russelmmendoza wrote: »Zerodiil, why bother.
ZOS has more or less declared they aren't going to fix the stuck in combat bug. Plenty of nerfs and random changes are the only thing they are consistent at.
Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »I use them frequently, but I wish I could use them while standing in another keep. I think that's a silly restriction.
Haashhtaag wrote: »
Not really due to transitus travel in cyrodiil being connected to linked keeps. You shouldn’t be able to keep recall to a keep across the map within a keep. I think that is a good restriction.
Stuck in combat bug effects all travel just not keel recall stones so that argument is irrelevant.Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »
A restriction circumvented by running 100 meters in a different direction isn't much of one. It's just inconvenient, especially when the current combat bug compounds it by making it harder to either use the stone or mount to get away from the keep. I mean, c'mon.
Haashhtaag wrote: »Stuck in combat bug effects all travel just not keel recall stones so that argument is irrelevant.
Leave that to the forum warriors.Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »It is inconvenient and it is boring. Games should be neither.
While I do appreciate the addition of keep recall stones, they unfortunately are useless due to the restrictions and just end up accumulating in my inventory since I am unable to use them.
They require you to get far away from a keep which can be very time consuming when you can't call your mount due to the combat bug. When you finally are able to get far enough away from a keep you also have a long animation to sit through so by then the keep will be flagged and you can't use the stone and travel anyway.
Please let us use the stones in keeps or in the vicinity of, ty.