Crossed swords don't appear merely because you're near a stealthed player. Swords are an indicator of combat, but may not be completely reliable. They are for finding fights more than avoiding them.1. I'm pretty sure that crossed swords used to show up on your map anytime someone was fighting in Cyrodiil sometimes even just being in close proximity to a stealthed player, Has this Changed?
Certain NPCs have stealth detection -- but they do not detect invisible players.3. Why does it seem that the NPCs have two or three times the detection radius for a stealthed player as compared to a regular player? (faction controlled cities you can't sneak into a building if you don't have control of the nearest flag because of NPCs guarding it)
It is unlikely it would have anything to do with their addons, but it's definitely possible your addons are contributing to performance issues. The general rule in Cyrodiil is to use as few addons as necessary.4. Why does it seem that if you get around certain players that ping and frame rates go to crap? Could it be some type of add-on they are running being in conflict with one you are running?
First I enjoy going into Cyrodiil from time to time and it doesn't bother me to die in this game, actually it's expected as I'm usually going Solo.
5. Why do some town no longer seem to have markers on the map, I was pretty sure that they use to? (example Cheydinhal) ( I know there are two forms of the map depending on how and where you look they weren't on either)
It is unlikely it would have anything to do with their addons, but it's definitely possible your addons are contributing to performance issues. The general rule in Cyrodiil is to use as few addons as necessary.
I want to believe this, but recently nuked my addons and playing clean and it still happens, even though my computer doesn't break a sweat with this game.
I'm not saying addons are the cause of all performance issues, but they certainly *can* be a major cause of performance issues. LUA is single threaded and addon authors aren't necessarily good coders.
There are an array of performance issues in Cyrodiil. So many that it can be difficult to discern between them. Because of the influx of art assets and the addition of the outfit system over the past couple of years, ESO can really struggle with asset management. It does not maximize system ram, so it constantly cycles assets in and out of memory. This causes a lot of stutter. IMO, pre-haswell intel cpus will feel it more because of meltdown/spectre mitigations.
Beyond that, there's also a 30-50% FPS drop bug that's been an issue since 2.2 and other misc issues that can
And finally, even if your client performance is perfect, Cyrodiil server lag can result in client stutter.
I'm not sure if you're implying there is an addon cheat that causes the clients of other players to stutter. It's theoretically for an attack of that nature to exist, but unlikely and cannot be presumed to exist without evidence.