Upon entering a dungeon, you may sometimes find yourself witnessing that BLUE PORTAL indicating the dungeon has already been completed . .
Nonetheless, that is not the worst part.
After leaving the group in hopes to begin a new dungeon, you may also find yourself with a time penalty before you can requeue for another dungeon run.
Wether or not the group of players prior to this were deliberately wasting your time or not isn't the only good reason to remove this penalty.
Sometimes, when a group finshes a dungeon, a player may leave while the others linger a bit longer.
That enables players to get instanced to their finished dungeon, I assume.
There is a video below that is short and to the point that you may find useful.
***Dungeon Bug Needs Fixing:
Edited by Indoril_Nerevar on April 24, 2019 10:56AM