What about the next new class?
The new class that will have the most amazing animations in this game yet, that makes the other classes look petty?
Will you want to change the class of your main every time a new class is introduced?
. What I can't understand is the want to change your character because animations are flashier and prettier, and this somehow makes the other classes petty and obsolete.
Kittytravel wrote: »It's not that hard to level up new characters and the champion points are already saved. You can even right now go into dungeons and start farming for your Necro's dungeon/trial gear (I already have started this process).
There isn't really a reason to do class change tokens imo, you can get a level 50 within a week if you are focused on it, in a month if you are lazy about it (read as one daily dungeon a night with some EXP scrolls).
And ZOS has been really generous with XP scrolls with the new monthly rewards (I'm up to 8 150% scrolls and 30+ 50% bonus scrolls) on top of if you are already ESO+
Sure the wayshrines/mount skilling will be annoying but at the end of the day the hassle required to get to a level 50 toon and immediately gear them isn't notable enough to merit a class change feature.
Crafter toons are already a thing as well, your crafter doesn't have to be your main; that would just be personal preference. Same thing goes for achievements, gold is account wide with the banking systems as are most items in the game.
There isn't a really good argument for needing the token outside of personal preference.
You claim everything above is a "strawman" but then reinforce the "strawman" claim by saying that you can get to a level 50 within two days. Why provide a rebuttal against a strawman claim?...DocFrost72 wrote: »Everything above is a strawman. I can't speak to others' reasons, but my necromancer will be level 50 day one or two (I used to delete vr characters because I didn't like their hair). I've never replaced my main for other reasons. Mainly there was nothing edgier than a sorc or NB.
You're pinning a lot of weight on an argument I've not made. And for reference, it'll be six months for me to get my horse training full. That's not just "annoying". Wayshrines is annoying but easy and I grant you that. However, I'll be gong back to get
-skyshards (including cyro),
-alliance rank,
-fighters guild,
-mages guild,
-Thieves guild,
-psijic skill line,
-zone achievements,
-quest related skill points,
Who would bother making a second toon a crafting only toon? I'd be more concerned about the related crafting achieves for completion's sake. But of course I can just "do it all again".
In defense of your position, you may not have heard this one. I mentioned it above. Had the Necromancer been available day one, that would have been my main. The harsh reality of the situation is that this is an added class, not my lack of diligence in trying what was available first. If someone wants to change from a dk to a templar for patch changes, your argument is fine. I'm also resigned to do the grind all over again, but it would have been cool to have the option not to, since I've already done it all once.
It won't be a challenge (bar flawless, I'm actually looking forward to redoing that). It'll just be grind, man.
ZOS has already answered if they would ever add Class Change Tokens with a firm "No" on multiple occasions.
A recent example of this can be watched on their "Season of the Dragon" twitch stream from January 15, 2019.
Here's a sound bite clipped from around 02:06:00 in:
Rich Lambert's instant head-shaking reaction to the question was pretty funny:
As was Jessica Folsom's firm affirmations (taken mostly from her adamant body language) that such a thing is never going to happen.
Transcript:SpoilerClass Change Tokens?
Rich Lambert: Immediately shaking his head, "That one is a lot harder to do, and it's not something we want."
Jessica Folsom: "That's fair."
Ninja614: "So the answer's no, Chat."
Jessica Folsom: "Yup." Nods head emphatically.
The next topic they discussed was Faction Change Tokens, to which Rich said "That's another one we're not super interested in doing." which also means no.
Seeing how this topic gets brought up constantly despite ZOS's numerous and firm responses that it's not going to happen, here are a few more gif variants stating such. Make sure to quickly repost them, with a link back to the twitch stream as source, every time this tired concept gets brought up again:Spoiler
edit: inb4 anyone comes at me for having any particular viewpoint on if I'd like to have them or not... I have not stated my opinion either way. Frankly, it doesn't matter, just like it doesn't matter if you or anyone else wants them. The only thing that matters is ZOS has adamantly stated they are not interested in such a thing. It's their game, it's their choice. I respect their decision; others should, too.
I'm glad someone posted this. We can't very well complain that ZOS is not listening to us, if we don't have the courtesy to listen to them, and at least acknowledge what they've said before we present our perspective.
I'm glad someone posted this. We can't very well complain that ZOS is not listening to us, if we don't have the courtesy to listen to them, and at least acknowledge what they've said before we present our perspective.
In an ideal world, I'd be behind giving players more options, including class change tokens. But if we listen to what they're saying, and hear that there are significant technical issues with creating class change tokens ("That one is a lot harder to do"), then it's not rational to complain, demanding something that's infeasible at the level of the code base. Unless you know exactly what those technical issues are, and have the wizardry to fix them in a way that's cost effective.
In other words, it might be worth trying to convince them that this is something they do want, but it's still pointless if it wouldn't be technically feasible, even if they decided they wanted it.