Official Discussion Thread for "ESO Live: April 26 @ 6PM EDT"

Community Manager
This is the official discussion thread for the article ESO Live: April 26 @ 6PM EDT – The Evolving Home & Combat Team Chat. This week, Systems Designer Cullen Lee will talk about the amazing new home coming with Elsweyr, the Hall of the Lunar Champion, and show off some of its unique, year-long features. We'll also look at some of the submissions in the recent community-run “Create a Cake” housing contest.

Then, Combat Lead Brian Wheeler and Associate Combat Designer Gilliamtherogue will discuss some of the upcoming combat changes on the PTS. They’ll also be answering select questions from this forum thread so if you have any questions about combat changes currently on PTS, the Necromancer, Volundrung, or the upcoming campaign changes, just post them here!
Gina Bruno
Senior Creator Engagement Manager
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Staff Post
  • Aliyavana
    Ok, so i feel stam sorcs are lacking a class identity and i feel like just a pile of stats with just speed as flavor, will we have any changes coming to us?
    Edited by Aliyavana on April 24, 2019 4:36PM
  • casparian
    Necromancer feels fully fleshed out as either a stamina build or a magicka build, with numerous passives, buffs, debuffs, and active abilities available from both magicka and stamina morphs. You feel like you're getting a full Necromancer class experience, regardless of whether you are magicka or stamina.

    Why isn't this the case for the base game classes, especially stamina sorcerer and stamina templar?
    7-day PVP campaign regular 2016-2019, Flawless Conqueror. MagDK/stamplar/stamwarden/mageblade. Requiem, Legend, Knights of Daggerfall. Currently retired from the wars; waiting on performance improvements.
  • gepe87
    What are the current plans for stamina variation classes? StamSorc, Stamplar and StamDK need serious upgrade and class identity.
    Gepe, Dunmer MagSorc Pact Grand Overlord | Gaepe, Bosmer MagSorc Dominion General

    If you see edits on my replies: typos. English isn't my main language
  • Royalthought
    Dragonknight > Ardent Flame > Noxious breath
    One-Handed and Shield > Puncture
    Warden > Green Balance > Scorch
    Nightblade > Assassination > Mark Target

    Nightblades have the least damaging most limited source of major fracture of all that have access. No one chose mark target, not because of suprise attack, but because mark target is a counterintuitive ability.

    Why change suprise attack, a good ability, in favor of mark target, an undesirable ability?

    Now players that dont gank from behind lack major fracture and wont gain anything from the lackluster 5% pen from behind/sides. Pigeonholes us into gank playstyles.

    Its difficult seeing suprise attack having major fracture being "too much" when its single target and requires point blank range. Risk vs reward. When other classes, such as the warden, have a hard hitting ability that apllies it in AoE, cant be dodged and from range.
    Edited by Royalthought on April 24, 2019 5:28PM
  • Firstmep

    My question would be regarding the medium armor skill Evasion and its morphs.

    With the upcoming changes on the PTS, this skill is going to fall even further behind the curve in terms of cost/effectiveness.

    Every part of this skill can be obtained from multiple sources now, including the snare removal and immunity of Shuffle.

    Can we expect Evasion and its morphs to receive a check, to bring them more in line with abilities(most notably the reworked double take) that offer similar effects?

    Also will you look at the Elude morph as it currently doesnt offer anything substantial to make it worth picking it up over Shuffle.
  • ChunkyCat
    Man, this whole time I thought Gilliam worked in the mail room.
  • olsborg
    Are you looking at balancing certain heavy armor sets? that make the balance specificly between stambuilds in medium vs heavy armor very partial to heavy armor builds and have been for some time now

    PC EU
    PvP only
  • Nolic1
    Sherman from Sherman's Gaming

    Question do you plan to discuss how you are going to keep play how you want as the main stay? If so what are your plans to flesh out playstyle/roles to be allowed in all parts of the game including endgame and PvP?
    Sherman from Sherman's Gaming

    Youtube content creator that is dedicated to the Casual and Roleplay community for News, Lets Talks, Guides, Help and character builds.

    Youtube channel link:
  • TheTwistedRune
    The Necromancer as it stands does not have permanent pets, which is arguably contrary to ES lore when the average NPC is perfectly capable of it.

    Given that many MMO players inexplicably have an axe to grind with pet classes, did this in any way affect the choices you made when designing the Necromancer? If not, what was the reason for having limited time pets?

  • Dalsinthus
    My question is what is the developer's vision for the nightblade class in pvp and pve and how do the recent changes help to achieve this vision? It seems like the one thing nbs are good at (single target damage) is being reduced substantially in effectiveness, particularly for pvp.

    Specifically I have concerns about:

    Mark target: the benefits provided by this skill (fracture/breech) seem out of line with the high resource cost, particularly in comparison to equivalent skills (elemental drain). (I would have put minor vulnerability on this skill, not on teleport strike)

    Grim focus: The skill contains a lot of awkward aspects to it - 2x activation and resource expenditure with no benefit to the initial activation, heal with a long range spectral weapon, but at close range only. (I would have given this skill major brutality or sorcery on the initial cast and removed this buff from drain power. This skill does not need a heal.)

    Incapacitating Strike: The addition of mangle to this skill makes little sense. It will only reduce the max health by 10% for a short duration on high hp monsters. For most enemy players, the mangle will have no effect because the damage of incap will exceed any benefit generated by mangle. I think this skill is now strictly inferior to Dawnbreaker. (I would just make this a flat 70 cost ultimate, with single target stun and increased damage buff, drop defile entirely)
    Edited by Dalsinthus on April 24, 2019 6:19PM
  • Sanctuary_Reaper
    ChunkyCat wrote: »
    Man, this whole time I thought Gilliam worked in the mail room.

    I thought he was riding the bike that powered the EU server.
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    Will Gilliamtherogue ever go back to youtube content creation ?
  • Lord_Sando
    I would like for someone from the combat team to AT LEAST mention or just say "Stamina Sorcerer".................
  • fioskal
    PC - NA
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    fioskal wrote: »

    I miss it... :disappointed:
    Edited by Tommy_The_Gun on April 24, 2019 7:12PM
  • cheifsoap
    Is giving console users an avenue to PTS feasible?
  • Odovacar
    Maybe an update or hint on what the future of CP will be...?
  • colossalvoids
    just wanted to know if there major changes planned for stamina sorcerer / stamina templar or magicka warden as they clearly need a look or at least an explanation what is their role as dd in a current game state.
    Same goes for nightblade dd's, as it was their primary role when they lacking tools for competetive healing or tanking in community opinion. (All new changes brought nothing to stop groups from going scorepushing with only one class primary but it definitely will be felt by progression-like groups and solo players of sorts.)

    Was there any thoughts about synergising classes in a way that the best results can be earned through variety of specs and classes present? For example templar with bigger stamina pool casting X while magicka dragonknight's Y is already going doing Z effect and so on. A bit chaotic but it's just an example after all.

  • Neoauspex
    @ZOS_BrianWheeler @ZOS_Gilliam did the decision to reduce the damage of eclipse and it's morphs account for the unique counterplay options available to it (break free, cc immunity, not using direct damage skills) or was this just based on standardizing the damage with other abilities in the same category?
    Edited by Neoauspex on April 24, 2019 7:58PM
  • Vanthras79
    Has there been a design philosophy shift away from the tank/healer/damage specs for all classes? Was this just the plan for the Warden and Necromancer? Will the Sorcerer ever get a healing/tanking spec? Just curious to see if this old philosophy will be retroactive to the other classes.
    Norion Germain - Telvanni Wizard, Covenant Battle Mage, Mage's Guild Magister, Resident of Daggerfall Overlook, Lord of Tel Galen, Psijic Monk, Antiquarian, Breton Scholar, and Traveler.

  • Ajax_22
    With the current PTS you added some skills to scale off of whichever offensive stat is higher. However, the offense skills that were changed are less effective on stamina builds due to only scaling off spell penetration. All ultimates and synergies in the game currently suffer the same issue of only scaling with a single penetration stat. Is there any plan to either update these skills to work off whatever penetration is higher, or to consolidate physical, and spell penetration into a single general penetration stat?
  • Revokus
    What was the vision for the Necromancer in pvp ? What were your goals for the class to make it stand out from other classes ? And how hard was it to make sure it goes well with every complicated aspects of the game combat wise ?
    Playing since January 23, 2016
  • Morgul667
    Stamsorc feel like a non class

    What is planned to make them fun again?
  • Jenzi
    When will the Dawnwood Indrik be fixed? We worked our butts off to get this mount and it is still broken.
  • Ankael07
    With the increase to gap closer snare whats keeping players from spamming them and applying constant 60% snare that bypasses immunity?

    This happened before and it was universally disliked so why revert the change now? Who even asked for this?

    If you want me to reply to your comment type @Ankael07 in it.
  • Anhedonie
    CP system is a crutch. When ESO will be able to stand on its legs? I mean foundation is solid already, considering the presence of major/minor buffs and recent racial rebalance, along with standartisation of abilities in Elsweyr patch.
    Profanity filter is a crime against the freedom of speech. Also gags.
  • Anhedonie
    P.S. also, stat bloating is a bit of an issue. Can we expect the return of softcaps, just in a bit more polished form? Or maybe slight stat squish?
    Profanity filter is a crime against the freedom of speech. Also gags.
  • Lord_Eomer
    When Weapon and Armour traits will be improved?
  • Zypheran
    @ZOS_GinaBruno can we presume you will be taking questions for Cullen also?
    Can you please tell Cullen (And the rest of the housing team) that the new furniture items being added to PTS are absolutely amazing. Really great job well done.
    Also can you ask him please if the team will consider making Halls of the Lunar Champion into separate load areas with separate item limits.
    I think it will be very very difficult to decorate all 4 areas with only 700 slots.
    Edited by Zypheran on April 25, 2019 12:50PM
    All my housing builds are available on YouTube
    I am happy to share the EHT save files for most of my builds.
  • chris211
    This is the official discussion thread for the article ESO Live: April 26 @ 6PM EDT – The Evolving Home & Combat Team Chat. This week, Systems Designer Cullen Lee will talk about the amazing new home coming with Elsweyr, the Hall of the Lunar Champion, and show off some of its unique, year-long features. We'll also look at some of the submissions in the recent community-run “Create a Cake” housing contest.

    Then, Combat Lead Brian Wheeler and Associate Combat Designer Gilliamtherogue will discuss some of the upcoming combat changes on the PTS. They’ll also be answering select questions from this forum thread so if you have any questions about combat changes currently on PTS, the Necromancer, Volundrung, or the upcoming campaign changes, just post them here!

    is there any planes to remove or rework the heal absorption from scythe at all imo a class should not both have that and defile in its kit?
    Edited by chris211 on April 25, 2019 7:10AM
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