hadnt gotten credited with the cheese. ....
    You're welcome, and thank-you for letting me know that your character does have the Dyes unlocked.

    There is not much left to say about this situation that has not been already said. I hope you nonetheless continue to enjoy playing TESO. When you choose to play another game instead, I hope that you will have a far better experience.

    --- Shadowshire .......... ESO Plus on PC NA with Windows 7 Pro SP1

    nil carborundum illegitimi
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