Hello, I bought game in 2014 did not really liked it, so I did not got very far, around 15lvl, I recently came back once again im playing slowly trying different classes, so my current highest char is 17lvl, I never bought any crowns, I never payed for ESO. That said im really getting into the game this time, I watched some nice guides, I understand the game more and well I understand englich more now than 4 years ago so even that plays a role, I was even thinking about buying some expansion and here lies my problem. If I would want to upgrade my game I would have to buy upgrade for morrowind for summerset and for new elsewyer or I could just buy the new standart edition which aparantly comes with all the expansions. My question is simple, is it worth it to buy a new game? create new account or should I just upgrade it one by one or dont even bother now since im at the begining of the game (with this however it would be better to switch now when I am at the begining and not when I will have dozens of hours on this account right?).