Black Hair for Altmers

  • VaranisArano
    Tigerseye wrote: »
    But, Altmer are supposed to be quite fair/light skinned/haired, aren't they?

    Why wouldn't you just play another race, if you want black hair?

    No, I want to be able to make an Altmer who looks similar to my Skyrim Altmer Dovahkiin, who had black hair.

    Not to mention, we see black-haired Altmer NPCs.

    That's not a solution. Racials aren't a good excuse in this case.
  • r34lian
    Been playing for over 1 year now have 3 altmer character and didn't know they did not have black hair :trollface:
    2000 CP • 18 Maxed Characters • 6 Altmers • 7 Redguards • Necromancer Orc • Warden Dunmer • DK Nord • DK Imperial • Templar Breton
  • Wildberryjack
    I've never understood race locking hair color. Dye is a thing.
    The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls. ~Pablo Picasso
  • JadeCoin
    I think we ought to get a whole option menu of cross-racial coloring selections.

    That would be fantastic! Love it.
    And next...
    ...I would also like to see some "structural unlocks" in the crown store, allowing us to exceed one of the standard slider limits for a character. Like... make "titanborn" extra-tall nords, or extra-muscular orcs you would not like when angry, or extra-fat redguard harem guards who gave up much for their job, or extra-petite pixielike dunmer assassins who are often overlooked, or extra-skinny altmer models snacking on a lettuce leaf per day, or extra-busty imperial matrons who make the best pasta, or extra-short breton dwarves who drink wine and know things...

    There might be some technical limitations there, unfortunately. I'm not an expert, but I'm wondering what the effects would be on mounts, outfit textures, distortion, sizing, clipping, hitboxes, etc. A lot of the helms are already bizarrely sized in relation to female models, or else they lop off parts of the heads. I mean, if they can't even get the Prophet's Hood right, how optimistic can we be about what you're proposing? Maybe if they could fix all the other visual issues first...
  • TheShadowScout
    JadeCoin wrote: »
    There might be some technical limitations there, unfortunately.
    At least the "titanborn" effect is already in game. There are several NPCs taller then the tallest PC you can possibly make...

    In the end, I reckon it would be a matter of degree. Some may be possible, some... might be iffy.

    I still think it would be worthwhile to add. Even if they only stay within the limitations of the system, and give, say, 10, 15% more then "normally" possible, it would be something I'd happily pay crowns for to further customize my characters (both for the unlock, and for the appearance change token to use it!)
  • Vaz2013
    Come on ZOS, you're leaving money on the table.
  • Vaz2013
    Tigerseye wrote: »
    But, Altmer are supposed to be quite fair/light skinned/haired, aren't they?

    Why wouldn't you just play another race, if you want black hair?
    Altmer are entirely capable of having black hair naturally, they just try to breed it out. The type of person who'd be an adventurer is more likely to be a low-born Altmer because that's the kind of Altmer who'd be most free of other obligations, therefore Altmer adventurers are more likely to have black hair than other Altmer.
    Besides: dye.
  • Mettaricana
    We just need an exotic hair dye pack in crown store that offers dyes outside the character creation menu. Like the rotmeth, mutlitoned hairs solids like blacks blood reds etc
  • AefionBloodclaw
    I don't understand why all hair and eye colours weren't available for all races from launch, its so annoying seeing all these NPCs in the game with hair and eye colours that you can't actually choose in character creation.
    'For love, for friendship and for valour, I stand with the Aldmeri Dominion.'

    Zephyrle Starbreeze, Bosmer Nightblade
    Aefion Bloodclaw, Bosmer Sorcerer
  • Sylvermynx

    I just want everything as an option for every toon. It pisses me off no end that my toons can't access stuff that's "gender" or"race" locked.
  • TheShadowScout
    Sylvermynx wrote: »
    I just want everything as an option for every toon. It pisses me off no end that my toons can't access stuff that's "gender" or"race" locked.
    Yeah, allowing cross-gender hairstyles or other options would be another neat unlock to spend crowns on! And there would be historic precedent for it... just sayin...
  • JadeCoin
    Sylvermynx wrote: »
    I just want everything as an option for every toon. It pisses me off no end that my toons can't access stuff that's "gender" or"race" locked.
    Yeah, allowing cross-gender hairstyles or other options would be another neat unlock to spend crowns on! And there would be historic precedent for it... just sayin...

    In principle this sounds great, but I'm still worried it'd turn out to be a mess. From the post made by @meekmiko in the thread here:


    I could fill a whole page with the rest of the stuff that isn't gender locked but doesn't work properly on female characters.

  • Tigerseye
    I think we ought to get a whole option menu of cross-racial coloring selections.

    Then we could finally make "halfbreed" characters, like a heavily tanned-skinned nord wrestler, or a fair haired redguard bard, or a red-eyed breton battlemage... or yes indeed, a black haired altmer!

    But, how would that work in terms of racials?

    The char might look half one race and half another, but would have only one set of racials, all from one side of the family.

    Another reason to just get rid of racials.

  • TheShadowScout
    Tigerseye wrote: »
    But, how would that work in terms of racials?
    Not been paying attention, have you?
    After all, that's how it works in magical tamriel, kids are always the race of their mother, but with some traced of their father also present.
    As you can read up in the Lore...
    Generally the offspring bear the racial traits of the mother, though some traces of the father's race may also be present.
    ...and there you have it.
    Racials are the ones from mommy. Daddy gets "traces", as in cosmetic stuff.
  • StormChaser3000
    Moonsorrow wrote: »
    There are black haired Altmer npcs in the game already too, so why not give it as option to players also?
    For real? Where?
  • Moonsorrow
    Moonsorrow wrote: »
    There are black haired Altmer npcs in the game already too, so why not give it as option to players also?
    For real? Where?

    Lleythen or what was the name of the one on Summerset story. Black hair and Altmer. Or i`ve been tripping or something. Also some others that name/location cannot remember right now.

    Someone else has propably better info on them?

    Or do i remember totally wrong.. pretty much 99% sure though. :)
  • VaranisArano
    Moonsorrow wrote: »
    Moonsorrow wrote: »
    There are black haired Altmer npcs in the game already too, so why not give it as option to players also?
    For real? Where?

    Lleythen or what was the name of the one on Summerset story. Black hair and Altmer. Or i`ve been tripping or something. Also some others that name/location cannot remember right now.

    Someone else has propably better info on them?

    Or do i remember totally wrong.. pretty much 99% sure though. :)

    Yep. that's the guy. Picture below if you don't care about summerset spoilers. I want his hair color.

    Here's a few more NPCs with links and farther down, with pictures:
    Edited by VaranisArano on April 26, 2019 2:26PM
  • Moonsorrow
    Moonsorrow wrote: »
    Moonsorrow wrote: »
    There are black haired Altmer npcs in the game already too, so why not give it as option to players also?
    For real? Where?

    Lleythen or what was the name of the one on Summerset story. Black hair and Altmer. Or i`ve been tripping or something. Also some others that name/location cannot remember right now.

    Someone else has propably better info on them?

    Or do i remember totally wrong.. pretty much 99% sure though. :)

    Yep. that's the guy. Picture below if you don't care about summerset spoilers. I want his hair color.

    Here's a few more NPCs with links and farther down, with pictures:

    Thanks for confirming and with a pic too! :)

    @StormChaser3000 there you have a picture proof provided by @VaranisArano
    Edited by Moonsorrow on April 26, 2019 2:37PM
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