I never understand the mentality of bashing players for killing PvE'rs in Cyrodiil. Or people bashing PvP'ers for not knowing dungeon mechanics. And there can be something said about the event being offered and groups of people stopping players from getting a reward that is offered a limited time, but that is the exception and different discussion.
I mainly play PvE, I only step foot into Cyrodiil from time to time. Mainly just for the monthly transmute crystals and sometimes just to farm ap and mats. I don't complain about a PvP'er coming to kill me while doing those things. It is part of the game, I knew what I signed up for when I went into Cyrodiil. So if I am easy prey for them, then that is on me, not them. If I wanted to be able to survive, then I would build tanky to survive them. At the same time, when I queue for a random vet dungeon and see a PvP'er who doesn't know the mechanics. I don't yell at them for not knowing or playing badly. I try to walk them through it and support them by changing my abilities around so that I can either help heal, mitigate damage, ect... The mentality and toxicity of blaming other players needs to stop. Instead, just ask yourself what you can change to fix it. So what if it took me three hours to finish FGII because someone killed the spiders (attempt at bad joke). Who cares if a nightblade ganked me while running to the next keep, I'll take a different, longer path around next time.
Edited by ShadowKyuubi on April 23, 2019 6:18PM