Illuvatarr wrote: »Should all cc, including snares, be separated from damage skills and be their only individual skill slot?
AcadianPaladin wrote: »This sounds like a PvP concern. As a PvE player, I cannot CC real threats (bosses) so, while I appreciate using CC on trash groups, I surely cannot afford to devote a precious skill slot to something that bosses ignore.
Perhaps if CC worked on players and bosses. Or perhaps if both bosses and players ignored CC. Either choice would bring PvP and PvE more in line I would guess. Currently, we have the worst of both worlds.
Illuvatarr wrote: »
Illuvatarr wrote: »I didn’t say we needed no cc. I am saying too many spammable abilities have it. I completely agree with you about the need for it. It just should be balanced around having to actually slot an ability that is cc specific. It might help with those unkillable builds as well.
Too many abilities have too many effects in general. Take heroic slash for example. That ability alone makes me want to go sword and board back bar on my sorc. A mage with sword and how we capture the essence of the fantasy genre.