Yo Zos, I wanted to make some AP so I went to pick up a delve buff in Cyrodiil. But when I try to leave I get error messages like, "Jump failed, you are already queued for that campaign." Or, "Jump failed because the instance is full." This has been going on for weeks. I've tried get me unstuck, dying to adds and porting to wayshrine, keep sigil (for the lols), nothing works. I basically have to sit on the door and enter load screen after load screen and wait to see whether it'll let me out of the delve or not. Can ya'll "git gud" and fix it please? It's not fun to go through a 70 man queue just to get stuck in a delve for who knows how long.
II Blinkin II
Xbox 1 NA
"A man without the sauce is lost, but the same man can become lost in the sauce."