VaranisArano wrote: »I have no particular desire to have more PVE in the middle of PVP.
The best keep defenses/captures are the ones that happen vs other players.
On the MMO Aion, there was an NPC race that would spawn randomly at player owned keeps, usually at the more dominant faction's keeps. This help keep a bit of balance, and added an interesting random dynamic to the campaign. They were legitimately tough to beat, not like the current ESO ones.
Having something similar in Cyrodiil would be a cool concept. A dolmen spawns above a keep, enemies spawn from it, trial boss strength enemies among them.
I would understand if many people wouldn't like this, but a) would help stop nightcapping and b) would be an interesting new dynamic on a sometimes stale map.
VaranisArano wrote: »I have no particular desire to have more PVE in the middle of PVP.
The best keep defenses/captures are the ones that happen vs other players.
Artemiisia wrote: »could be those imperial sewers walking bosses
White wabbit wrote: »Nooooo leave pve where it is
White wabbit wrote: »
And there is still pve if you want to fight Bosses or go into the sewers
i don't want to just fight bosses. i want pvp to be more interesting and stopping pvdoor.
sticking one of those walking sewer boss in the keep flag room would at least slow down zergs and/or pvdoor small group in middle of night.
unless ur one of those milk drinker factions in NA Vivec... lol
White wabbit wrote: »
Would also hurt small groups trying to take a keep in normal hours as they might get caught up taking boss out that the keep gets reinforced
No thanks. I PvPed in LoTRO and I know exactly what you are talking about and this is just another PvE mechanic that would wind the PvPers up.
Maybe make the guards a bit more difficult to kill or the flags take a bit longer to flip if you want to give time for a good defense to arrive but not keep bosses.
We do not need more PVE in PvP.
Enemy players are enough of a "keep boss"
i wish keeps not taken-able by a small group.
i wish keep really truly is HARD to get unless u have a big group. that's the point.
i know we're all vestige of the gods and goes toe-to-toe with Molag Bal, but it really is stupid when I can have a group of 4, catapult/ballistas outer and inner, and kill 4-5 NPC and can flip a keep.
it's stupid. it's ridicolous.
Yes! I'm OK with having the guards... well... tougher. That's all I'm asking really. Have the 4-5 NPC around the flags 300% of their health, and hit 100% harder, and I'll delete this thread.
i wish keeps not taken-able by a small group.
i wish keep really truly is HARD to get unless u have a big group. that's the point.
i know we're all vestige of the gods and goes toe-to-toe with Molag Bal, but it really is stupid when I can have a group of 4, catapult/ballistas outer and inner, and kill 4-5 NPC and can flip a keep.
it's stupid. it's ridicolous.
Yes! I'm OK with having the guards... well... tougher. That's all I'm asking really. Have the 4-5 NPC around the flags 300% of their health, and hit 100% harder, and I'll delete this thread.
...says the guys who wroteInvictusApollo wrote: »
I wish you would start your sentences with capital letters as it is expoected from anyone who finished elementary school.
As for your arguments I see no reason why a small group of badass, experienced PvPers shouldn't be able to take a keep by themselves. Even nightcapping isn't an issue for me since it's more AP for my side when we take back our castles.
White wabbit wrote: »
S0 your promoting zerging then , that's what most of us what to avoid these days
small group of badass experienced PvP are fine and dandy, but in an empty server, 3 or 4 low CP can simply catapult 2 walls with loads of sieges and kill a handful of WEAK NPCS...... to flip a big keep.
Really? That's terrible. Low CP shouldn't be allowed to group up and take keeps. Especially folks outside primetime, or people playing on less populated servers.